To Watch the Debate or Not to watch the debate that is a question.

Though not necessarily “The” question.

I’m pretty ambivalent about watching. There was an interesting clip on twitter of a CNN hostess cutting off a Trump spokesperson after that spokesperson referenced documented statements from Jake Tapper exhibiting his clear bias against Trump.

Apparently the CNN hostess took statements of fact as an “Attack” on her colleague and wouldn’t hear any more of it. This calls into question CNN’s overall ability to moderate the debate without bias.

The question is, can CNN cover up Biden’s obvious infirmity? I’m just suspicious enough that I could see The DNC setting Biden up hoping that he’ll have a heart attack or stroke during the debate then calling Trump a “Murderer” for stressing Biden out to the point that he fell ill.

To any of the Democrat rank & file reading this. You might want to have a serious talk with the party leaders and let them know random people think Democrats have become really evil. I’m talking sucking Satan’s cock evil. The Republican Party may be a bunch of sell outs, but they’re not evil in the same way, and certainly don’t plumb the depths of depravity as the Democrats have done with Biden.

I think a lot of folks have wondered if we’re witnessing Elder Abuse with this presidency.

Td simpsons bird.Alternatively if I was Trump. I’d try to rattle the old geezer. Trump has a habit of using a lot of hyperbole when he’s speaking. Were I Trump I’d be dialing that shit through the roof, forcing an emotional response out of Biden. Simultaneously forcing Biden’s already taxed logical processing to work extra hard. Once Trump ran Biden off the rails it’s unlikely Biden would recover.

Trump could legitimately bring up the Hunter Laptop. In the first debate Biden claimed it was Russian disinformation and Trump said,  “You mean the laptop is now another ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ hoax?”

Now the FBI, CIA, and rest of the alphabet assholes in government have admitted Hunter’s laptop is not only real, but contains DAMNING evidence. It might be interesting for Trump to revisit that whole Russia thing again. That’s gotta be a soft target with Biden and might be enough to shake him despite whatever drugs he might be hopped up on. 

I’d be tempted to watch the debate because I personally would like to see all the bullshit the “Journalists” and the Biden administration have spun to protect Biden crumble.

I’d like to see Biden just come completely undone on stage, in front of the whole world putting an end to the lies about how wonderful, sharp, and fit he is.

If he did melt down, you can bet your bottom dollar that we’d see the old “Technical Difficulties” screen

In the 2020 debate, Biden said, “I am the Democrat Party.” Seeing him fold and crumble on stage would underscore the infirmity and disconnectedness of the Democrat party. It would make a brutal campaign add.

Video of Biden losing it, with his voice saying “I am the Democrat Party”. 

On the other hand, I worry that watching the debate will be like watching a snuff film and what kind of person does that make me?

Maybe I’ll just wait to see the highlights