Here’s something that passed through my mind

Appeal To Heaven Flag 1.I know, I’m an evil bastard.

After Maxine Waters saying things to gin up more racial divide and accusing trump supporters of training for the revolution… (would it be revolution or a civil war?) Hmm I’ll have to look that up. What defines one versus the other?

Anyway…  I was thinking it would be a lot of fun to have enough people wearing the “Appeal to Heaven” flag that literally everywhere she turned, she saw it. If she’s going to be paranoid, I say let’s feed it. Maybe, she will just obviously lose her mind, (instead of just being batshit crazy as she’s been for years,)  and be removed from Congress.

If we’re lucky perhaps we can drive Pelosi and “The Squad” nuts too.

This crossed my mind because the Democrats in media and government have been trying to damn Alito over his wife flying the flag at their beach house.

I really don’t like mad Maxine, and would love to see her frothing at the mouth about racism. Racism, mind you that her party thrives on and does everything in its power to perpetuate.

I noted that Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas has pancreatic cancer. I’m sorry she’s sick. I hope for her sake, that she retires from Congress and the stresses of that job, to concentrate on healing.

Hopefully, her replacement will not be quite so stupid.

I’m being unkind. It feels almost like I’m kicking her when she’s down, but someone as stupid as she is, should not be in Congress.

Honestly, there should be some kind of minimum standard for Congressional service. Minimum intelligence? Minimum GPA? Perhaps each candidate should have to pass an entrance exam with their score published publicly, prior to them campaigning for a position.

If we had something like an entrance exam, we might have a chance of having the best leaders instead of the most moronic.

I’m not going to hold my breath.

Oh I’ve been asked to pass on that the MAGA Tank driving training is taking place next weekend.

Coordinates: 35.0083333 -115.4749981

Make sure to tell Maxine.