It is the Yellow time.

This happens every single year, sometimes it’s worse than other times. 

After the blizzard in 2023 all the water supercharged plants and there were days when I felt like I was living in a yellow fog. That was in addition to the fog I was living in anyway.

The most recent Winter wasn’t quite as wet, but there is still a little yellow fog when the wind blows, or I vacuum. 

Every tree and plant is doing the pollen thing. My sinuses are super pissed off!

Opening the windows which I prefer, since it’s not been too hot means I get to deal with a fine yellow layer of pollen every morning. I typically close the windows at night so in the stillness the pollen settles.

Eh I’m probably just bitching because literally everyone is getting laid, including the Trees and plants and I’m not getting any!

I’m just jealous.

Anyhow, I’ll be working to keep my sinuses clear for at least the next few weeks in hopes of avoiding any more serious sinus related issues. My sinuses being pissed off is one thing, them being infected is quite another.

Hope everyone is having a good week.