My God the Democrats have lost their minds!

Traitors All.I wasn’t planning to write about any political shit today. But I can’t remain silent in the face of this stupidity!

Across the nation there are Democrats celebrating that the “Evil Orange Man” was found guilty on all 34 charges. Charges of WHAT???

A bookkeeping error?  More properly, that someone in New York City didn’t like the way the book keeping was done by Trumps bookkeeper and found Trump guilty instead of trying the accountant or bookkeeper for this crime.

Fuck! These people are stupid!

But it’s worse than that. If the Republicans end up in power, regardless of Trump winning or not. The Republicans should, in my opinion go after every single one of the Democrats with questionable activities in Congress.

The best thing the Biden administration could do right now, is to disband congress, fire all the Justices in the SCOTUS appoint their own justices and Biden should declare himself dictator for life.

As angry as the people of America are about this I can’t see anything other than completely flushing the United States Constitution.

The implementation of Communist ideals is the only option left to these people. That is the only way that they could possibly intimidate the American People into submission.

Anything less, well they might be able to pull off a bloodless coup.

If the Republicans take control of congress then all these people better be running for the border to someplace without extradition.

If the Republicans use the perverted laws that the Democrats have used every one of these people would be marched out to the gallows and hung.

Honestly, if that were to happen, I’d crack open a beer and smoke a cigar to watch the executions.

Unfortunately I think we’re in for some real shit out of the Democrats in the next few months. We’ve already seen dumbass Joe making statements about the verdict today. Did anyone listen to his address?

His exit from the press conference and that evil little smile said everything we needed to know about Joe Biden.

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