This is the best they’ve got?

Michale Cohen.So the best New York can throw against Trump is a Felon, Serial Liar, Disbarred Attorney, who admits that he embezzled funds from Trump?

New York put this kind of insanity in front of a Jury expecting them to side with the state of New York against Trump for what amounts to, at worst an accounting error? 

That accounting error was in a payment or payments to the aforementioned Felon while he was acting as Trumps attorney? 

What the FUCK?

This guy has got to be the dumbest fuck ever!

He’s apparently made s few million dollars writing disparaging books about Trump as well and now we hear from this moron’s own lips that he’s an embezzler. And he’s stupid enough to have admitted it in a court of law.

I swear, lock this guy up and throw away the fucking key.

Plus he apparently took a whole series of actions without Trumps knowledge regarding the Stormy Daniels shit. Including mortgaging his own house to pay Stormy Daniels off. Really? This guy really needs to hear his own testimony, maybe then he’d understand why there was no place in Trumps administration for him.


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