Yes, I’ve been a looter

I and several coworkers were in the San Jose Convention Center during the Loma Prieta Earthquake in 1989. We were presenters at a Technology convention.


After the quake we picked our way through the roof panels, broken machines, and shattered glass.

Once outside we quickly realized that everything was changed. The public transportation system wasn’t running. There was  small rubble in the roads, on the sidewalks, and some of the streets had cracked. In the distance we could hear sirens and see smoke. Later we learned the damage we picked our way through was nothing like the damage in San Francisco and Oakland but it was enough to make walking interesting.

We were all dressed in business attire. The ladies with me were in high heels and dresses. Standing there I realized that we were going to have to walk back to our hotel and connect with the rest of the folks from our company who were not at the convention center or who had left the center via different exits.

I explained my thought about getting back to the hotel to the ladies with me. After waiting a little while to see if there were others from our company wandering in the crowd, we set off on foot toward the hotel.

Picking our way through the loose rubble it became obvious that the ladies high heels were a problem. About a half mile from the convention center we came upon a shoe store. The windows were broken and there was no-one minding the shop. We entered the store and located sneakers in the proper sizes for the ladies. 

At this point we were technically looters. We’d entered a building without permission, we were actively “stealing”.

Both of the ladies left notes stating the SKU number, size, and description of the sneakers they were taking. Those notes also contained their names, and phone numbers, with a promise of payment. The ladies put in their notes, “Thank you!” We slipped the notes into the locked register drawer and left in peace.

Several hours later we arrived at the hotel to find chaos. The phones were down, the power was down, but the bar was open and the hotel was providing a free buffet of cold cut sandwiches. About an hour later, hotel maintenance was able to rig up a generator that powered the bar television and we got our first look at the damage in San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose. Later in the night power was restored to the hotel.

A day or two later, when the airports opened, our company flew us home.

Several weeks later, one of the ladies I was traveling with, got a call at her desk. It was the owner of the shoe store. My coworker called me and our other coworker over, then put the owner on her desk speaker phone. The store owner told both ladies that instead of asking for a check, he wanted to let them know he’d framed the notes and hung them behind the cash register. He’d done this because he couldn’t believe someone would do what we did and it gave him hope. 

We asked if the store had been looted further, he told us that the San Jose Police had locked the area down shortly after we’d been there so all of the local shop owners had suffered only minimal losses.

The lesson I learned is that taking something because you need it, and only taking what you need is very different from ransacking and cleaning out a place because you want a bunch of stuff.

According to the letter of the law we were looters. We could have been arrested and charged. We could have been shot and no-one would have thought anything about it.

Flash forward to this time in our history and I’d no more think of doing what we did than think I could fly. 

Fort myers comp

There’s something different in our country today. I can’t put my finger on it. It’s like there’s an overwhelming greed coupled with entitlement.

Now days looting is synonymous with stealing stupid stuff and stealing everything from a store. I guess looting has always been synonymous with these things. People don’t understand that just because something is “insured” doesn’t mean there’s no price.

I have a very different view of a mother stealing a can of baby formula or a loaf of bread and can of tuna, than I do people raiding a Best Buy. Yeah you stole a 65” flatscreen but it’s not going to do you any good with the power out. The mother on the other hand is obviously feeding her children.

So you cleaned out a Coach store and stole 50 handbags but what good are they?

I was thinking about these things in the wake of hurricane Ian. 

There are reports of looting in some areas of Florida. The problem is people looting a grocery store to feed hungry children are treated the same as the assholes who clean out a Best Buy. Someone taking one pair of sneakers is treated the same as someone taking 50 pairs.

These are not the same thing. In the moment though, police aren’t going to be able to differentiate the person who’s a criminal out of necessity and the asshole criminal who’s in it due to opportunity, and for greed.

I’d bet that most grocers would hand a mother a can of formula, a loaf of bread and can of tuna and not think about it. That’s serving the community. The grocer would probably be happy to pass out one or two items each, to folks who were orderly and asked nicely.

But when a mob of people breaks in after a disaster, taking entire cases of stuff for themselves with no intention to share, that’s morally wrong and speaks to a selfishness and greed that’s detrimental to the community.

For me personally I always thought there was shared moral code all Americans understood. An almost absolute definition of right and wrong. The past few years have made me question that belief.

I find myself asking what has happened to the country I grew up in. What happened to feeling like you could trust the intentions of others and take their stories at face value? When did we forget that lying is wrong?

I used to stop and help stranded motorists, I used to pick up hitchhikers, I used to buy meals for homeless people or folks that were down on their luck. Now I do none of that. It’s not because I don’t care, it’s because I can no longer tell if someone is really in need, or if someone is trying to play me.

When did we lose our way?

A more important question is, “Can we find our way back?”

I know that looting is going to become a problem in the coming days across Florida. I just hope that the police and everyone else is mindful that, some people are taking only what they need to survive or feed their children, and aren’t too quick to judge.

Oh Boy, Third Strike and I’m out!

I’ve written and discarded three blog posts today.


Im settling on this one come hell or high water!

I’ve been keeping a close eye on hurricane Ian. I have family throughout Florida including in the Ft Meyers area.

My family has said that for the past week or more Governor DeSantis has been on the local news stations providing instructions, detailing plans, and telling folks not to panic but to do commonsense things that anyone who’s ever been through a hurricane knows should be done.

Politico, Jackasses on The View, CNN, and morons in Washington D.C have totally pissed me off with their bullshit trying to say a hurricane is caused by global warming and that somehow DeSantis is at fault.

Uh NO! If you subscribe to the theory that Climate Change over the past 100 years is responsible for major storms then DeSantis sucking the cock of the Climate Change folks over the past few years wouldn’t have stopped hurricane Ian.

It’s a slow cumulative process that’s taken 100 years to create. If you were to somehow magically be able to undo all the effects of Climate Change instantly… You’d create devastating storms and more Climate Change because you instantly changed the planetary climate conditions.

What do you think happened with the extinction of the dinosaurs? Big rock from space hits the planet. The impact and heat transferred to the ocean caused tons of debris and vaporized the ocean in or near what is now the Gulf of Mexico. Rain, darkness, debris, and ash blocked out the sun. After that it was only a matter of time before the planet’s atmosphere cooled possibly triggering a kind of extended winter, followed by an ice age and poof dinosaurs died off.

That’s what happens when you radically alter an environmental system.

When the volcano on Krakatoa blew, there was enough dust thrown into the atmosphere that it apparently caused shorter growing seasons in Europe and the Thames in London froze in Winter for several years.

Tell me again how DeSantis kowtowing to Climate Change activists would have prevented a hurricane…


Then there’s that moron from MN Amy Klobuchar who suggests that voting Democrat would have had effect on hurricane Ian.

Either the Democrats. Have weather control technology and have been using it to destroy those who disagree with them, or Klobuchar is admitting she and the Democrat party are the single largest coven of evil witches ever seen.

The more likely explanation is that she’s just a moron. Although it might be fun to take all the democrat party in Washington and give them the Witch test. Tying them up and tossing them in the Potomac to see who floated might be good for a laugh. Nah, I wouldn’t want to pollute the Potomac with that much festering human refuse.

The shrews on The View are no better, and Joy Reid is quite possibly the dumbest person on TV.

She’s such a well informed climatologist she can make the statement, “There’s no doubt climate change is responsible for Ian”. Wow Joy! I didn’t know you could read much less that you were a climatologist.


Don Lemon on CNN morning (No longer a prime time Anchor) Had the audacity to try to back a real meteorologist Jamie Rhome into a corner about climate change during an interview while Ian was making landfall in Florida.

Even after Dumbass Don got politely shutdown by Rhome, Lemon tried again to have Rhome connect Ian to climate change, forcing Rhome into a more strenuous shutdown, Lemon had to have the last word saying, “I grew up there and the storms are getting stronger.”

Well Don Florida is much better off without you living there. It wouldn’t surprise me to discover that you were one of the people who created the “Hanging Chad” voting debacle.

This was almost as funny as Dumbass Don being roasted by royal commentator Hilary Fordwich over reparations when he pushed that issue during his coverage of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

Ms. Fordwich was properly British and smoked Lemon without raising her voice. It was epic, the link is here and funny to watch.

CNN Royal Correspondent Tells Don Lemon Reparations Should Be Paid for Slavery By Africans 640x335 2828689854

The thing is, this season in Florida is called Hurricane Season for a reason. It’s a yearly event, it’s been happening forever and most folks throughout the Caribbean are familiar with it.

Some years you get a lot of little storms, some years you get a couple of major storms. It’s the luck of the draw.

Old timers in Florida try not to look a gift horse in the mouth if the hurricane season passes with one or two minor storms, but they’ll tell you if you ask, they worry about “paying the piper” the next year with a major storm.

Anyway, every time I started to write something I’d get distracted by the stupidity of some other moron.

But the one that really pissed me off was President Biden.

Grandstanding as he was in the D.C. FEMA office was obscene. Although I did enjoy the look the guy behind Sleepy Joe’s left shoulder had.


There was absolutely nothing Joe could offer being in the FEMA office. The odds are that his presence significantly disrupted those folks working day.

In other words, Dementia Joe slowed down their progress at getting needed resources out of warehouses and moving toward the area they are needed.

Sort of like him bloviating at a major airport during one of the recent air traffic snarls and because of him being there to run his mouth, he added to the problem by having that part of the airport shut down.

We got another dose of angry Joe, when he said that he was going to be watching the gas prices in Florida very closely and threatened the gas stations not to gouge the consumers.

I found this particularly annoying since in California, 3000 miles away from the hurricane. The gas prices rose .16 cents overnight. If that’s not gouging sleepy Joe, I don’t know what is.

Mayorkis running his mouth wasn’t adding anything either.

I think DeSantis has probably done everything pretty darn close to right. I think that when Florida does the “After Action Review” they’ll find some things that could have been done better and then implement what they learn so that the next hurricane they’ll handle better. That’s a marked contrast to the Biden Administration and the Democrat party who never learns anything new except how to fuck over the American people.

Lemon, Reid, Klobuchar, Biden, Mayorkis, and the vicious harpies on The View, are a bunch of jackasses and they cannot be removed from their positions too fucking soon!

Totally a first world problem…

As most readers know, long ago I switched over to Apple for most everything in my personal computing environment. Wherever you look in my home office, you’ll see an Apple logo. 

Exceptions are of course in monitors, printers, and these days my router. Apple no longer makes their Airports or Time Capsules. So I ended up changing components as the Apple devices wore out.

Apple Monitors are spectacular but far too expensive for my needs. There was a time I even had an Apple LaserWriter.

This is not to say Apple makes the best products. I do find however that Apple products tend to remain useful far beyond their non Apple competitors. It’s nice having a unified ecosystem too. Being able to update everything from a central source is on the one hand a little spooky but on the other hand it’s super convenient. I like knowing that my devices have updated themselves and typically don’t require a lot of intervention on my part. (HomePods, I’m looking at you when I say “Typically”)

All that being said, I’ve been noticing that lately the configurations of Apple equipment that I’d be most likely to purchase haven’t been available off the shelf.

The latest example has been the Apple Watch Ultra. The 13” MacBook Pro with the M2 processor 24GB of RAM and 2 TB of disk storage. One can argue that the Apple Watch is brand new, okay I’ll give you that one. The MacBook Pro 13” on the other hand has been out for a long while. Why then is the maximum configuration still not readily available? Oh right… COVID. 

Another item just showed up on this list. The Mac Studio. It’s been out for almost a year. You’d think I could pull up at an Apple Store, and plunk down 3K then walk out with one containing the M1 Ultra Chip, max memory, and 2 TB of disk. Well you’d be wrong. 


This configuration is apparently order only and has a mid October delivery date. Why? Surely I can’t be the only person to realize that with Apple Products these days you have to buy what you’re willing to live with from the get go. Modern Macs don’t allow for upgrades, they don’t allow you to buy a mid grade unit then max it out later. You have to buy it knowing that if you outstrip it’s capabilities you’re going to have to buy a new machine.

So what the hell? After the recent debacle with me purchasing a maxed out M1 MacBook Pro and then having it stolen when I needed to ship it back to Apple because it was defective. I don’t want to buy anything new unless I can exchange it in a store.

(I’m still having to pay for the computer even though it was stolen. Fed Ex denies responsibility and so does their agent Dollar General. Word to the wise, if you have to return something to Apple, drive 100 miles to the nearest Apple store to return it. Make sure Apple gives you a receipt on paper. For that matter if you’re shipping something back to a manufacturer for refund or exchange don’t accept “We’ll send you a text message or an email,” demand a paper receipt because that’s your only proof that you handed the product to FedEx or UPS or whoever. Text messages are complete bullshit as receipts.)

In my case, I don’t want to order anything from anyone online. Sure there’s convenience in having something delivered to your door, but if whatever it is, is broken, or dies, the hassle of returning it and waiting for a replacement greatly destroys the convenience. 

I prefer to be able to take something back to the store and get an exchange on the spot. 

In the case of Apple, I prefer to unbox the machine in the damn store and power it up. I want to Know it works before I leave. Setting something up in the store allows me to know that and do a trade in, if desired, at the same damn time.

Apple products are generally reliable right from the get go but given the sloppy Chinese manufacturing I’ve seen lately, and the fact that most all of Apple’s products are made in China… Well, I really want to verify things are working while it’s still easy to exchange.

Therein lies the problem. Since the Apple stores don’t have representative examples of the top of the line configurations in stock and I’m gun-shy about ordering something custom for which there is no backup I’m not likely to buy the item in the first place.

That’s how I came to be screwed with my M1 MacBook. I had to return it and have another one built, it’s not like I could get another one off the shelf at an Apple Store.

Yes this is a first world problem. 

Nonetheless, it begs the question why isn’t Apple stocking the high end configurations at their stores? I mean at least ONE in stock at each store?

When I bought my Intel MacBook (Max configuration) it was literally as simple as walking in to the Apple Store and stating what I wanted. They had 4 in stock. I powered the machine up, checked it for functionality, and walked out with my purchase.

Granted that was in 2019. I’m sick and tired of hearing about COVID. I’m sick of hearing about supply chain issues. I’m sick of excuses! 

If Apple knows it’s got a problem, they should fix it. If we know we’ve got supply chain issues then the people in charge of supply chains should get off their asses and fix the problem.

If Apple can’t get products from China, then they should move the damn factories to places where they can get products built and reliably delivered.

That goes for every stinking manufacturer of anything.

I, like many Americans, never really paid much attention to government, or governments, or the supply chain. Stuff just freaking worked.  

But now… Oh this shit has my full and undivided attention.

Perhaps in November we’ll see just how many other Americans are suddenly paying attention. If the Democrats in America get beaten into the ground and Tech companies suffer major losses in sales because a) they can’t get products into consumers hands in a reasonable time, or b) people can’t afford those products, then I’m pretty darn sure they’ll get the message. When their stock prices take a dump and the economy sinks further because products aren’t available and people won’t or can’t pay the prices, the message should be very clear.

It’ll be signed, “The American People”

Really? Mid November for an new iPhone or Apple Watch? 

There’s no point in companies spending on marketing. By the time the product is actually available, people will be anticipating next years’ model and will hold off on their purchases. That by the way is called “Marketing Window”

That’s probably where I’m going to come down on this.

See ya next year Apple, maybe…