Hmm, Interesting and perhaps boding ill

I finally got down to the Sheriff’s substation to pick up their report, that I have to take to the court house to file a restraining order.

They charged me $1 for a single piece of paper.

It’s not the buck, it’s a fundamental question of why was the victim charged for the paper at all?

This led to to wondering what the cost to file the restraining order would be. Thus far I’ve not been able to find a single bit of information about fees in general.

Paraphrasing the Talosians from Star Trek, “The county’s methods of data storage are crude and take much time to assimilate…”

Broad searches for restraining orders produce only results dealing with domestic abuse. No fees are listed. Narrowing the search still produced only domestic abuse results and scanning those, I now understand why so many abused people allow it to go on & on. The bar to enact a restraining order is high and requires the victim to prove beyond a doubt that a restraining order is warranted.

There are plenty of articles dealing with how to break a lease earlier so that the victim can get out of a rental situation and therefore get away from the abuse. (Tip, the victim can break the lease in less than 30 days. The law generously allows them to only give 15 days notice one a restraining order is in hand.

This is insane! The victim is so screwed. Ongoing abuse by the abuser, and then again and again by the law that is supposed to protect them. I think I see why domestic crime is often so damn violent…

I’m taking a break in my searches of the county web site. Poorly organized data is worse than no data at all. If there’s no information that’s one thing, but if the data is supposed to be someplace and is unfindable it just compounds the frustrating “original sin”.

Ah well, back to it… Or I take a longer break and take advantage of the cool weather to go outside and do some yard work.

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