Okay, One thing finally broke my way…

As of Thursday I no longer have a leased car. Whew!

While I’m not planning on driving all over Hell’s half acre, (especially with the price of gas,) I’m happy to not have to worry about the mileage on the vehicle anymore.

That means that if I have to take a trip I won’t be worried about the miles, and I can just freakin enjoy myself.

And I still have a car! I was tuning my bicycle up just in case.

In other news, I lucked out because the buyout of the lease versus the blue book value of the car left me about 18K Above Water. How often does that happen? At the credit union I was like, “The car is worth 18K more than the lease buyout? Are you sure about that? Whoo Hooo!”

I’d looked at other vehicles and when I compared their prices and MPG it became obvious that the math worked out best for me to keep what I’ve got and drive it for another 10 years. I’m very happy with this car, and its got most everything I want. It’s comfortable and well, BMW isn’t making them like this anymore.

I’ll also put my 31.5 MPG average against most all of the new vehicles too!

So that’s a load off my mind and has improved my outlook on life in general.

Now I gotta figure out a way to make money.

I’m going to Scarlett O’Hara that for the time being… “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”

Now it makes perfect sense why 4 different BMW dealers and BMW Financial have been lighting up my phone since January. They were looking at sliding me into another lease and making a hell of a profit on my lease return. Trouble with that, is that most of the current line of BMW products I don’t like. Those that I did like were fabulously expensive and didn’t have all the options I wanted, apparently due to the chip shortage.

I’m sure that the telemetry my car was sending to BMW was a factor too. They could see that I was way, way, under the milage for the lease and that of course increases the resale value.

Sorry guys!

BTW you really should get some people on your phones that don’t require a universal translator to understand. Of the 4 dealers, the only one that was clearly comprehensible was a guy from Orange County. Not only that, his message was direct, to the point, and he wasn’t hemming and hawing with a bunch of chatter in the background.

As it happens, that is the dealer I’ll be working with from here on out. The local dealerships have all kinda gone to shit since they’ve been purchased by larger multi-dealership conglomerates.

That’s a pity too.

One of them used to be family owned and while they were family owned, they were freaking fantastic. Sales, & Service were both top notch and the job was done right the first time. Sigh… 10 years of doing business together flushed down the tubes over a 1 year span.

I won’t darken their door if I can help it, not even to purchase windshield washer fluid.

I guess I’ll have to make an appointment for two new rear tires in the coming months… I was putting it off in case I had to turn the car in. Hey! I’m not gonna plunk down a chunk of change for tires I’m not going to use!

The next routine service, I’m going to get a new 4 series keyring… Just to celebrate!

What the hell?

I saw this on Apple News, and well, it was neck snapping!

Mayorkas testifies DHS is creating ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

You’ve got to be kidding me! I wrote about DHS not being our friend a while ago.

I don’t care what you call it, this is still “The Ministry of Truth,” it’s right out of Orwell’s 1984.

Nina Jankowicz

Nina Jankowicz is a full blown control freak and she’s heading the board as Executive Director.

What the fuck is happening to our country?

We don’t need government protection from what people say.

We The People are, or should be mature enough to read something and decide that we don’t like it, or disagree, and move the hell on. We decide what we want to see or read not some jackass in Washington DC.

They haven’t even effectively defined what disinformation is.

Was it disinformation when Hunter Biden’s laptop turned up? Well at first, all the news media suppressed it, as did Twitter and Facebook. Then 18 months later we’re hearing “Oh yeah, that laptop was real.”

That suppression of reality was done at the level of corrupt media. What kind of suppression will we see from a branch of The Department of Homeland Security?

More information about this Nina character appears in this Newsweek article . There’s more opinion from The New York Post

In another article, she’s argued that Congress should create new laws to block mockery of women online, citing the volume of “gender disinformation” used to criticize Vice President Harris.

She’s missed the point. Criticism of VP Harris is not about her gender, although that comes up in the criticism. It’s about VP Harris’s complete and total failure and her total unlikeability. Let’s remember that Harris couldn’t garner votes for the presidential primary… In her own state! If you can’t get California voters behind you, you’re doing something wrong.

Another chilling aspect of this, is a statement by DHS head Mayorkas:

“We have so many different efforts underway to equip local communities to identify individuals who very well could be descending into violence, by reason of ideologies of hate, false narratives, or other disinformation and misinformation propagated on social media and other platforms.”

What the hell? That is a very broad brush he’s painting with.

What exactly does he mean by, “Ideologies of hate,”? Who defines that?

It could be argued that CAIR funded by Hamas embodies hateful Ideologies. Or that a Southern Baptist congregation protesting abortion and demanding CRT not be taught in public schools is engaging in hate speech. Don’t even mention Rachel Levine or Lia Thomas they’re protected as sacred cows.

Wasn’t it Mayorkas that pledged to bring the full weight of the FBI down on parents in Virginia who were demanding answers and accountability from their school districts? Wasn’t this the guy who described those parents as domestic terrorists?

It should be noted very clearly. Mayorkas does not say people who have committed actual crime… The way I read his comment suggests rather a return to McCarthyism. A return to lists of people who the State views as threats because of things they read, or expressing disagreement on a subject, which I’ll remind you is their Constitutionally protected First Amendment Right.

Or are we just going to tear up the Constitution and wipe our asses with it? Even then, it appears that would be two tiered justice. One tier for those in power and another tier for those who are not.

Honestly, this shit must stop.

We know of course that it will not stop under the Biden / Harris administration. We know that the lawmakers in Washington DC won’t stand up for The Constitution. We know that even if there is a rout of Democrats and Republicans in the midterms and even if the new lawmakers want to stop this kind of crap, it’s going to take years of hearings and wrangling to undo.

Writing bad laws, or creating bad departments is a lot easier than eliminating them.

This outta be fun to watch…

Apparently the board of Twitter has decided to accept Elon Musk’s offer to purchase the company.

I’d imagine that a lot of liberal Twitter employees are shitting themselves right about now. Especially those who have been so invested in outright censorship. They’re out the door!

I’d also imagine that the remaining libtard snowflake Twitter users are having meltdowns because they may soon be seeing things in their feeds that they personally don’t like.

Oh well!

Twitter stock is shooting up and I wish I had the money to invest in it right now. I’d love to ride the wave up.

Hell, I might even consider opening a Twitter account again. It might be fun to watch the meltdowns realtime. What are the fragile little snowflakes gonna do when real freedom of speech smacks ’em upside the head?

I left Twitter a couple of years ago, precisely because the censorship and Twitter Mobs attacking someone who questioned the “Approved” narrative was so disgusting.

I’m not talking about someone saying that world was flat. I’m talking about someone asking about the legitimacy of Hydroxychloroquine. Simply asking a question about it could get the person banned. Then there’s the Hunter Biden laptop, or people correcting false narratives about Trump, by posting unedited raw videos

Something like… “Hey, here’s the whole video and this is what he really said or did.”

Yep, that was enough to get you banned.

The cockroaches should be scattering like those in a filthy kitchen when you flip on the lights. It couldn’t happen to a finer group of people. I’d bet there’s a lot of left leaning H1B1 employees freaking the fuck out right about now.

Hey assholes… Pack your bags! In a very short time Twitter on your resume will be toxic if you’re trying to find another job in a liberal “woke” company.

No doubt it will take Elon a while to wrangle the purchase, take the company private again, and fire all the shitheads. So improvement won’t happen over night, I’m sure there will be sabotage from the shitheads on their way out.

This news is a ray of hope and frankly I needed that right about now.

Hmm I wonder when they’ll be hiring replacement workers? Gotta keep my eye on that.

Elon, may be able to make Twitter actually profitable. Musk buying an existing company that already has global reach and attendant infrastructure means that newer competing platforms may also take a hit. That will be interesting to watch shake out.

I wonder what Apple is going to do about it. Will they ban Twitter like they banned Parler and Gab from the Apple App Store? That may be a nasty headache for Tim Cook. How’s Apple going to justify banning those applications while allowing a Twitter that’s all about free speech?

Alternatively, if Apple tries to ban Twitter they’ll face the wrath of the liberals who’ve come to rely on Twitter to coordinate their BLM and ANTIFA rallies. Or if they’re in LA, coordinate their smash and grab looting.

I do hope Elon has complete control before the Midterms. I’ve wondered how much sway Twitter and their censorship really had on the 2020 election. I might just be getting my answer.

Twitter, Gab, Parler, MeWe and others allowing conservative posts and real discussions to take place versus the echo chamber of censorship on FaceBook, Google, and Youtube…

I can hardly wait for some perpetually aggrieved “Woke” moron to complain their feelings got hurt on Twitter. The digital thud of everyone else saying, “Yeah? So what?” Will probably be heard in the physical world!

Like I said, this should be a lot of fun to watch.

Thanks Mr. Musk… If you need someone to wander through the halls of Twitter like the Angel of Death… I’m totally available and have an extensive technology background.

I promise I won’t make them suffer too long!

These emails always make me laugh…

I got one of those emails saying that the sender had infiltrated my devices and had complete access to all my data.

They further said that they’d looked at my browser history and seen that I’d been going to porn sites. Then they go for the blackmail pitch.

The sender said, “I’ve recorded your masturbatory habits and unless you send me 2K in bitcoin I’m going to send videos to everyone in your contact list.”


Go ahead! Do It! I put on a fine show, just ask my friends…

If there was actually a way to track this moron down, and they actually had video of me, I’d bill THEM. Obviously they’ve gotten their jollies from watching my sex shows!


I did love the comment near the end where the sender claims they’re honorable. Uh Huh, RIGHT!

I don’t go to porn sites, and haven’t for over 4 years. They’re too spammy and with very few exceptions boring. My own porn library is way better, and the image quality is excellent, especially on the big screen!

The only thing that is of interest, is that this email appears to have originated from my Outlook address. I thought Microsoft was supposed to prevent email spoofing.

Well, I’ve been thinking about deleting the Outlook email address anyway. Maybe today is the day. It shouldn’t take too long to change the email address of the businesses that I still use, to something else.

That would allow me to abandon the purveyors of some of the ridiculous SPAM I get, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about LinkedIn exposing all my contacts to data breaches either.

LinkedIn (A Microsoft Company) absolutely will not let me delete the connection to my Outlook contact list from their service. The Microsoft Outlook email account, (not the application,) continues to remind me of birthdays for contacts that have been deleted for literally years, and repeating calendar events that have been deleted for longer.

Several years ago, I very briefly experimented with switching to all Microsoft applications instead of Mac native apps. It was not a happy experience and within a month, I’d gone back to Mac native applications.

Yet, after manually deleting the contacts list, and the calendar data, somehow stuff keeps popping up even though according to the Microsoft web based portal there’s nothing stored. Hmm. Maybe my data isn’t actually mine???

Perhaps the only way to deal with it is to delete the account(s) entirely.

I’ve even been considering not renewing my yearly subscription to Microsoft Office.

More often than not, I use other word processing or spreadsheet software. I’ve saved 2 GB of disk storage by deleting the Outlook and PowerPoint applications from my system. I could save another 2 GB by dumping Word and Excel. Why on Earth does Microsoft Office need to suck up 4 GB of disk space?

I’ve already deleted Office completely from my iPad and guess what? I don’t miss it at all. I never missed a beat after it was gone.

Don’t fall for these kinds of scams. The only thing real in the email is the bitcoin wallet address.

Besides, even if someone recorded you rubbing one out in front of your computer. After Jeffery Toobin… It doesn’t matter in the least.

Who knows? Your antics might get you some interactive action not just the one handed kind.

The prevalence of these threatening emails might just breathe life back into the dirty magazine industry. After all if you’re getting your freak on with a magazine, you’ll never have to worry about being recorded.

Just a Thought.

Hmm, Interesting and perhaps boding ill

I finally got down to the Sheriff’s substation to pick up their report, that I have to take to the court house to file a restraining order.

They charged me $1 for a single piece of paper.

It’s not the buck, it’s a fundamental question of why was the victim charged for the paper at all?

This led to to wondering what the cost to file the restraining order would be. Thus far I’ve not been able to find a single bit of information about fees in general.

Paraphrasing the Talosians from Star Trek, “The county’s methods of data storage are crude and take much time to assimilate…”

Broad searches for restraining orders produce only results dealing with domestic abuse. No fees are listed. Narrowing the search still produced only domestic abuse results and scanning those, I now understand why so many abused people allow it to go on & on. The bar to enact a restraining order is high and requires the victim to prove beyond a doubt that a restraining order is warranted.

There are plenty of articles dealing with how to break a lease earlier so that the victim can get out of a rental situation and therefore get away from the abuse. (Tip, the victim can break the lease in less than 30 days. The law generously allows them to only give 15 days notice one a restraining order is in hand.

This is insane! The victim is so screwed. Ongoing abuse by the abuser, and then again and again by the law that is supposed to protect them. I think I see why domestic crime is often so damn violent…

I’m taking a break in my searches of the county web site. Poorly organized data is worse than no data at all. If there’s no information that’s one thing, but if the data is supposed to be someplace and is unfindable it just compounds the frustrating “original sin”.

Ah well, back to it… Or I take a longer break and take advantage of the cool weather to go outside and do some yard work.