Probably another question I shouldn’t ask.

Where are all the pictures of the Capital building surrounded by 7 foot tall fences with concertina wire at the top?

I managed to find two. Plus one on a Russian web site… The Russian site showed the fence being assembled not it’s completed form.

A Russian website? Since when are Russian publications presenting more of the truth than American publications?

Surely someone is visiting Washington DC and taking pictures of the “Fear Fence” right?

Apparently not. If they are, those photos aren’t being published in mass on the ‘net.

I call it the “Fear Fence” because if congress wasn’t afraid, they wouldn’t need a fence like this.

The photos look like the capital complex is a prison camp. Perhaps we should make that “look” a truth. All we’d have to do is move the national guard from one side to the other.

I’m pretty convinced that the occupants of the Capital complex are in fact criminals. Maybe we should just imprison them until they actually started doing their jobs.

What I was looking for, was an overview of the fence. I’m just curious how badly Congressional fear of the people has defaced our nations capital.

This is not the look of a free nation. This is the look of a nation whose leadership is not obeying the will of the governed.

I guess that’s why the media is dutifully ignoring this particular set of optics.