I know it’s been a while…

I’ve been busy.

Unfortunately not with a real job, unless you call looking for a real job, a job.

I guess you could call it that; lots of busy work and following threads into rabbit holes, ending in dead ends.

I’m in Big Bear for about 5 days. In 2 weeks I’m finally going to take a long overdue trip. I’m going to see my brother and I’m looking forward to it.

Of course the flight is booked on a a 737 (Not the Max) so I don’t think there will be insurance payouts forthcoming. Sorry Bro!  Of other interest is that I’ll be flying, in a closed environment where the spread of various diseases is freaking rampant. 

Coronavirus anyone?

I’m too mean for it to kill me but I’ll probably mutate it into something truly awful.

You’re welcome!

Since I wrote my other blog post about the Coronavirus I’ve been checking in on the disease every couple of days. It’s been interesting to see the narrative change from within China and now watching the world reacting to the virus spread.

Seen the stock market lately?

I really wanted an iPhone 11 max. Sigh…

I’ve particularly been interested in the WHO take on it. In one article, they said that quarantining was a good thing, and in another article they castigate the USA for halting travel from affected nations. Yet Australia does the same thing and the news media plays a cricket soundtrack.


Have we really gotten to the place where hatred of Trump overrides the wellbeing of our nation?

The world said nothing when China locked down millions of people with their travel bans. Although the bans came too late to prevent spread of the Coronavirus.

No one said too much when cruise ships were denied docking privileges, stranding hundreds of people at sea.

But let America institute a moderate travel ban and suddenly the WHO has something to say about it. Must it always just be about hating on Trump?

Trump BTW isn’t the only voice in the travel ban. The CDC has a lot to say about the proper protocol.

If the CDC says get ready and have 2 weeks of food & water laid in at your home, then perhaps it’s not just about Trump. Perhaps the CDC knows something they haven’t shared with the public yet.

After all America is a twitchy place. What would happen if folks in America lit their hair on fire and started running in little circles?

I’ll tell you what would happen; Mad Max in some cities. 

I’m planning on staying away from large population areas as much as possible. Which is not to say I’m canceling my trip. 

I wonder if I can buy a space suit from NASA between now and when I’m supposed to fly?

Humm, there’s a thought.

Nah, they probably wouldn’t let me on the plane.

I am curious to see how many people will be flying with face masks. I wonder if the airports will look like China.

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