So mandatory OT is on again!

Walked in to work after my 1 day weekend to an email that said mandatory overtime was actually in effect again. This is in direct conflict with what we were told in our Wednesday meeting.

Since there is no time to react and I really need a weekend in the mountains, I’m refusing. They can punish me and I kinda dare them to.

WTF? these morons can’t plan a couple weeks out? They just assume that all the employees have no life except to serve at the company’s whim?

They’re re-evaluating the OT on a week to week basis and giving folks less than a couple days notice. That is so wrong, cruel and thoughtless it’s unbelievable.

So in the famous words of the pirate Barbarosa, “I am disinclined to acquiesce to their request.

This is especially true since the hours that are open for OT would require that I work my normal 8, then clock out go hang out somewhere for an hour and 1/2 then clock back in for 3 to 4 hours.

Two Words…