Southpark is right

Canadians are Wacky

I’ve spent the last two years dealing with a fractional percentage of Canadians. With a vanishingly small percentage of those people being actually “normal”.

Almost every Canadian I’ve spoken to has been full goose batshit crazy.

At first I thought it was just cultural differences. I’ve changed my mind!

The majority of people I talk to are, a little nuts. The Canadians I’ve talked to, take it to a whole new level. 

They seem to want to abdicate responsibility for everything including basic maintenance for themselves and their devices. I’ve talked to folks up there who refuse to restart their machines. I mean really? You won’t restart your phone to fix a problem? 

Instead you want me to wave a magic wand 4000 miles away and make your problem go away. Are you serious? This is especially annoying when you’ve managed to walk them through the issue and they’ve admitted to you that other applications on their phone aren’t working properly. I can’t say anything but nice politically correct things.

South park canada on strikeWhat I’d like to do is give them a full on dose of reality. “You aren’t maintaining you phone, your applications aren’t working because you’re not maintaining your phone, and you’re a fucking moron!

My annoyance with these Canadians is taken to new heights when they get all whiny and play the “Victim Card”. Really? You expect that to make me more likely to want to help you? NOPE! I care even less.

You’ve got the problem, you’ve made the problem, I’ve told you how to fix the problem and you’re not willing to do what I tell you. Nothing in life is a certainty, other than you’re going to die at some point. Machines and technology are even less certain because… well they’re machines and they wear out.

I’ve decided that should I ever be in a position where I’m making something and selling it, I will specifically not sell to Canada. The cost of doing business with them is simply going to be too high. It’s like they’ve gotten so used to getting their way and getting free shit that NOW they expect to get free shit whenever they feel like pitching a fit. Well not on my dime!

That being said, there are some Canadians that I like. I’m not sure which group is the exception, but I’m going to be very selective about Canadians that I hang out with in general.

It’s a pity really. The few Canadians that are in my life are pragmatic, productive, hardy people. 

Perhaps I’d misjudged. Perhaps the Canadians I know, left Canada because they just couldn’t take the bullshit of their countrymen. 

I’ll have to ask…

Had a good day…

My weekends are usually busy; I know, whose weekends aren’t?

The problem is that often I spend a lot of my weekend on the road driving, and this weekend was no different, save for one detail. I drove to meet a friend and we talked, ate, drank, and walked around the Glendale Galleria and local area. 

No agenda, no plan, just two old friends enjoying each other’s company.

It was great.

It also highlighted to me thatI really need to make more time to just enjoy the simple things. It also underscored that I need to get a new job and get to a more “normal” schedule. I know this but it’s easy to get caught up in the grind of my day to day insanity and forget that I work to live I don’t live to work for any corporation or corporate assholes.


I need to appreciate the little things and I need to make more time for those little pleasures in my life.

Getprev2 4I also found out that I should trust the helpful navigation lady in my car even if she can’t make up her mind. When she updates her estimated travel time by a substantial amount I need to take notice. Instead of ignoring her thinking she’d lost her mind. Especially when she doubles the travel time in transit. So helpful navigation lady, I apologize for what I said to you on the I-5 south of LA. You are not a daffy fucking bitch… 

I saw midnight for the first time in a long time, and I’m paying for it today. Not that I’m complaining but I feel like hammered shit. Got to the mountain and just couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned all night. Strangely, while I’m really tired, my state of mind is good. I can only chalk it up to seeing new sights, and great company.

Doing chore around here this morning and will head back down to San Diego later this afternoon. My goal is to get down there early enough to get to bed and get a decent night’s sleep. Tomorrow I get to hit the grind again but hopefully I’ll be in a better state of mind as I make it through the week.

I hope your weekend is a fun one.