
Day 5 after the accident. The Insurance company is still waiting for the police report. The woman who ran the light is claiming that it was I, not her that ran the light.

I did the obligatory recorded statement for the insurance company yesterday, recording my account of the accident. My car is supposedly heading to the reapair facility in Riverside for it’s assessment, still don’t know if it’s totaled or not.

I’ve been looking into replacement vehicles and unless my insurance company is really on the ball, I suspect I’m going to be driving a rust bucket from the 1940s. 


On the plus side, It may mean that nobody will mess with me on the road. On the negative side, I’ll have to deal with inevitable car repairs over and over again.

But being on pain killers isn’t all bad. At least I’m not hurting so bad I can’t see straight. 

Been thinking about just using the bike, but right now I don’t have the strength to get it off the center stand. We’re not even going to talk about the decreased reaction time or balance issues that the drugs are causing.

Yup, I’m going to need a car. Right now I have a rental provided by the insurance company, but that’s a time limited option.

I’ve come to the conclusion that San Diego is not for me, and it’s not been a good year. I’ll chalk that up along with other mistakes I’ve made in my life and now it’s about figuring out how to move on. 

As you might be able to tell, the drugs are interfering a bit with my thought processes. I’m kind of random in my thinking.

It’s funny, after the accident it’s been hard to think. I’m not sure what’s causing that. It could just be stress, the doctor seems to think that I’m going to be alright but it’s weird for me to be unable to just think straight.

I’m at my house under the carful watch of the dog. He knows something is up and is checking on me regularly. Nice to know I’m important in someone’s view. 

I’ve decided I’m going to take tomorrow off. That allows me to not have to sit in Friday traffic to get to Escondido. It also allows me to have another day of rest. 

Unfortunately, it means that I’ll be dinged again for taking a day off, even though I’ve explained what’s going on. But hey, they have a Zero Tolerance policy. So perfection is all that is acceptable.

I had to laugh yesterday because when I finally got ahold of someone in HR one of the first questions they asked was to determine if I’d been in the accident on company business. Yeah, I get it but really? You’re concerned about limiting your liability when an employee is just trying to find out what the procedure is to take a couple of days off after being injured? God! What cold blooded people. 

I think that’s one of the biggest things we’ve lost, in our country. Humanity! Yeah we’ll bitch and wail about someone in another country being mistreated, but we have no compassion or kindness for the people in our own country who deal with really tough issues every day. I know… Let’a blame Trump

I saw that LAPride is going on this weekend, and they’re going to have some kind of rally to protest the inequity they perceive with the new pres. I can’t understand what the hell they’re talking about. Nothing has really changed, this president is like the old president. Nothing new.

I was watching the James Comey testimony yesterday. A lot of it sounded like a rehash of all that had gone before. I did have one take-away though. Comey was documenting ever encounter with President Trump. I think that’s a good idea for me to implement with my boss… I don’t trust him any more than Comey trusted Trump.

Enough of my ramblings… Just figured I’d update what’s going on.

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