So the way I heard the story, is that a United flight had to make room for a flight crew at another airport. United asked for volunteers to give up their seats, to be bumped to the next flight.
Four people said, “Sure” then ONE of those people, a Doctor realized that the NEXT flight was the NEXT day. Then decided he was too important to wait because he had patients to attend to so he needed to be on his original flight.

The first thing that pops to mind is… Hey DUDE perhaps you should have looked before your leapt.
I’ve been in this situation. I’ve been the guy who gave up his seat for other folks in an overbooked situation. I’ve also been the guy who gave up his seat to a person like this Doctor when they realized that the next flight out was going to be crazy later than they thought it would be.
(In that instance the flight attendants asked if there was someone on the plane who could afford to be late. In fact, in my case it was a United flight. The airline treated me like a king, nice hotel room at the airport on the airline’s dime. A really sumptuous dinner, and the next day… They put me in First Class to get me to my destination.)
It was all very civil and I’d volunteer to get bumped again if it came to it.
From what I understand, at around this point things went WAY off the rails.
The video clip I saw is indeed disturbing, but some passengers on the flight are saying this guy lost his shit and became a raging asshole. (Again, DUDE you probably should have payed attention to what you were volunteering for.)
Anyone who’s flown in recent years knows that if you cause a ruckus you’re not going to be on a plane. It doesn’t even take much of a ruckus, you are at the mercy of the flight attendants, the TSA, and the Air Marshal.
BUT there’s always some moronic asshole who thinks they’re more important than anyone else.
So guess what snowflake? Your ass is going to be dragged off the fucking plane.
Yeah maybe this guy got roughed up, but he had a simple choice. He could cooperate like a civilized human being and allow the Airline to see what else could be done… OR he could pitch a hissy fit and get dragged off the plane.
Well, we know what this idiot did.
But for me there is another issue…
This guy caused a scene, got dragged off a plane, and delayed 200+ OTHER paying passengers, not to mention whatever trauma his actions caused to the children who might have been on that plane witnessing this insanity, and not understanding what all the fuss was.
He’s a Doctor for god’s sake. Pull out that AMEX Gold and buy another ticket on another airline get home, then send your grievance to United. Hell, they’d probably have just refunded the cost of his ticket, or given him a travel voucher.
There is absolutely no excuse to delay a bunch of other people getting anywhere because you don’t like something.
Put your shit away, Sit DOWN, Strap in, and Shut the fuck up.
Or in his case, take it off the plane and deal with it like a fucking man. This guy, acted like a spoiled child according to witnesses.
There is absolutely nothing in my travels short of death, that can’t be fixed with a little kindness, firmness & patience.
The airline doesn’t want a scene, you don’t want a scene, and together with cooler heads both of you can come to an arrangement.
Crap, had I been on that plane, I’d have given him my seat, called him what he was; a spoiled dickless, petulant child, then told him to sit down and shut the hell up for the duration of the flight.
At which point I’d have gathered my belongings, smiled at the flight attendants and asked, “OK, what do we need to do now?”
In all likelihood the Flight crew would have seen to it, that I got where I was going smoothly and perhaps in a bit of style.
I have ZERO sympathy for this guy.
He was all worried about not getting home in time for his patients… Well, hey moron you didn’t get home for them anyway and now you’re bitching about being in a hospital. What, You don’t like Doctors?
DUMBASS! He had choices and at every turn he appears to have made the wrong one
If I were one of his patients… I’d be severing that relationship in a heartbeat.
I prefer Doctors with cool heads and pragmatic approaches.
Is it just me that sees the epic fail on his behalf?
But he does serve as a cautionary tale to the rest of the rabble clogging our airports…
Fuck around and you get your ass kicked.
Maybe we need a little more ass kicking and a little less “Oh that poor snowflake”
I could be wrong…
So more has come out. United originally asked for volunteers, then when no-one could be inconvenienced, they went to a lottery. This guy LOST the lottery. Hey, that’s the breaks. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Get over it.
Then things went off the rails. This guy refused to leave the plane like an adult. Chicago PD came on board and told him to leave, he chose instead to fight with the police. BAD MOVE.
After all, doesn’t every snowflake know that the police are fascists?
My original thinking still stands.
Get a ticket on another airline, lodge a complaint and demand a refund from United. You paid for services that were not rendered, that’s what an adult does. Regardless, you cooperate with the authorities, have a little grace and work the problem.
But the other passengers, the ones saying “Oh, this is wrong,” the ones videoing the event, you know the OTHER people on the plane who were too self important, who could have simply said, “Hey, I’ll give up my seat,” putting an end to the situation. Where were you? Surely ONE of you could have taken the next flight.
Instead of paying lip service to “How wrong this was” any one of them could have stepped up and everything would have been OK. But no-one did, because everyone was too self absorbed and couldn’t be bothered to look at their schedule to see if they had some flexibility.
Apparently, because no-one knows how things work, no-one thought to ask if United could help them with their rental cars, or rescheduling connecting flights or simply asked “Since I’m accommodating your needs, can you help accommodate mine?” Hell, I’d have simply asked for a travel voucher on another future flight to a vacation destination, say Hawaii?
This is a symptom of the overarching problem with everyone thinking the world revolves around them.
Helpful Hint: IT DOESN’T
We live in a society of rules. Some of those rules are enforced by rule of law, others however, are simply good manners. Both types of rules help insure that we live in a nice place where we are not angry all the time and always fighting to get our cut.
The problem is, too many people think they’re special, entitled, and better than everyone else.
United, screwed up… Given. This dumbass compounded the problem by deciding to be an asshole. Chicago PD was probably a tad over zealous. All this tracks back to an easily predictable outcome when no-one can think beyond themselves or their own selfish needs.
He still got exactly what he deserved.