Ya Know… Mother Nature you can be a real pain!

For the past four weeks, I’ve been having my car washed over the weekend.

And every single Sunday night it’s rained. Not the gully washing, rinse your car off kind of rain. It’s the misty congeal the pollen and dust in the air onto your car kind of rain.

So I get to have my car all nasty and streaky for the rest of the week.

Mother nature, Thanks for the rain… could I make a little request?

Could you hold off until midweek? Please?

I like the rain and all, but i’d like to get through at least a couple days in San Diego where I enjoy a clean vehicle.

It might even be nice to be able to drop the top on the way to work or on the way home.

Gee it’s nice to have Income!

Unfortunately, I’ve got stuff breaking left and right, and all of it is expensive!

These devices were clearly just waiting until I could think about getting them repaired. I’m good with that, but I do wish they’d staggered their breakage a little more evenly.

On the plus side, everything held together really well, on the down side well … cash is going out as fast as the checks clear the bank!

cést la vie!

Tomorrow, Bits & Pieces of the car. While I’m at it, I’m going to get a quote for new tires and find out how much a new clutch is gonna cost me. Gotto start setting aside cash to cover those things. no complaints here, I’ve gotten absolutely great milage out of this set of tires, and over 100K on this clutch.

The clutch is original and thankfully I’ve not abused it. But nonetheless, these parts do eventually wear out. I might as well know what I’m looking at.

Tires, hey I know folks that go through tires faster than some people go through socks.

(That is not a hole in my sock… It’s additional ventilation!)

3AM Working Schedule



At first it sounds brutal, but there are some advantages. 

1) No traffic!  Boy! Is that nice!

2) It was a cool night, and being able to move at freeway speeds made the commute really bearable.

3) Coming home, was OK even at noon. Once I got on the freeway it was a breeze. I was able to get to the bank, the first time in 4 weeks. 

The downside is that other people in the complex have normal lives and so it’s a bit noisy until about 10:30 so that makes it hard to sleep.  There is another issue, in that my system has always hated radical schedule changes, Today is no different, the last couple of hours at work were a bit uncomfortable. That too shall pass and it is… ahem.

I have to get to bed kinda early so i could in theory have an early dinner with friends but wouldn’t be able to party hardy 

Another problem is that as the Summer gets hotter, I’m going to have to run the A/C which will be a bit more expensive especially without a nest thermostat. Gotta see if the complex will let me install one.

Generally, I think I could get used to working the O’ Dark Thirty schedule. So after this mentoring thing is over, I’m probably going to request to stay on the graveyard schedule.

Hey I like the dark and it occurs to me that I could be writing for a couple of hours in the sun. While I might be working a Vampire schedule, I don’t have to worry about bursting into flames in the sun.

Things will be even more off Kilter

New Job, New Schedule.

3:00AM to 12:00 PM So I will see the sun, but I won’t be seeing any TV (Daytime TV SUCKS!)  

Come to think of it that’s probably a good thing! At least I’ll be insulated from the antics of our so-called Presidential Candidates. 

Crashing Shpaceship

In the back of my head there’s all these klaxons and warning bells, about my finances and my life augering into the ground.


There’s the rumor that a $2 premium per hour is paid for working the night shift.

I’m hungry enough to take advantage of it.

So there may be more blogs. I’ll be able to spend some time by the pool after I get home from work. On the other hand, I may be just so dog tired that I’m not up for writing.

Only time will tell.