Just play the movie!


I’m impatient. 

I put the disk in the machine and expect to be able to walk into the kitchen to fix a plate for diner.

But instead, what happens is the player starts asking questions. I answer them and turn back to the kitchen.

Then the player starts playing previews from other films. I press menu, trying to get to the point where I can tell the movie to start, the player tells me that’s not allowed.

I press the other menu button. player says that’s not allowed.




Hoisted by my own technological petard. 

Previews finish…


Now I can press Play to start the movie, Nope! Now I have to select the language. Opps! selected the wrong one. No, No, No, NOOOOOOOO!

Player won’t respond to commands 

But I don’t know Portuguese! 

Power down the unit power it back up and start over.


By the time the reboot, re-selection, and trying to get to the next level… 

I’ve lost interest in watching the movie.

I pull a new album up on the ipad.

There is an update to this albums encoding. Please wait… 

Just play the album!!!!!  

I swear, I’m going to go back to Vinyl!


A pretty good day

Preventative Dental

As is well documented, I hate medical crap.

So for yesterday to have been a pretty good day even though I was doing medical crap is a testiment to one of two  things. Either I really needed to get the hell out of the house, OR the medical stuff wasn’t that bad.

It’s a combination of both. 

I was really going stir crazy and it was only a dental appointment and an eye thing.

Since I can’t say enough good things about the dentist and I mean that, The staff and Docs at Winning Smiles are absolute winners. I can’t believe how comfortable I feel when I’m there. I’m actually considering having some restorative stuff done. (You have to understand, I absolutely HATE having someone working on my mouth.) My comfort is a major difference from all but one other dentist I’ve been to in the past.  So if you’re in the Fontana area, and need a dentist go to Winning Smiles. 


The eye thing was routine. Not unpleasant, but still, kind of a pain.

I should have scheduled a bunch of other exams on the same day. You know, have the medics check me out stem to stern. On the other hand maybe only two things on the same day is a better idea.

Between appointments I got to be out and about and watch people, enjoy coffee, and even made it to an Apple store. The freeway was open, traffic was mostly light and it felt just darn good to be away from the house.

I guess I was having a case of cabin fever. The only hiccup was good and bad. Turns out the credit card I wanted to use to pay for the dental thing was deactivated.

I thought it odd that I hadn’t received a chipped card but then read that the rollout of those cards was delayed in some cases so “meh”, I went on with my life.  When the card wasn’t accepted I called and asked what was going on. That’s when I found out the bank sent the chipped version of the card back in April, UH OH!

CarWash2 One for the ladies

A quick check of activity revealed there’d been nothing unauthorized but for the sake of security I killed the old number and ordered a new card. Thank goodness the dental thing wasn’t anything other than routine and therefore relatively inexpensive. Yeah, it wasn’t the way I’d planned to do things but so what? It was actually kind of nice to “roll with the punches” and not be cranky about it.

I even remembered that I had a free car wash because of a good deed I’d done months ago. Popped in to the wash and popped out and all was right with my world, and my nice clean car! 

The only slightly annoying portion of the day was the Middle Eastern woman who appeared to be trying to cause someone to rear end her. I don’t know if it was intentional or if her driving was really that horrible. Either way, she ended up in my rear view mirror and out of my life. 


I’m probably going to hell for thinking, “That’s why your men don’t let you drive in your own countries. Camels are expensive to repair.

Yeah, racist and sexist all in one go. So sue me.

Heading into the weekend, I hope your world is peaceful.

Reality, is it real?


Many religious philosophies suggest that our reality is greatly influenced by the world around us and that we, in turn create the reality of the world. Almost universally these beliefs say the positive or negative elements we’re exposed to, become part of us and we in turn reflect and amplify those elements to all around us.

It’s always sounded a bit “Chicken or Egg” to me, and I was willing to ascribe the concept to whichever quaint religion was preaching it. I’d dismiss the idea with an appropriate level of condescension.

As I’ve been reading “self help” books, (I KNOW! Many of these books are nothing more than literary snake-oil) in an attempt to get a handle on my future, I’ve run across the same philosophical underpinning again and again. Except this time, those philosophies are coming from more scientific venues. Ok, psychologists, and neuroscientists, If you’re more of a “Sheldon” in your beliefs, you still think of that as hokum too.

Nonetheless, this has given me pause.

In many cases in my life I’ve chosen to believe and accept as true, information about “we humans” from ancient cultures. (Within Reason) I believe that wisdom is wisdom regardless of it’s source and that we shouldn’t have to re-invent the wheel every 200 years or so, even though it seems we do.

So it occurs to me that I’m inconsistent and perhaps have been discarding valuable information in a biased way because it came from a religion.

Someone once said to me “Perception is reality,” I’d have accepted that as a truth except that perception was not reality when it was inconvenient to that person.

Adam Savage

Still let’s look at that phrase. If perception is reality then reality is in fact just your perception of events or stimuli. Believe me, that phrase takes pages and pages of psychobabble and puts it into a single packet. I just saved you a ton of very tedious reading.

We know that at least part of this statement is completely true. When we touch something we feel that it’s real through tactile sensors in our hands. 

What if being happy or angry is really nothing more than the way we choose to process it? Doesn’t that open a whole new world of possibilities, and wouldn’t that be worth at least some investigation? 

So how do you test the premise?

The primary thing seem to be filtering your input and controlling how you process negative input. 

As Adam Savage humorously said on Myth Busters “I reject your reality and substitute my own.” Turns out if you want to be a happier person there might be a lot of truth in his humorous quip.

This is of course not to say that you need to lobotomize yourself. But suggests that you make damn sure your don’t internalize or dwell on the barrage of negative things happening in the world.


After all we don’t all want to be poster children for stupidity as the Occupy Hippie Meme girl has become.

I feel sorry for this girl. I’m guessing that by now, she’s cut her hair, changed her style, dumped the glasses, is wearing Channel suits, and working for a defense contractor somewhere. I really do wish her well and hope that in time she fades from our collective memory to be replaced by someone more deserving of the national ire. I will say this, as a meme, she’s had staying power.

It’s gotta be tough being the face of a generation and being used time and again to represent irrational thinking.

For me this means avoiding the news completely. Right now, I can’t say I’m going to watch just one news broadcast or read GoogleNews for just a few minutes.

I get pissed, then I want to understand an event.

Palmyra being blown up by ISIS for example, pisses me off to no end.  I’d like to see ISIS carpet bombed with Nukes every time I read about another building being destroyed in the name of their hate. The existence of those buildings and artifacts didn’t harm or mean jack shit to ISIS. The could have ignored the city and moved on.

Which is exactly what I should do, instead of getting angry about it and reading all the articles I can find, then getting angrier. I need to acknowledge that it happened, there’s nothing I can do about it and move the hell on. I need to learn how to not take the actions of others so personally. 

Someone once told me that when I get angry, sad, or depressed, about stuff that other people do I’m giving those people, (In most cases, people I don’t even like) power over me. He went on to say, subconsciously my brain knows this, and responds by getting angry over the loss of control. But if I could be really honest with myself, acknowledging that I couldn’t change whatever happened, not take it personally, and not give strangers or others the power in the first place, I’d be a lot happier.


I didn’t understand it then. I figured it was all a bunch of hokum psychobabble. I’m not completely sure I understand it now, but I’m willing to reconsider the issue.

In my reading, I stumbled across another philosophy which suggests that anger, depression, and bitterness are nothing more than distractions from your greater potential. (Not sure I buy that, in the lofty sense they presented it.) I am willing to buy into these feelings distracting me personally from my goals.

I’m equally willing to accept that not achieving my goals feeds these negative emotions because I berate myself for “Failing”.  And there it is again, Negative emotions feeding negative emotions.  How do you kill an ouroboros?

It’s always been easy for me to be negative. As I’ve become less young, it’s become a lot easier to feel that the world is against me and rail against circumstances over which I have zero control and then feel angry for having been upset about it in the first place.

It’s completely non-productive, I understand this, but it’s too easy for me to do.


Raisuli: To Theodore Roosevelt – you are like the Wind and I like the Lion. You form the Tempest. The sand stings my eyes and the Ground is parched. I roar in defiance but you do not hear. But between us there is a difference. I, like the lion, must remain in my place. While you like the wind will never know yours. – Mulay Hamid El Raisuli, Lord of the Riff, Sultan to the Berbers, Last of the Barbary Pirates.

While considering this whole mess, I was reminded of the quote above.  It’s from a movie, The Wind and the Lion, not to be confused with The Lion in Winter, another good film.

There is so much in this world that is out of my control. I need to take a step back, focus on my reality and leave the negativity of others behind.

I need to find and lay claim to my place…