And in Other Ironic news…

South by Southwest canceled panels on gaming harassment due to — Wait for it — Threats of violence.

One of the organizers made this observation.

We had hoped that hosting these two discussions … would lead to a valuable exchange of ideas on this very important topic,” he said. “SXSW prides itself on being a big tent and a marketplace of diverse people and diverse ideas. However, preserving the sanctity of the big tent at SXSW Interactive necessitates that we keep the dialogue civil and respectful. If people can not agree, disagree and embrace new ways of thinking in a safe and secure place that is free of online and offline harassment, then this marketplace of ideas is inevitably compromised.

You know, when you can’t even talk about an issue, fascism is already the rule of the land.

Trying out new blogging software

I do like the overall look and feel of this tool.

I’m not sure that this has all the features that I’m used to. I’ve got a 21 day trial so I should have time to figure it out.

This is all my way of telling you gentle reader, that you may see some really interesting blog posts in the next few days.

Perhaps “interesting” is the wrong word. “Unique” might be better, uhh “strange”, “Weird”, “unreadable” or just plain “broken”.

Tinkering with, and learning the quirks of new software is always fun.

Black Lives Matter is a bunch of grandstanders.

Was watching the news and the Black Lives Matter crowd messing with the Mayor of LA.

It’s sad really, because they just don’t seem to understand their behavior is depriving the community at large from being able to bring other legitimate issues to the Mayor’s attention.

When you have a vocal group showing up and taking center stage the rest of the community is unlikely to show up at future meetings. After all why bother? Your crosswalk concern, or the sidewalks in your neighborhood that have become dangerous due to lack of maintenance will not be addressed because Black Lives Matter’s grandstanding will have the following effect.

The meeting will be terminated and no-one will be heard.

Black Lives Matter has been increasingly demonstrating that they’re disinterested in actually solving problems they’re far more interested in getting their faces on TV and looking like they’re important.

I respect Rev. Sauls of Holman United Methodist Church asking for an apology from the Black Lives Matter crowd. He deserves one, since the Black Lives Matter crowd was in his face and threatening him.

The Black Lives Matter crowd OWES all the other folks from the community an apology too. Because rather than allowing community issues to be discussed with The Mayor, they wasted everyone’s time.