I’m exonerated!


The South Park season premier last night seemed like I could have written it.

If ONLY!  I’d love to work with Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.

But quick highlights are:

Caitlyn Jenner, Political Correctness, Public Shaming, White privilege, & herd mentality, as only South Park can take these issues on.

If you don’t watch South Park regularly you should start. I’m guessing that they’re going to have a whole lot of social commentary this season.

This can’t be good…

Service Battery

Saw this message this morning on my beloved Macbook Air. I’m hoping it’s a lie and that cycling the battery completely will make it go away.

This usually means the battery is getting to the end of it’s useful life and is due for replacement. Sometimes it means you’ve got a glitch in the power management system that can be corrected. 

Fingers crossed that it’s correctable.


If it’s not, well it looks like batteries are about 100.00 so it won’t be too expensive to repair.  This got me thinking though, “How old is this computer?” I pulled up the receipt and DANG! this little puppy was purchased 6/2012. Not too shabby if the battery is just now saying it’s getting tired. 

So now comes the question. Do I replace the battery or the computer? A quick search tells me that another Macbook Air similarly equipped would cost $1749.00. The specs on the newest machines aren’t substantially different from what I’ve got. The new machine would give me Thunderbolt 2, 802.11ac, and a longer battery life, 12 hours instead of 7.


On the other hand for about $600.00 I could put a lower power, faster, bigger(1TB) SSD (Solid State Drive) in this machine and replace its battery with a larger capacity version and probably achieve some system wide improvements that would be on par with the brand new machine. This would extend the life of my current computer easily another three years.

It would be nice to have Thunderbolt 2 and it would be nice to have faster wifi. But those items don’t justify the additional cost. The display on the new Macbook Air isn’t substantially different and in all other respects the new machine would be a duplication of the old.


So if I’m going to have to replace the battery in this machine, the question is do I spring for the new hard drive at the same time? Since I’m going to have the machine open in the first place maybe it makes more sense to do all the surgery at once.

We also have a new operating system release coming up. Humm…

In for a penny, in for a pound.  or more modern… Go big or Go home.

I’ll wait for the results of the battery drain and recharge and then decide but I think I’m going to have some interesting computer stuff going on in the near future.

Pray to the computer gods for me.

Blessed Rain!


It’s been raining since about 4:30am here.

The sound of rain on the roof isn’t what woke me. I was already up tending to an ailing dog and punishing my plumbing due to something I ate.

I think the dog appreciated the company, I on the other hand, would rather have been asleep.

If you’re not a South Park fan, the image wont make any sense. I’m not going to explain it, I’m just going to leave you wondering.

In any case it’s raining! Yipee! There are puddles in the yard and if I didn’t feel so rotten and tired I’d be tempted to go outside and play in them.

I don’t think I’d be naked… There are just too damn many people around here who might take offense. I miss the old days, when we had houses near us, but no full time neighbors. I’ll leave that to your imagination too. 

Flood Advisory.pngWe’re under a flood advisory, until 11 am. Or so says the weather thingy.

I’ve got this nifty little weather application on my computer, the best 4 bucks I’ve spent in a long time. Although in CA the application doesn’t have a lot to do. “Sunny and hot” was it’s only message for months.  

I thought the thing was broken for a while till I remembered that California weather is really that boring.  I’m exaggerating. A little…

I don’t have to worry about flooding here, but it will be a problem down in the flatlands. 

Honestly I’m too tired to really worry about it. I’ve been napping off & on all morning. The dogs are snoring and the rain is tapping on the roof. It’s quiet in the neighborhood and in the house. A lazy day to be sure, but one that is sorely needed.

I’ll have to get my butt moving soon, but not quite yet. I hope your day is as peaceful.