My intricate web of logic and reason…


…Just collapsed into a steaming pile of poo!

I was working on a piece for today that was supposed to be light and funny. As I linked to source material and thought more about my position the piece became decidedly un-funny and anything but light.

Who knew flags could engender such angst? Perhaps they should all be banned!

The more I struggled to save this poor silly blog post, the worse it got.

So I’m throwing in the towel and may revisit it at a later date.


There’s nothing worse than a blog post gone horribly wrong. It makes ya long for the simplicity of Frankenstein’s monster.

Or is that Frankunsteen?

I think Young Frankenstein is the movie of the evening.

Good weekend everyone.

Sometimes a DICK is just a DICK!


In the wake of the Virginia journalists shooting, a lot of people are looking for a “Reason” for Vester Flanagan’s behavior.

Some are saying it’s because he was bullied for being black.

Some say it’s because he’d been bullied for being gay.

Flanagan’s manifesto says he shot those people because he was bullied by black men and white women for being gay. He also claims that he did this in response to Dylan Roof’s shooting of 9 innocents in a church.

I say none of this stands up to scrutiny.

Flanagan appears to have regularly sought out conflict with his employers, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone else over ANYTHING he could possibly construe as a “slight”. He’d filed EEOC complaints at his former television stations and he’d been terminated, fired, dismissed, (whatever term you prefer) from both as well.  No-one is quite sure what he’d been doing recently.

I worked with a woman once who behaved exactly the same. She destroyed a number of careers and in the end, got promoted to a position where she could do no more harm. Maybe Flanagan was just trying to litigate his way into a cushy position or enough money to retire.

Hell, if I wanted to, I could paint several places I’ve worked as “Hostile” toward gay people, and even White People or Men. I’ll bet I could even get a payout from EEOC hearings for any number of infractions.  I don’t because I wouldn’t want to harm the genuinely good and decent people I’ve worked with who would be collateral damage in a “hostile workplace” kind of suit or investigation.


Yesterday watching the unfolding story I found myself asking, “What kind of asshole do you have to be, to have an ex-football playing straight cameraman take you to HR after working with you one time?”  

Wow! I mean I’ve personally witnessed one guy calling another a motherfucker in deadly seriousness and neither man went to HR about the conflict, (It used to be ok that guys would sometimes get amped up, and back in the day we usually resolved the problem without HR, lawyers, or fists.)

I can only imagine that Adam Ward, (the cameraman) felt that Flanagan was so far out of line that HR was his only option. I can tell you this, as a white male I’d think long and hard before I took a problem with a black person to HR. The odds are good that HR’s solution to the problem would be to fire me to fix the conflict. This is not a new phenomenon it’s been that way for the last 20 years.  There are some things you just don’t do as a white dude, unless you have witnesses and absolutely NO other choice. Even if you’re right, and you “win”, you’re still likely to end up at the top of the layoff list.

If you’re gay in this country, you better get used to “Faggot”.

I’m not saying it’s right but It’s worth noting that some comedy routines still contain jokes about gay people. Gays are still fair game as targets of ridicule and the butt of jokes. Some comedians are more noted for faggot jokes than others. My point is… “NEXT!”  Being picked on because you’re gay isn’t reason enough to kill yourself OR others, anymore than being male, female, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Canadian, or whatever the hell else you might be.


Reports say that Flanagan purchased the gun legally. In other words he passed all the background checks, and waited the required cool down period in his state of residence. This morning politicians and antigun people were calling for more gun control and asking how this person was able to purchase a weapon.  The short answer is this;

You can’t take away someone’s 2nd amendment or any other constitutional rights just because they’re an asshole!

Flanagan didn’t kill Adam Ward and Alison Parker, because of any of the reasons he or others have claimed. He killed them because he was a twisted fucker who was looking for any excuse to justify a belief structure based on victimhood and revenge.

The bottom line is:

 Vester Flanagan was simply a DICK!

Whoops! Down the rabbit hole


It was a simple enough thing. Find a receipt so that we could claim the warranty replacement / repair.

“No problem,” says I, heading toward my computer. And that’s when it all fell down.

I’ve been keeping electronic receipts on my computer for years. There’s something like 2700 emails that are all in a nice neat folder in my email client. I started doing that because for years Mac Email did a great job of indexing and allowing me to find important emails like receipts.

Except today!

Today, I stumbled again over an indexing problem in Mac Mail. It’s been rearing it’s head from time to time.  I’ve done all the corrective actions specified TWICE! Still the search and indexing functions are all but useless in Mail.

The Final Solution, the Apple Web Site is recommending, which is the final solution on any computer is to re-install the OS. 

I’m thinking I’ll wait on that. In a couple of months, Apple is releasing a new OS and at that point my plan is to rework my computer anyway. 

Rather than go through this process twice in a short period of time, I’d rather combine the pain.

This leaves me with the initial problem… finding that receipt!


Searching one email at a time isn’t cutting it. Sorting the emails in the folder should narrow my efforts… working working, working, working.

A couple of hours later…

Other half, “What are you doing?”

“Looking for that receipt”

Other half “Oh, um that problem is taken care of. Hours ago! I called the rewards program and they emailed me a copy of the receipt. I’m leaving now to drop the whatsit at the repair place.”

Some days, I’m too stupid to use a crayon!

“GRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr!” Pounding head on desk.

“Okay, drive careful, could you pick up some aspirin while you’re out? I’m going to need it.”

I do a fair bit of self censoring

Hard to believe isn’t it?

Lately I’ve been censoring myself far more than usual for reasons that I’m not going into.

Suffice it to say that I’m going to try to break out of that habit and get back to having fun with this blog.

After all this blog for me is about fun, not giving a damn, and it’s one place where I can just say what I think with a bit of a devil may care attitude.


This has been a weird year for me. 

The past few years have been rough, but this one more than most.  24 years ago, I lost my Father. This year, I’ve been the same age as my Father when he died. That really messed with my head. I expected to be in my 80s before that happened. It’s been hard for me to shake the weirdness of it.

 I guess subconsciously, I was expecting to just start falling apart like that first “Engineer” in Prometheus.  It even looked like I was falling apart at the beginning of the year. Test after test kept showing oddball results that were indicative of a serious problem.

Luckily, the issue wasn’t what it could have been and it turns out, I’m “healthy” but the timing couldn’t have been worse. 

I learned the hard way, that I have to be very careful with all RX drugs and that even the “common, safe, and well known,” drugs may produce wholly undesired results. Worse, is the possibility that due to the commonness of many of these drugs and the margin for safety they have, oddball toxic reactions are the last thing that even the best doctors will look at.


Thankfully I was able to ask the right questions, and my Doctor is a guy who actually listens when I ask questions. Yeah, I’m a pain in his ass, but he’s lucky I don’t see him that often. My Doc brightened my day the last time I saw him, with the happy reminder, “Your warranty has expired”. Gee, “Thanks Doc!”

As my odometer clicks over another year. I’m seeing hopeful signs that my long underemployment is coming to an end, and I know that will brighten my world considerably. More income is a good thing!

When I was younger I’d get really wound up about getting another year older, Now well obviously I still mark the event but not with the soul searching introspection of the past. “Where am I? Have I accomplished anything? Am I a good guy? What is my purpose? Have I lived up to my potential?”


This year I’m past all that bullshit. The only question I’ve asked is “Am I happy?”  The answer is generally, “Yes” and the shit I’m not too thrilled about I can change.  My warranty may be expired, I’m nowhere near doing so.

Now if I could only figure out how to do that Dr. Who regeneration thing. Some mornings around here look like the Dawn of the Dead!

Have a great week everyone.

After a while the insanity gets to me


The Urban Dictionary defines Cisgender;

“an adjective for someone whose gender corresponds to their assigned sex.”  As in “I am perfectly comfortable identifying as the gender my parents put on my birth certificate. I am cisgender.”

Okay, I’m good with that until other definitions of the word pop up and appear to have different meanings.

So is this a term that simply exists to allow transgendered, or transexuals a word to insult, demean, or shame, all the rest of us? Why the hell should I even have to think about this?

I must have missed the memo stating that I was either supposed to become a really ugly woman, or I was supposed to live my life apologizing for being normal.

…Or white, Or male, or American, or from the South, or, or, or or…

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I’m confused as hell as to why we have to create special terms that mean the same things as terms that are already extant and well understood.

However, since we’re about creating new terms, I’ve decided to add mine to the melee.


The condition of being male in gender and thinking, happy and proud of being male, pleased that one’s genitalia consists of a cock and balls, a shameless man-spreader. Of, or defining a man independent of the gender chosen with which to share their dick.

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This burbled to the top of my brain because a friend sent me an article describing gay folks who are calling for a boycott of the new movie “Stonewall”.

What got me was this

“The petition argues that white cisgender gay man Danny (Jeremy Irvine) is presented as the hero while other transgender and ethnic minority cast members appear secondary, despite being a crucial part of Stonewall’s history.”

What the hell is a gisgender gay white man?

Okay, yes I know what it is. But do we need to apply such a specific label?

How about “Gay white guy” How about “Pissed off Gay Dude”

Does anyone except transgendered people give a flying fuck about the guys gender identity?

Here’s a thought, YOUR gender confusion or angst is not MY problem. Furthermore I don’t need to have your terminology forced down my throat.

I miss the “good old days,” you know, when folks who had sex with their own gender were queer and everyone else wasn’t. (It should be noted, I don’t miss the days when people who had sex with their own gender were in asylums being subjected to “treatments” that would have given Josef Mengele the ‘willies’.)

Nowdays, I feel like I need a computer just to keep the terms straight… Can I use that term like that, or is that use demonizing someone?