Kudos to Microsoft

Office 365

I’m now the proud owner of an Office 356 subscription.

Generally speaking I”m not real thrilled about the subscription software model. Adobe’s Creative Suite for example, is obscenely priced.

Most of the virus software packages are likewise obscenely priced on a year by year basis. There are exceptions, but in general the well known vendors are overpriced for what you get. Not to mention that their updates and scans are ridiculously slow.

So imagine my surprise when I found out that for $100 a year I can buy Office 356 from Microsoft and have a five seat package that includes iPads and iPhones too.  Add to that the value that for as long as the subscription is current, you get the latest and greatest version of the Office suite, plus an online version that works very well. 

Needless to say, I was skeptical. You know the old saying,  “If it’s too good to be true it probably is.”

But after reading the fine print, I dropped the hammer and now have burned 3 seats of the five seat license. Don’t get any ideas, I’ve got plans for those last 2 seats…

I’d been using the “Preview” version of Office on my Mac for a while and was very impressed. The final version of Office for the Mac is a pleasure to work with. I’ve been impressed that the Windows version and the Mac version work so much alike that it’s easy to forget which machine you’re working on. 

What am I saying here? 


You’ve done a good job bring the two platforms together and the price is absolutely right.

Thank you!

If you’re reading this and have been sitting on the fence about a subscription to Office, just pony up the money.

You’ll be glad you did. 



You want to watch me melt the hell down? 

Here’s the recipe:

Step 1  Tell me I need to get something important done. Or wait until I’m trying to learn something, or trying to write just a few disjunct thoughts.

Step 2  Interrupt me every 8 minutes with lame jokes or stupid comments, then let me try to get back to what I was doing. Continue until I’m obviously annoyed.

Piss on the floor

Step 3 Sit and ignore the dog who needs to go out. Oh, and don’t bother to tell me the elderly dog needs to go out. Then act surprised when I come out of the other room and see that the dog has peed on the floor. 

Step 4 In your surprise jump up, run to the linen closet and grab one washcloth sized towel, which you then must drop on the smallest of the pee area completely missing the puddle running across the floor. Oh and you must stand there looking at the towel dumbfounded, as if you expected it to magically move and clean up the mess. 

Step 5 Give me dirty looks when I yell at you to get some more towels.

Step 6 Sit at your computer while I’m on my hands and knees with the Bissell machine shampooing the carpet. Don’t bother to clean up the puddle of pee, do however stand in the way of my getting to the cleaning solution for the Bissell, then prevent me from being able to get to the kitchen sink to mix the solution, when you could, AND SHOULD be wiping the floor with the towels you’ve now dropped on the back of the chair.

Step 7 Wait for me to finish cleaning up the mess and clean the tools, then just as I’m about to sit down with a cup of coffee getting back to an employment letter you know I’ve been struggling with, announce that you’re waiting for me to get a shower so you can wash all the towels.


Step 8 When I get out of the shower, announce that the dogs need to go out again and that you’re working on an email.

Step 9 After 20 minutes of me being outside with the dogs in nothing but a pair of shorts keep sitting at your fucking computer as one of the dogs steps on my foot and slices it open. Don’t forget to give me a dirty look when I ask you to simply get a treat for the dogs.

Step 10 Look on as, I’m pulling the Bissell back out of the closet to clean the blood out of the carpet, left there as you impassively observed my bloody foot, never once thinking to get me a bandage, or paper towel, or any assistance whatsoever. and completely ignoring my request for any of the above. Don’t forget to give me dirty looks and explain you were trying to decide which of the above would be better before you moved.


Step 11 As I attempt to return to whatever the hell I was doing, start tuning a fucking harp. Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da Dong Dong Dong Da De Da Da. 

Be pissy with me when I ask you for a few minutes of silence while I try to remember what the hell I was doing 3 hours ago. I explain that the tuning sequence sounds like RAP music, it’s going nowhere but is very irritating. Either play something OR DON’T.


Step 12 This is the most important step. Be hurt and offended when I go full on NUKE because no matter where I try to go in this fucking house, there is something in my way.

Either you, or the idiot dog, and no matter what FUCKING path I choose, one of you blocks me from my destination. Of particular annoyance is my having to exit the house via one door and re-enter the house via another door because you’ve blocked all other pathways.  I was only trying to get to my glasses but even that was too much to ask!

So, that’s how my Saturday is going… How’s yours?

Black Lives Matter Protest or Publicity Stunt?

Martin omalley interrupted by black lives matter protesters AP 640x480

Martin O’Malley was interrupted over the weekend, by some kind of black lives matter thing, during an interview with Jose Antonio Vargas.

Vargas is a Pulitzer prize winning, self admitted illegal alien, who is also the guy behind MTV’s “White People”.

O’Malley responded to the chant “Black Lives Matter” by saying, “All lives matter” at which point he was booed by the crowd.

He’s since apologized for saying all lives matter referring to his statement as “insensitive”. At this point the old record player in my head went SCRRRRAAAAAATTTTTCCCCHHHHH!

What the hell?

He needn’t have apologized for anything. He was the wronged party here. If anything the Black Lives Matter crowd owed him AND the people who filled the auditorium to hear what he had to say an apology. Unfortunately, this is no longer the polite country I used to live in.

Given Vargas’s involvement in “White People” I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this was a publicity stunt on his part. This could all have been “theater” to boost ratings for a show that has been criticized for being a vehicle to simply “Shame” white people for the grievous sin of being born white.

There’s something familiar about that. Humm, Oh Yes! A while ago didn’t we all agree that skin color wasn’t a reason for shame?

Moving on…

There are too many questions for me about this bit of theater. First and foremost where was security? Second, why does the lady on stage look like she was expecting to BE on stage?

You’ve got a presidential hopeful on stage, a room full of people who are being subjected to a situation that in other cities has degenerated into riots and nobody thought to call the cops? Nobody thought to escort O’Malley and Bernie Sanders to a safe place?

As I’ve said before, if I’m somewhere these BULLSHIT Black Lives Matter protesters show up, I’m leaving. It may be their right to shout and scream their beliefs… But it’s MY right not to listen!

Does anyone else notice another implication here, or is it just me?  One could infer, people yelling, “Black Lives Matter” then booing “All Lives Matter” are implying no one else does.

This whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test. It feels like manipulation.

UPDATE 07/23/2015

Caught this piece from


All I could think was, “Only in America, or some Third World Countries.”

Apparently, I’m not the ONLY one who wondered if this whole thing was staged.

Tia Oso, Protester Who Interrupted Martin O’Malley, Is Convicted Embezzler

Jose Vargas, Tia Oso, and Martin O'Malley at Saturday's event.

Jose Vargas, Tia Oso, and Martin O’Malley at Saturday’s event.

Anshantia “Tia” Oso, one of the protesters who interrupted a Town Hall event with presidential candidates Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders on Saturday, writes in a high-profile column today that she was the “right person” to lead the halting of the program.

Oso touts her many activist qualifications in the column, but she left one thing off her bio: her 2009 conviction for embezzling thousands of dollars from a nonprofit Valley arts organization.

Oso was among the demonstrators with the #BlackLivesMatter movement who approached the stage at the annual Netroots Nation conference in Phoenix about 20 minutes into the Q&A between event moderator Jose Antonio Vargas and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley.

Vargas, a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and immigration activist who’s in a business partnership with the Los Angeles Times, invited Oso onstage and asked stagehands to bring her a mic. Instead of asking O’Malley a question right away, though, Oso gave a speech and directed the other demonstrators for the next 15 minutes. O’Malley blundered with his politically incorrect response to the demonstrators, “black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter.” The demonstrators later interrupted Sanders briefly, until the Vermont senator threatened to leave if they didn’t let him speak.

Oso followed the stunt with a column that appeared today on mic.com titled, “I Am the Black Woman Who Interrupted the Netroots Presidential Town Hall, and This Is Why.” She writes that she has much in common with Sandra Bland, the activist who died in police custody last week after being arrested during a traffic stop:

“We were both black women, active in our communities and the Movement for Black Lives. We both pledged sororities: I’m a Delta, Bland was a member of Sigma Gamma Rho. I have also been harshly confronted by police during ‘routine’ traffic stops and feared for my safety and my life. Reading about Bland, about her life and brutal killing, the accusation of suicide, I felt devastated and enraged.”

Oso goes on to say in her piece:

“I felt I was the right person to open the action and shift the focus of the program, especially in the context of the conference theme of “Immigration.” I am a native to Arizona, the child of a Nigerian immigrant father and African-American mother, whose parents were migrant farm workers, aka “Okies.” I also served for three years as the Arizona organizer (and continue to work as the National Organizer) with the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, the premier racial justice and migrant rights organization in the U.S.  As I shared in my remarks on Saturday, racial justice intersects with all progressive issues, especially immigration. Black immigrants experience a double oppression, as they must contend with both the reality of racial discrimination in America as well as its complicated and punitive immigration system.”


While her social-justice creds can’t be criticized, her leadership skills are stained by the fact that she once severely betrayed the trust of an employer.

Jose Vargas

Jose Vargas

While working as the business manager for the Arizona Citizens for the Arts/Arizona Action for the Arts in 2007 and 2008, a job she includes in her online résumé, Oso issued checks to herself, made unauthorized withdrawals and made personal charges on the organization’s credit card. The theft occurred over the course of a year and totaled about $11,000, court records show.

Oso had walked off the job in May 2008 without explanation “after being counseled about absences and performance-related issues,” records state. She was fired after she failed to show up for work for three days, and the embezzlement was apparently discovered soon afterward.

Twenty-seven at the time, Oso confessed to court officials that she used the money to pay rent, make car payments, and “stabilize her financial situation.”

She pleaded guilty to one count of felony theft.

Brenda Sperduti, the organization’s former executive director, told officials that the arts group, which depends on donations for its survival, “had to win back the trust of donors after this.” But Sperduti also asked for leniency for Oso.

Oso was sentenced to three days in jail and two years’ probation. She struggled in the past few years to pay off a $11,276 restitution order — to her credit, she finally paid it off entirely last year. After she completed her probation successfully, her felony conviction became a misdemeanor in court files.

The arts organization bills itself online as “the eyes, ears, and voice of the nonprofit arts and culture sector in Arizona.” It has a relatively small budget, notes Steve Carr, who works as its spokesman. Carr called New Times after we left a message for group’s current director. Sperduti, currently CEO of the Assistance League of Arizona, didn’t return a message we left seeking comment.

“This kind of situation impact on a lot of levels,” Carr says.

The “good news,” though, is that Oso paid back what she stole, he says. “We as an organization have moved ahead and put this thing behind us.”

Oso’s listed online as the national coordinator for the Black Immigration Network and Black Alliance for Just Immigration. She declined to talk to New Times about her past.

While we were interested to see if she’d comment about her theft conviction, we also wanted to ask about her scofflaw driving record — especially since she mentions her confrontations with police during traffic stops. Oso was listed as “failure to appear” in five separate traffic-court proceedings since 2006, including one from an alleged violation committed this past March.

Vargas, by the way, defended how he handled the interruption and denied any advance knowledge that the protest would occur.

“I would have loved to see how other reporters handled that,” he says, adding that he felt compelled to grant Oso’s request for a mic because her issue is important. “I did the best that I could given the circumstances.”

UPDATE: We clarified Vargas’ employment status with the LA Times. An undocumented immigrant, he’s in a business relationship with the Times, but doesn’t work “for” the paper.

Watch Oso and the demonstrators interrupt the Town Hall meeting in the video below. The interruption begins about 19:30 into the video.


The Case against “The Internet of Things”


I’m a technowhore. I admit it, even though as time goes on, I’m becoming more resistant to things like FaceBook, Twitter, and all that stuff.  

When It comes to machines being smart I think it’s cool. At least I did…

Then I started adding up all the devices in the house that are updating all the time. You really don’t think about it until you’re trying to track down how 15GB of data can disappear in one day. Then you start counting up the devices and checking their auto-update settings.

I started, figuring that it would only take a minute or two, then had the sobering realization that I have a LOT of devices that connect to the internet.

Two Physical computers, one virtual machine. (3 Computers)

Two iPads, Two iPhones, Two Apple TVs, the Xbox (Which sits turned off most of the time), The DirectTV box, The Television, Two DVD players, A Nest Thermostat, Two Network Drives, and a Printer.

45 Minutes later I finished checking all the settings.

All these devices have the ability to grab software updates from the internet and it isn’t until you fire each one up to turn off the auto-update feature that you realize just how much data our technology can consume while we’re not looking.


Any of the devices that are multifunction computational devices (Computers, iPhones, iPads) will update the myriad applications we all load, in addition to their own Operating Systems. All of this happens even if you’re not using the applications.

How many of us have “forgotten” applications which are updating regularly on our computers, phones, or tablets? With services that have no real data-cap you don’t think about it. But when you’re trying to figure out where, how, or if, your’e hemorrhaging data, suddenly you tune into the minutiae.

Even though I’ve turned all the auto-updates off, I’m still at a loss as to what’s going on because all the logs say no update was greater than 500MB in the past 60 days. The grand total of data that I can account for is a little over 3GB.

Hughes has claimed that their premium plan is having problems because of a server migration. Well, that migration has been going on now for 4 weeks. I’ve come to believe there’s nothing wrong other than their service sucks diseased donkey balls. 

Since we’re now spending more time in the “Crippled” mode with Hughes than we are in the “working” mode I’ve decided that I’m not going to bother fighting a losing battle anymore. I told the other half that we were not going to keep playing the plug / unplug,  reconfigure your network game that Hughes keeps wanting to play each and every time we’re trying to get an answer to if they’ve fixed their premium plan.


I’m done, we’re downgrading Hughes to the absolute minimum and we’re just not going to stream anything. No video, no music and if I need to actually do something like real work or retrieving email I’ll head to a library, or Starbucks, or just use my phone hotspot. We’ll simply get used to and accept the crippled mode as “normal” much the way we accepted the shitty Verizon service as normal. (At least with Hughes we can actually control the amount we choose to spend on internet, unlike Verizon.) As soon as something else comes along that’s better we’ll drop Hughes like the steaming pile of elephant shit they are and move on with life.

This whole debacle points to another issue.

The more connected our devices become the more ISP’s will have an opportunity to screw us all. Unfortunately, that opportunity will be handed to them on a silver fucking platter by the FCC and the morons in Congress.

If these ISP’s manage to institute data caps, and then get away with crippling the service, or charging premium rates for each megabyte of data above some arbitrary limit, The Internet of things is going to become very expensive.

I think in the future I’ll be looking very carefully at what the machines I buy actually need. If the device can’t be started without an internet connection I’m going to pass on it. Eventually, I wont be able to avoid these devices but I’ll hold out as long as I can.

I’ve got an old flip cellphone around here somewhere… I wonder if I can get that puppy unlocked and go back to “StupidPhone”


I know I can put the IMEI number in a website somewhere and …

SHIT! I still need the damn internet even to “Go Stupid”

It must be the apocalypse…

Screen Shot 2015 07 17 at 7 21 21 PM

But if it’s the apocalypse… I’d have expected less traffic!

In the course of one day sitting here minding my own business I’ve seen alerts for Flash Flooding, The sky is clear and blue.


Then we’ve had a big fire. Which went from 50 acres to over 2000 acres and which our amazing firemen have taken care of.

The I-15 was closed north and south for several hours. I’m really glad that I didn’t go off the mountain today.

And THEN I got my first Emergency Alert EVER on my cell phone. BOY that is A LOUD sound if you’re not expecting it!


But the real kicker is what the alert is about.

I’d have maybe expected something about the fire. I might even have been good with something about the potential for flood.

But this one… I have no clue, where am I? The Sahara???

All is fine, there’s nothing anywhere near us.

IMG 0509

There’s not even any wind to speak of. I don’t even want to think about what you get if you mix brush fire with dust storm.

I suppose it would be…
