Well that seems to have cured the problem…


Unfortunately, It means that now I have to get back to work, looking for work.

My network is once again happy and stable. Backups are being made in minutes instead of hours and surprise surprise surprise, my access to the internet is once again solid.

It’s amazing what a few bad components (all of whom report they’re happy and functional) can do to screw your world up.

It’s going to take me a few more days to stop being twitchy about my network, but I’m sure that in no time I’ll take it for granted like I’ve done for the past 5 or 6 years.

We’ve got bandwidth, we’ve got gigabit, we’ve got connection!

I’m happy!

computer idiot

Oh and I discovered another little bit of interesting information.

Those of you that are not Time Capsule or Mac users might want to stop reading here.

I think I’ve found an answer to a problem that I’ve been seeing over the past month or so. The internet has been almost completely useless in resolving the issue in part because of one guy who apparently posted the exact same question on every message board ON THE PLANET! Hey dumbass, that kind fucks up any useful search results for the rest of us.


I think I’ve found the solution for one of the discoveryd problems. This may work for you, it may not. Apple’s discoveryd service has been, and is being documented as having serious issues. Some of these issues appear to be associated with Apple’s “handoff” and automatic hotspot functions.


I haven’t figured out that stuff yet. But I have managed to put a stop to my logs being overrun with one particular error.

Here’s the deal,

I’ve been seeing this error all over my logs.

5/15/15 10:31:05.057 PM discoveryd[75]: Basic Sockets Couldn’t set IP_BOUND_IF on socket fd[63] scopeID[4] errno[22] result[-1]

This error happened so frequently and hit my computer so hard that it would suck the battery down in just a few hours, my computer would heat up because it was running the CPU at near 100% and all the while it’s silent except for the traces in the log.


I thought this was an artifact of the dying routers and drives, but that assumption was wrong.

Last night after I’d become mostly convinced that the network was stable, I noticed my computer was running warm again. I wasn’t doing anything to account for the system being run hard enough to be that warm. I had safari open in the background but I was actually doing some word processing.

I checked the logs and found that this error was literally zipping past. The console application was posting this message 50 times a second.

So I went to google. There I found the dumbass person’s question all over the place but few possible explanations and no answers.

Then I decided to look at IP_BOUND_IF to find out if it was an Apple only function or if it was a general UNIX function. Turns out, it was discussed on a general UNIX board.

From there I started investigating. I noticed by navigating to some web sites I could increase the frequency of the messages and by going to other web sites I could stop the message all together.


This suggested that the problem wasn’t actually in my computer or even in my network, but that the problem was externally induced.

There were some websites that wouldn’t render any page, but those same sites would make this IP_BOUND_IF error post faster.

Then I stumbled across some sites talking about IPv6 having been enabled on some ISPs. This reminded me that I’d seen an IPV6 DNS entry when I was setting up the new router and that entry had been automatically populated.

I was curious if my new ISP had in fact turned on IPv6, so I went to the router control interface. Sure enough, there was an IPv6 DNS entry. Oh Cool! I thought, then I noticed there was no IPv6 address being provided to the router via the WAN.

DHCP is providing my IPv4 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx address and an appropriate DNS address to the router. But the only IPv6 information is a WAN supplied DNS address.

I wondered if my web requests were trying to go out to the IPv6 DNS address for lookup and results were supposed to come back to an IPv6 Client address that wasn’t assigned. That might explain why IP_BOUND_IF was failing. I know next to nothing about IPv6 standards. I’ve tried reading about it but have found that the specification makes a much better sleeping aid than educational one.


I figured, “Awww what the hell,” I told the router, do local link IPv6 only. That means that my machines that support it inside my network will get IPv6, but that it will not be routed to the internet at large.

The IP_BOUND_IF errors went away, my internet surfing got faster and all pages now rendered properly. I don’t know if I guessed right, but my logs aren’t sucking up 100% of my CPU resources anymore.

Obviously, my ISP is working on IPv6 and they’ll probably implement it sometime in the future. When they do turn is on I’ll tell my router to use it. For the time being though, I’ll keep the IPv6 internal and rely on the good old IPv4 standard to surf the web.

For what it’s worth, I hope this helps. I make no warranty or guarantee.

This is why many conservative gay folks…


… are still in the conservative closet. Yeah they’re out about their sexuality, but not about their philosophy, or politics.

All I can say after reading and listening to what this woman said is, “ARE YOU F&$KING KIDDING ME?”

Sandy Rios of Sandy Rios In The Morning said ON AIR that she’s wondering if the sexuality of the Amtrak Engineer in Tuesday’s train derailment was a factor in the accident.


She goes to great lengths and is obviously choosing her words carefully to say she’s not inferring the accident happened because Bostian is gay…

Then goes on to infer exactly that! (Yeah and some of your best friends are gay too!)

Here’s a link to the article in the Huffington Post


This is the same as me saying, “I’m not inferring that because her last name is hispanic that she’s likely to leave the scene of an auto accident but well sometimes being hispanic is a factor in hit & run accidents… I was once in an accident where a hispanic lady left the scene. I mean she just abandoned her car and a friend picked her up before the cops came.“

True story, The lady did abandon her car on the freeway, left behind one hell of a mess for the CHP to clean up. 

For years gays have been accused of having larger amounts of disposable income than their straight counterparts. Additionally, they’re supposed to be more into taking care of themselves, they’re supposed to drive nicer cars, have nicer homes and apartments, they’re typically well educated, well insured, and well just awesome in every way.

Were you describing a straight person with all those same traits, you’d say they’re responsible & reliable.


Yet when you preface those same traits with “They’re gay…” somehow these traits lose their blush and now all that responsibility & training counts for nothing with conservative assholes like Rios.

I’m a mostly conservative asshole, and I know a lot of really conservative gay men. We’re not obvious about our conservative beliefs for two reasons.

1) Lots of gays are totally Democratic, progressive liberal dip shits.

2) People like this ‘gash in a sundress’, (Thank you Pam from TrueBlood, that is a great line!)


When you say you’re a conservative gay person you’re treated badly, and people identify you with Perry, Santorum, Rush Limbaugh, or crazed bible thumpers from Westboro Baptist Church.  Obviously, none of my conservative gay friends are anything like these examples, and by the way we don’t hate ourselves either.

Generally we’re thinkers who tend to prefer common sense practicality over “theory”. We don’t tend to buy into social engineering and are more about people deciding what’s best for themselves. We realize we don’t have to agree on every point with someone else and can hold discussions with folks who have different opinions without resorting to name calling. After we’ve had even “spirited” discussions, we can still be friends, have a beer and even sex, and feel great about life and how lucky we are.


Thank goodness this lady isn’t mainstream.

Next, people like Rios would be claiming that gays shouldn’t operate heavy machinery, drive cars, or fly planes, for fear of a gay person “getting the Vapors” and losing control.

[After all it only takes one despondent faggot, and planes get crashed into the ground.

Oh wait the German pilot was straight… oh wait the Islamic terrorists that crashed into Pennsylvania were straight, and it was a gay man that was one of the leaders of the rebellion against the terrorists on flight 93.]


The same line of reasoning was, ironically enough, used to deny women the vote and briefly the ability to drive in this country.

That line of “Less than” reasoning is STILL used in some countries in the Middle East to deny women’s rights.

So Ms. Rios, YA might want to think for just a moment about all the privileges and rights you have, which would have been denied simply because you’re a woman and therefore “Less Capable”.

Then for just a moment think about the fact that you’re suggesting a “Less Than Capable” status because someone is gay. Then after that…


Do us ALL a favor and shut your pie hole!

Allow me to spell this out using small words so you can understand the meaning.

Gay people are just like everyone else.

Give gay people ALL the rights of being a US citizen and you’ll see just how normal, and dare I say it, “Average” they are.

Oh and by the way, we’re better drivers than you straights…

We do have nicer cars and therefore have to be better drivers, just to avoid accidents with distracted soccer moms like you!

Hey Comedy Central, Its time for “The Nightly Show” to GO!


Larry Wilmore is about as funny as a finding out you just went down on someone with an antibiotic resistant venereal disease.

The sad part is that he thinks he’s funny.

I thank God that I have an “OFF” button on my remote control, each and every time I hear this guy open his mouth.

Comedy Central you need to stick with interesting stuff that is actually funny.

Key and Peele for example are experimental and sometimes I plain don’t get it, but they’re worth watching because when they get it right, they’re funny as hell.

I watch your network to laugh, South Park, Futurama, & your stand up comedians usually make my day. Do what you do well, keep us laughing!

SouthPark WavingShot

The Nightly Show is absolute SHIT!

If I want cynical, comedic news, I’ll watch CNN.

Even Tosh.0 is better than Larry Wilmore & The Nightly Show. My fingers burst into flames typing that!

Call this guy and his show a #FAIL and move on.

Or you can keep registering God knows how many people pressing the “OFF” button…

Your Choice.