I watched The Birdcage last night


It’d been a while and as always, I laughed through it. 

The Birdcage was released in 1996. Yep almost 20 years ago.

What caught my attention was the reference to Al Sharpton.

I can’t find the exact quote but it’s something like;

“The Reverend Al Sharpton said today that Senator Jackson’s last words ‘Your money’s on the nightstand chocolate,’ was racist…”

I just about choked!

Twenty Years ago Al Sharpton was already worthy of parody and today nothing has changed, he’s still race baiting. I guess the good really do die young and the evil fuckers continue to be a plague on us all.

And lest we forget, the overarching backdrop of the movie is politics.

If you haven’t seen The Birdcage in a while, grab a copy, make some popcorn, and have a nice movie night. 

Every single person in that cast was simply awesome.

Even though Robin is gone, his gift for making us laugh remains.


Finally up and out of bed…


And NO I wasn’t spending days in bed having a good time! If ONLY!

I threw my back out and WOW! Its been a long time since I’ve felt blinding pain like that.

Every step was followed by agonizing twitching in my low back. Each twitch felt like a flaming dull knife was being repeatedly plunged into my iliac crest (Top of the hip bone) then sawing down to my knee and balls at the same time.

Yeah it HURT!

I tried to tough it out, but after 3 days of not much change, I went to bed. 

Two days later I’m feeling much better and even feel like writing without having every thought focused on burning agony.

My only comfort was that for the two days I was in bed I didn’t have to put clothes on. Mind you, I didn’t feel like having any kind of traditional “naked fun” but at least I was more comfortable than being wrapped in clothing.

After this I can understand why so many “Snake oil” remedies exist for back problems.

I’d have made a deal with Satan to make it stop. Of course that deal would have involved me holding on to MY soul and selling out the rest of you, but that’s another story.

In any case I’m finally on the mend but since I’m alone and the temp isn’t too low I might strip off these dang clothes and just enjoy working on my projects in the buff.

Blah Blah Blatty Blah, Blah Blah.


I couldn’t bring myself to watch the State of the Union address.

Honestly, I feel kinda bad about it. In a strange way I feel like I’ve somehow abdicated my responsibility to keep an eye on our government.

On the other hand, I was laying flat in my bed after having thrown my back out. (I’m completely unclear how I did it) I just couldn’t take the thought of getting spun up listening to Stompyfoot.

Even reading the after event articles from various news feeds this morning is to some extent disgusting. Split right down the middle, the left is praising The President, the right is essentially saying WTF?

I can’t watch an Obama speech without thinking of The Fifth Element and the character Ruby Rhod. Chris Tucker was fantastic at his parody of marginally talented performers and their entourage of sycophants.

No matter what Ruby said or did his entourage was always excited, in agreement, and willing to tell him whatever they thought he wanted to hear.

I can’t read or listen to the media about The President without seeing Ruby’s entourage in my mind’s eye. 

Some of the reports this morning suggest that The President turned on the media. Chris Matthews was apparently put off by the Presidents comments. I call it a classic case of a politician realizing that his old alliances are now meaningless, so why not start devouring them.

On the plus side we wont have to listen to many more of ‘ol Stompyfoot’s speeches.

I think the election cycle is fully underway and it’s going to be a seriously nasty one.