Insurance AGAIN…


I swear I have other things that I’d rather be doing. You know, living my life, taking a huge dump, jerking off, drilling my own teeth, (although Dr. F would probably be pissed off if I did that.) In short, I’d rather be doing ANYTHING and I mean any fucking thing aside from dealing with trying to sort out the insurance bullshit again.

Yet here I am, dealing with web sites Cigna (for example) that has incorrect information published about which providers currently take their insurance. Yep, they say my Doctor is accepting the Cigna plans, but turns out Cigna only offers HMO policies in Orange County and my Doctor doesn’t actually take any HMO patients from Cigna.

So who do I believe?

You know who I believe? I believe the lady that handles the billing and money.

Which leads me back to the bullshit of shopping policies. Anthem Blue Cross is right the fuck out. They’ve already screwed me for a year.

As it turns out Blue Shield actually offers a real PPO to people like me, and that PPO has no regional limits. However THEY demand a bunch of information before you even get a chance to ask them IF they sell private policies at all. 

They wanted to know how much money I was making BEFORE they would even let me talk to an agent. I pulled a number out of my ass. Then I’m talking to an agent that tells me I should go to Covered California, get a number of some kind, and then we’ll talk because I’m eligible for a subsidy based on the number I just pulled out of my ass.

This agent was all excited to tell me that I was eligible for a subsidy and something inside me twisted. That subsidy money is taxpayer money and honestly the unsubsidized premium wasn’t all that bad.  She was all excited about my getting money from other taxpayers to pay for my insurance.

Is it me??? Am I the only person that has a problem with this?

Pragmatically, she’s right in telling me not to leave money on the table that can effectively halve my premiums. But there is something so inherently wrong with this that I can’t wrap my head around it.

This is SOCIALISM, plain & simple. I’m greedy, I’d love to have someone pay my premiums for me, but I can’t help but think this is wrong. 

SO what to do? Follow my ethics and pay full pop even thought I can’t really afford it, or sign up on the exchange and get a subsidy even though I fundamentally disagree with the whole system. 

If I go for the subsidy, does that make me a sell out?

The Best Legitimate massage in 100 miles.


Just got off the massage table and I feel like a million bucks.

Although I’m a bit addled so I’m having a Starbucks to kinda wake back up.

Heres the deal, if you’re looking for the best legitimate massage between LA/OC and Palm Springs you really need to go see my friend Mark.

No Questions! Just go. He’s the best, works on everybody and is reasonably priced to boot. 

Here’s my story… I called to schedule my usual massage & Mark tells me he’s got a new address. His old studio was great so I think, “What’s up?”

Massage Room 1

The deal is this, after years of him working 5 days a week for Massage Envy (Who, as an aside, I wouldn’t do business with because of their nasty attitude and even crappier policies.) Mark decided to open his own place. 

He’s got a very nice multi room space in a small shopping plaza. The new studio is beautifully done, its quiet and very relaxing. 

His plan is to build out the other rooms, provide space for some other licensed massage folks and then provide no attitude, quality massages for everyone.

I have no doubt that he’ll succeed. During the years he was at Massage Envy, as a courtesy, he worked on me in his smaller private studio. I should add, he was working on me on HIS Day off. 

Yeah, that’s the kind of guy he is, a truly decent & caring human being.

Path To Relaxation

Mark’s repertoire includes a variety of massage styles and everything from simple massage to hot stones and stretching. (In truth, I haven’t sampled all the different modalities Mark offers. Hey, I’m a simple kind of guy.)

Mark is, and has been licensed forever. This is in stark contrast to many of the folks you see in ads on craigslist or wherever else. That license issue is important because it says he’s had real training, knows his stuff, and is capable of doing deep work without causing injury. 

For me, there’s nothing like laying down on the warm table and just drifting away.

I prefer really deep massage and in many of our sessions, I’ve screamed like a little girl and called him every name in the book. Sometimes I’ve done both at the same time.  

Mark’s strong hands will relax you, and he doesn’t have a problem with you screaming like a little girl, even if you’re a big ‘ol hockey player.

Mark also can do gentle. A few times when I’ve really hurt myself, he’s patiently and gently worked out the hurt spots. We won’t discuss the numerous occasions where I fell asleep because I was comfortable, safe, and relaxed. 

So all that being said… with all the stresses of the holiday season, take a little bit of time out for yourself.

Go see Mark. You aren’t going to have a “Happy Ending” but you’ll leave his place Happy and relaxed.





Situational Awareness


I was doing a little shopping in the OC yesterday.  It was a little rainy so… well, people were more than a little nuts.

Water! FROM THE SKY??? It’s the END of the world!

Growing up on the East coast I think nothing of rain. Hail on the other hand just pisses me off if I’m driving in it, it’s hell on the paint.

I digress!

Glad I didn't buy lunch

As I’m walking around in the mall, I’m noticing people walking around and texting. I can only think that I’d like to position myself in front of the nearest fountain, have a nice cup of coffee and wait for some dumbass to try to walk on water.

Then I notice that the majority of the people in the mall are women. That makes sense, these are soccer moms and they’re trying to get ahead on the shopping while the kids are at school.

Text Fountain

As I walk past the Sony store (yes really) there’s a CNN report blaring about the “War on Women” and that idiot publicity seeker Lena Dunham. Suddenly it hits me like a ton of bricks…

Every single one of these women I’ve been having to avoid because they aren’t watching what they’re doing, is a potential target.

I’m probably going to take some flack about this. But really ladies get a freaking clue, if you’re so focused on texting or looking something up on your phone in a mall that you don’t notice a guy walking toward you, then you turn directly into his path and stand still, you’re a target.

It’s equally possible for someone to be walking behind you waiting to pass in front of one of the service hallways or a construction barrier, then grab you, cover your mouth, and drag you out of the sight of anyone who could help. 

Texting Lady

If it’s a rapist they’re going to have their way with you and no-one would be the wiser. If it’s just someone who wants your purse, phone, or the bags you’re carrying they too are going to take your shit and be gone before you’ve even figured out what’s happening.

In addition to you being completely checked out of life, you’re rude as hell.

Ladies, if you need to text someone, move out of the walkway. Find a spot on a bench or with your back against a wall then text away!

This serves two functions.

1) You’re out of the way of the rest of the mall’s patrons.

2) At least you’ve narrowed the directions that attack could come from. Who knows, you might even see someone coming at you out of the corner of your eye.

The message I’m trying to convey ladies is; don’t be so clueless that you become a victim.