Merry Christmas


Hard to believe that it’s that time of year again.

Yet here I sit with a Christmas tree and gifts to be opened.

I hope you and yours are enjoying the season.

Be safe, stay warm and don’t eat too much.

What do you mean it’s Christmas Eve? I still have Christmas cards left.

Bill The Cat (c) Berkeley Breathed

ACK! I’m still working on Christmas cards!

I know some of you are sitting comfortably, hot coco in hand thinking “I’m done.”

Others of you are preparing for the marathon insanity of Christmas Eve Shopping. More power to you!

Still others are revving up for an annual Christmas Eve dinner and you folks… Well God bless you. As we used to say in the south, “aren’t you just speeeccciiiaaal?”

My cork just popped about the cards. They’ll get out, when they get out and I’m not worrying about it anymore.

I make ‘em from the ground up. Actually, the cards have been ready to go for about 10 days. The problem is that I have to sign ‘em and stuff ‘em into envelopes and this year life has gotten in the way, I also think they shortened the year just to mess with me.

Bill The Cat (c) Berkeley Breathed Hopefully I get points for creation, and don’t lose too many points for the execution.

Next year I’m starting this process in July! I don’t want to hear about it when you get your Holiday cards in September!

In any case…

For those of you whose cards are going to be late. You’re all in my thoughts.

BTW I’d appreciate it if you all would quiet down, my head is a pretty small place and I can hear you just FINE!

My special plan for this evening, is to hunker down in my fluffy robe & slippers, make myself some popcorn and watch The Bishops Wife and Donovan’s Reef. Its a personal tradition for me. 

I wish you all a great holiday, Cards or not. Please remember throughout the holiday, be safe, and enjoy the time with your loved ones.

Maybe I should start next years holiday cards Jan 2. That might mean I actually get them out by Dec 1.

Had a great day yesterday.


Yesterday was my annual Christmas Shopping trip.

An old friend and I used to do a Christmas trip many years ago, but now that he’s married, he has a lot of family responsibilities. Our annual shopping trips have become less frequent.

That’s not an accusation, his wife’s family is very into the holidays and each other’s lives. My friend’s duty is clear between his family, and his wife’s family which is now THEIR combined family, there are a ton of obligations.

Honestly I don’t know how the hell they maintain their schedule. Must be really good drugs!

I try to get together with him as soon after the first of the new year as our schedules allow.

SC Tree

However, nature abhors a vacuum. Apparently, so does South Coast Plaza! 

Another old friend needed a shopping buddy. So one day a year, we have lunch, drinks, Ok perhaps a couple of drinks, then we go shopping for our loved ones. Both of us fervently hoping to find the “perfect” gift and often we purchase a gift for ourselves along the way.

This year, I think I did good. My friend also found something perfect! 

Capital Grill

Unlike years past, we returned to his house, then another couple came over.

After more drinks, cheese, an excellent Italian dinner mixed with tons of laughter, off color jokes, and more laughter, suddenly the clock struck midnight.

We adjourned each to their homes and I found myself having one last pleasure of the evening. 

Empty freeways.

I queued up my favorite playlist, the first song was “Keep the Streets Empty” by Fever Ray. 

The perfect end to a perfect day.