This is CNN…

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The most trusted name in news…


These are the people who spoon feed the masses daily news which in turn low information voters use to make decisions about who to vote for.

I long for the day when the news moved slower, and the journalists were interested in FACTS, not spin.

With the internet at our fingers, it’s nothing to see an article on Brietbart, Fox, The BBC, Le Monde, or Deutsch Welle, and think, “That sounds fishy” then track the story to its source.

It’s not uncommon for there to be some spin in any article due to the journalist’s own beliefs. The question is, has the journalist allowed their bias to skew the story in such a way as to misrepresent the actual facts.

CNN, MSNBC and the main stream media have allowed their biases to completely overwhelm many of their stories and almost all of their reporting.

That’s bad enough, however it gets worse. Their editorial staff is more concerned about their dismal ratings than journalistic integrity, so you get un-vetted, questionable reporting at best, and worst (or in CNN’s case normal) they place Hong Kong where São Paulo Brazil is.

As a blogger, I don’t have high journalistic standards to uphold. I get the luxury of doing nothing but Op-Ed pieces, I do basic checking and try very hard not to froth at the mouth.

I try very hard not to say something entirely stupid even if I’m only a blogger expressing my opinion.

I always do my best not to drool stupidity on the keyboard.

CNN apparently needs a bib.

Well there goes the view

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Anybody what to buy a slightly used house?

I’m big on people being left to do what they want on their property. But DAMN! 

As much as I hate Homeowners Associations and folks being up in my business, I can see why they exist.  Fucking Orange County has come to my mountain.  You see, my neighbors decided to build a fence.

Great! It’s cool and they have small children and are talking about getting a dog… Or so I thought.

Last year, the county came up digging and screwing up the wash, they put access paths where none previously existed, and of course, didn’t complete the access paths they started. Typical of county workers!  


It’s created a situation where people walking up our side of the wash are dumped out right in my neighbors yard. That was bad, but with them having small children and me having dogs who are trained to bark at strangers being someplace they’re not supposed to be, it created a problem.

I can fully understand the neighbors building a fence. When they broached the subject I figured they’d do what everyone else did, a nice low chain-link fence. You know something that would keep the kids in, and strangers out. A nice demarkation that said, “Hey folks this is private property, so stop tromping across my tomato garden.” You know, something that would blend in with the general gray of the ground and yet we’d still be able to see through it.

I never in my wildest dreams imagined a 7ft tall wood fence. Nor did I imagine that the neighbors would be so completely and utterly thoughtless about what their 7FT tall fence would do to my view, or their adjacent neighbors view, or the neighbor on the other side of me.

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Honestly, there is not ONE single place from any of my decks or back yard, that I don’t see this behemoth no matter how hard I try to ignore it, ITS ALWATS THERE!!!!

For Gods sake you can see this Stalag 17 fence from 1/4 of a mile away I can’t even imagine what the neighbors down the canyon are thinking.

Perhaps part of my annoyance is due to the following;

We lost some privacy when the trampoline went up directly outside the slider leading from our bedroom to the deck.

I figured, no big deal, in a few years the trampoline wouldn’t be used all that much by the kids, since children tire of things in time.  So I said nothing, however I had to change my behavior in the evenings or in the early mornings.

IIMG 0309 had a habit of coming out of the master bathroom into my bedroom naked. Most of the time the blind on the slider is at least partially down, then one day I realized, the blind really had to be almost completely down to make sure that I wasn’t exposing myself to whatever children might be playing on the trampoline.

Now, I dress in the bathroom before I come out.

I said nothing about the excited squeals of children playing. It was nice to know they were being kids and enjoying themselves.

The excited squeals meant that if I needed to make a business or professional phone call and the kids were playing, I needed to close the sliders on the back of the house.

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We’ve started keeping the dogs inside since the new dog tends to like to bark at the kids, trying to get them to play with him. The dog doesn’t understand that he can’t play with the kids through the fence. The kids should be able to play in peace, without a dog barking at them no matter how friendly his intentions. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get the new dog broken of that particular behavior. The dog is eight, and has never really been worked with. There are some behaviors that can’t be modified after a certain point.

Its cool, you adapt to neighbors in order to make everyone in the neighborhood comfortable.

But I’m feeling like I’m the one doing all the adaptation.

Regardless of how much I’ve adapted or how courteous or mindful of others I’ve been It seems like I’m asked for yet more. Now we’ve been asked to clear the dog poo every day and wash down the area where the pups pee every day because the lady of the house next door is pregnant and apparently can smell everything.

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Uh really?

I’m letting my landscaping die because I’m trying to be socially responsible during California’s drought emergency. and you’re telling me I need to wash down a dirt area every day because you can smell dog pee?


We tend to clean up dog poo daily, it’s something we do during the summer anyway. But I’ll be damned if I alter my hosing down of an area that I’ve been rinsing down about twice a week. I’ve integrated the rinsing of the pee area into parsing out water to some of the trees that would otherwise be a fire hazard.

I resent the implication that I have to spend money, I don’t have on a limited resource because a neighbor is pregnant.

This is, I think about us being too nice.

What the yard used to look like

When you’re a nice person, some people tend to take advantage of you being nice.

You don’t get pissed off about the loss of privacy, and so people assume you don’t care and you have even less privacy, because you’re a nice person.

You don’t get into the HOA thing, or point out that any fence above a certain height REQUIRES a building permit.  But the same people that would build a fence above the prescribed height would be the first to demand you adhere to the rules if you built a fence or building that obstructed their view.

You get told that your dogs are offensive because someone is pregnant. BUT it’s NOT your baby, that person isn’t your wife, and you have nothing to gain except spending more money on water during a drought.  

There was a time when people knew where the limit was.

I have noticed since the completion of the fence, that I haven’t seen my neighbors around much.

Fences say a lot about the people that build them.

I guess I get the message. 

Something a friend forwarded to me

Here is the link to the original piece.

I’m posting the text below for your convenience. This letter is well worth the time to read.

 Thanks to

To the Students for Justice in Palestine, a Letter From an Angry Black Woman

‘You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes’

A protest led by Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2009. (Gerald Martineau/The Washington Post/Getty Images)

The student organization Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is prominent on many college campuses, preaching a mantra of “Freeing Palestine.” It masquerades as though it were a civil rights group when it is not. Indeed, as an African-American, I am highly insulted that my people’s legacy is being pilfered for such a repugnant agenda. It is thus high time to expose its agenda and lay bare some of the fallacies they peddle.

• If you seek to promulgate the legacy of early Islamic colonialists who raped and pillaged the Middle East, subjugated the indigenous peoples living in the region, and foisted upon them a life of persecution and degradation—you do not get to claim the title of “Freedom Fighter.”

• If you support a racist doctrine of Arab supremacism and wish (as a corollary of that doctrine) to destroy the Jewish state, you do not get to claim that the prejudices you peddle are forms of legitimate “resistance.”

• If your heroes are clerics who sit in Gaza plotting the genocide of a people; who place their children on rooftops in the hopes they will get blown to bits; who heap praises upon their fellow gang members when they succeed in murdering Jewish school boys and bombing places of activity where Jews congregate—you do not get to claim that you are some Apollonian advocate of human virtue. You are not.

• If your activities include grieving over the woefully incompetent performance by Hamas rocketeers and the subsequent millions of Jewish souls who are still alive—whose children were not murdered by their rockets; whose limbs were not torn from them; and whose disembowelment did not come into fruition—you do not get to claim that you stand for justice. You profess to be irreproachable. You are categorically not.

• If your idea of a righteous cause entails targeting and intimidating Jewish students on campus, arrogating their history of exile-and-return and fashioning it in your own likeness you do not get to claim that you do so in the name of civil liberty and freedom of expression.

• You do not get to champion regimes that murder, torture, and persecute their own people, deliberately keep them impoverished, and embezzle billions of dollar from them—and claim you are “pro-Arab.” You are not.

• You do not get to champion a system wherein Jews are barred from purchasing land, traveling in certain areas, and living out such an existence merely because they are Jews—and claim that you are promoting equality for all. You do not get to enable that system by pushing a boycott of Jewish owned businesses, shops, and entities—and then claim that you are “against apartheid.” That is evil.

• You do not get to justify the calculated and deliberate bombings, beatings, and lynchings of Jewish men, women, and children by referring to such heinous occurrences as part of a noble “uprising” of the oppressed—that is racism. It is evil.

• You do not get to pretend as though you and Rosa Parks would have been great buddies in the 1960s. Rosa Parks was a real Freedom Fighter. Rosa Parks was a Zionist.

Coretta Scott King was a Zionist.

A. Phillip Randolph was a Zionist.

Bayard Rustin was a Zionist.

Count Basie was a Zionist.

Dr. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Zionist.

Indeed, they and many more men and women signed a letter in 1975 that stated: “We condemn the anti-Jewish blacklist. We have fought too long and too hard to root out discrimination from our land to sit idly while foreign interests import bigotry to America. Having suffered so greatly from such prejudice, we consider most repugnant the efforts by Arab states to use the economic power of their newly-acquired oil wealth to boycott business firms that deal with Israel or that have Jewish owners, directors, or executives, and to impose anti-Jewish preconditions for investments in this country.”

You see, my people have always been Zionists because my people have always stood for the freedom of the oppressed. So, you most certainly do not get to culturally appropriate mypeople’s history for your own. You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes and you do not get to feign victimhood in our name. You do not have the right to slander my people’s good name and link your cause to that of Dr. King’s. Our two causes are diametrically opposed to each other.

Your cause is the antithesis of freedom. It has cost hundreds of thousands of lives of both Arabs and Jews. It has separated these peoples, and has fomented animosity between them. It has led to heartache, torment, death and destruction.

It is of course your prerogative to continue to utilize platitudes for your cause. You are entirely within your rights to chant words like “equality” “justice” and “freedom fighter.”

You can keep using those words for as long as you like. But I do not think you know what they mean.


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Let me explain…


Americans not wanting Illegal immigrants is not the same as Americans not welcoming Immigrants.

I know the subtlety is easily lost in the endless politically correct churning of the mainstream media.

Immigrants are by definition folks that have gone through the process of asking for permission, and filling out endless applications to move to the United States.

They are patient, and law abiding, they’re generally looking for a new life and willing to assimilate into the fabric of our great nation. Often they are escaping the oppression of a government or political system that punished them for being who they were, for having dreams, or for disagreeing with totalitarianism.

Generally, these people do not wish to bring the ills of their former nation to their new adopted country. They don’t seek what they had at home, they seek a future of freedom and opportunity. (Unless they’re Muslim… another story entirely.)

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Illegal Immigrants may want many of the same things, but there is one major difference and lots of little differences between the Illegal Immigrant and the legal immigrant.

The major difference…

The Illegal Immigrant has, as their first act in a new country broken the law. There is NO discussion here, no excuses, it’s a matter of fact. Crossing the border into another country without permission is illegal. Therefore an Illegal immigrant has broken the law.

Many, though not all illegal immigrants are simply criminals in their own country and seek to escape justice by hiding among the shadow population in this country. These folks bring their criminal ways with them.

Enforcing a closed border, Unreasonable?

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It’s not unreasonable to want to defend our border. It’s not unreasonable to send folks packing because they snuck into the country.

What is unreasonable is not enforcing the laws of this country.

It’s unreasonable to distribute Illegal immigrants across the nation, free them on a promise, and then expect them to show up in court. Particularly if those illegal immigrants are underage children. It makes no sense that our government is essentially asking minors to enter into a legal contract, in a country whose laws they don’t understand.

In the current climate where we have borders that are not secure, and our government secretly distributing illegal immigrants throughout the country, members of my own family are being placed at risk.

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Yes… a cracker, honky, lily white, (gasp) conservative male has relatives that are of Latin American decent. 

They’re children, they’re American citizens, and they’re AT RISK!

Follow this scenario.

My elderly parents shopping with their grand children who tan very well, encounter folks that are angry about the lawless illegal immigration that our government is allowing.

This angry mob points to the kids, demanding to see their immigration papers (which of course as American citizens they neither have, or need.) My Dad gets pissed off and tries to protect his grandchildren then sustains injury. Meanwhile my Mom attempts to escape the mob only to be called to account for harboring Illegals!

The kids are traumatized and have seen the ugliest face of humanity, all the while not understanding what they did wrong. (Because Unknownof course they did nothing wrong!)

The scenario above isn’t beyond possibility. Especially if our government continues to sanction and assist illegal immigration. Eventually Americans are going to get pissed off and when they do a lot of innocent people are going to be hurt.

I feel for the folks who want to come to this country, I really do. That being said, I absolutely am 100% against having our borders unsecured, any and ALL amnesty programs or doing anything with the illegals involved in our border crisis EXCEPT returning them to their country of origin immediately.

For me it’s personal.

I believe it is totally unconscionable and dangerous to Americans, for the Obama administration to harbor these people, and ignore the will of the Citizens.