Funny, I write a lot, But…


Veteran waiting

A lot of what I write doesn’t make it to these pages.

You can thank your lucky stars about that.

I see stuff on the TV news or read something in a paper, and I think what the hell?

There’s stuff that pisses me off because it’s just wrong, and offends my sense of decency and morality.

Then there’s stuff that is simply factually wrong, mis-worded, misspelled, or spun, in such a convoluted way that I know it’s misleading a large percentage of the population.

First Ammendment

I read about our Veterans begging for medical care and about Illegal immigrants complaining because they don’t get enough free medical care.

I read of people making cases for “rights” that aren’t “rights” but are privileges, then read of those same people claiming “Rights” enumerated in the constitution, aren’t “Rights” at all.

To be clear;

Having a drivers license is a privilege.

Freedom of Speech is a Right.

Being fed because you’re poor or hungry is a humanitarian act, being performed for you by the people who are feeding you because you can’t feed yourself. But you don’t have a “Right” which legally compels someone to feed you.  Worse yet, demanding better cuisine and expecting it of your generous hosts isn’t your “right,” it’s just plain rude.

Israeli leaflets

Your “Right” to practice your religion is exactly that, YOUR RIGHT. My choice NOT to practice your religion or any religion for that matter is just as much my “Right”.

My exercise of my “Right” to free speech in denouncing your practice of your religion, based on your behavior is not hate speech, it’s simply a matter of calling it as I see it.

I think Israel is right and I hope they burn all of Hamas down.  No, not because I particularly agree with all of Israel’s policies. I happen to think that Israel is fighting a stand up fight while Hamas isn’t. Look at this simplistically, Israel tells Hamas when they’re going to bomb or move into an area.

Crying Palesteinan

In the history of warfare has there ever been an Army that says, “We’ll be bombing this area at 15:00, and moving our troops into the area at 16:30.”

Nope, and Hamas sure as hell doesn’t give any warning. So I can’t perceive of Israel as a bully.

I see Israel behaving as honorably as possible, given that they’re fighting a war. I see Hamas as a bunch of childish schoolyard bullies tossing rocks at the athletes from behind bleachers filled with kindergarteners.

Eventually even the best, fair minded, and most honorable athletes get pissed off and go on the hunt.

That’s when Hamas runs to the UN crying and saying Israel is mean. Twintowers

Hey, Israel is just exercising their “Right” to kick some ass.

Contrary to what the Obamas think, Muslims didn’t have a lot to do with building this country. They did apparently have a lot to do with a nasty bit of urban renewal in Manhattan.


The Puritans, and Irish, English, Italians, Germans, Swedes, Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, Africans, Native Americans, (and a whole lot of other determined folks who dreamt of freedom) built this country with blood, sweat, tears, and a fuckload of hard work.

There’s an impact crater in Pennsylvania that bears testament to the gumption, determination, and grit of the descendants of those people. The passengers on flight 93 believed that protecting their fellow citizens was more important than their lives being lost in vain by allowing a plane to be used as a weapon. They did honor to their ancestors and to God only knows how many innocent citizens on the ground.


I think about that every single time I hear about the so called “Religion of Peace.” Or hear some assholes like CAIR saying that Muslims are being oppressed because they’re offended by a Christmas decoration.

I grind my teeth every single time I see our sitting President ignore a salute from his Marine escorts.

These kinds of things go through my head all the time and sometimes I wonder if I’ve stepped onto the “CRAZY TRAIN” because so much now days, makes so little sense.


It’s because I wonder if I’m nuts, that I often let blog entries sit and simmer for days or weeks. Sometimes I reread them and think, “Yeah I was wound up when I wrote that.” Then press delete.

Other times I press Publish letting the chips fall as they will.

And sometimes, as I’m doing tonight, I condense the hell out of several posts and what you get is something that’s more akin to stream of consciousness.

No salute

Mind you, this is far more edited than the normally chaotic stream running through my head. I doubt even my computer could keep up with that. I certainly don’t expect you to.

Let me just say this, I’m here even if I’m not writing or tweeting out loud. I’m observing, and thinking, and writing things that maybe, you’ll never read.

I do appreciate the occasional comment or email, because often, I hear from someone that says, “Yeah, I get you. You’re not alone brother.”


Other times I get a comment or email that tells me I’m off the rails and need to have a drink, and take a deep breath. Rarely, I’ll get a really pissed off email or comment that tells me I’ve hit a nerve, so keep those cards & letters coming.

Good Night,

Sleep well everyone, and remember what Eleanor Roosevelt said;

Marines not sleeping

“The Marines I have seen around the world have the cleanest bodies, the filthiest minds, the highest morale, and the lowest morals of any group of animals I have ever seen. Thank God for the United States Marine Corps!”

 ― Eleanor Roosevelt

I sleep well, embraced by Marines around the world, who are not sleeping.

Wait for the next ride

I’ve been privileged to watch over a few Marines through the night, so they could sleep soundly.

Yeah, I think about stuff like that too…

Night Rain


You don’t appreciate something until it’s gone.

Its been that way around here. I’ve had enough of the endless dry dusty days. This drought is like the party guest that just won’t leave.

There have been some really evil teasers over the past few months, cloudy days, huge thunderheads building against the mountain, lots of noise but not a lot of action.

All we’ve gotten out of it has been humidity followed by more steaminess than we had before.

I can take heat, with low humidity. I can take high humidity like you get in the South, at least you know that rain is coming.

I can’t take the nasty humidity followed by sun followed by more humidity with no breeze. That’s brutal and what the early evenings have been like for the past few days. 

Oppressive heat and humidity permeating what should be a comfortable time of the day. Not quite hot enough to run the air conditioning, but sticky like a Florida summer day without the afternoon thunderstorm.


Being naked doesn’t help, because you can’t get enough sweat to evaporate to cool. You lay there sweating, wondering if the $$$ you’d spend on the A/C is worth it.

I was sleeping fitfully on the couch. Then about an hour ago I woke to the smell of rain on hot asphalt. It’s not raining a lot, more of a drizzle but it’s being fairly consistent and the temperature has dropped about 10 degrees. 

The rain isn’t hitting on the roof hard enough to make much of a sound, but I can hear it on the leaves and if I listen real hard, I can hear drops hitting the decks.


I wasn’t naked when I fell asleep on the couch, I’m naked now.

Standing at the sliding door listening  to the rain through the screen I had an overwhelming urge to be naked, feeling the rain on my skin.

Thank goodness the decks are more or less private at this time of night!

For however long this gentle shower lasts, I’m grateful.

I can see myself wrapping up in a sheet then falling asleep listening to the crickets and gentle shower hitting the parched ground.

It’s worth losing a little sleep to enjoy the rain.

Uh OH, Guess White people are going to be driven into poverty…

Images 2

It’s only fair, right? After all White folks MUST be punished for their hard work and success.

All you young white males out there.  GIVE UP! You’re fucked!

Learn to drive that forklift, and don’t forget Military Careers are gone now too.

Whatever you do, you’re not going to be allowed to work in technology firms anymore. Probably should look at leaving this country too. I hear the Russians, Germans, & Chinese, are looking for skilled technology workers.

Here’s the deal. During the past few months, Silicon Valley has been called upon to release “Diversity” reports and BIG surprise… Those reports are showing that overwhelmingly White Males, followed by folks from Asia, are at the top of the food chain in technology.

The latest report is from Twitter.

Honestly I don’t find this at all surprising. I noticed a long time ago that the Captains of industry were predominantly white. It actually makes a kind of sense. The civil rights movement was in full swing only 50 years ago.

Black Sales Manager

If you factor in the time needed to improve and integrate the schools, and make sure that black kids had all the same opportunities that white kids had then get the black kids interested in education and prepare them for college… You still come up short. You have folks especially in the early years that simply couldn’t afford college so they didn’t go. Plus you had a mind set in the black community that wasn’t educationally focused. Those issues take time to fix. 

Figure that you lose 15 to 20 years while minds, beliefs, and financial issues get taken care of. Which leaves you with a good 30 or so years during which black kids were being educated right along side white kids. Then hopefully moving on to college. Which means that two maybe four groups of black kids have been educated start to finish through college, with all the same opportunities as white kids. So now they’re waiting in the wings to move up the corporate ladder.

Except that no-one is moving up the corporate ladder except H1B1 Visa holders. That’s another issue entirely.

Then along comes Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton demanding to know why there aren’t more black faces in the pages of Forbes. 

Well, looking at President Obama’s management style perhaps we can see why there aren’t more African Americans in management. Having some experience with a supervisor who was far more interested in not rocking the boat and doing anything to keep peace, I can tell you, this isn’t the way to promotions. In any business situation, sometimes you have to take risks, and stand up for what you believe in. Not taking risks or maintaining peace at any price, makes you anything but management material.

Corporate ladder

It also tends to cause a lot of turnover in employees working for that supervisor.

Some employees have goals and want to move up the corporate ladder.  They can’t do that under a milquetoast supervisor because in addition to keeping peace at any price, this kind of supervisor also limits upper management’s view of their employees, Typically the supervisor takes all the credit for good work, and hangs an employee out to dry if a project or other work goes bad.

Lots of employee turnover tends to limit how far up the corporate ladder this type of supervisor can go. Which suggests management classes may be in order for African American supervisors and certainly for President Obama.

I don’t think this bad management style is a personal style choice, I think it’s endemic to most African American managers. I can only assume it’s a style born out of fear of losing a hard won job, there’s probably a psychology paper in there somewhere.

Which brings me back on point.

There aren’t that many African Americans in upper management for a couple of reasons.

1 Poor management style limits access to higher management responsibilities.

2 We’re still waiting for seasoned African Americans to come up through the ranks from entry level positions to upper management.

The two issues are inter-related but I think, subtly different.

These diversity reports are going slam midlevel white male workers the hardest. Regardless of these workers qualifications, they’re going to lose out to institutional racism.

Poor white people

The equation is simple, businesses fear bad publicity. Bad Publicity hurts the bottom line and so must be avoided at all costs. Even if the cost is hiring people who are not qualified for a job. It makes good business sense to isolate someone from management decisions and pay them a salary to look pretty, if their presence spares the company bad publicity.

It even makes sense to hire a lot of people who are unqualified or barely qualified for a series of jobs peppered throughout departments to make your diversity numbers look better. Some of the barely qualified folks will catch on and become good employees. The rest, a company takes as a write-off in productivity.

All of which means, White Males aren’t going to get tech jobs for the foreseeable future.

Really? Republicans are in a dither about a True Blood characters comment?

Pam 1024

True Blood is a TV show. These characters are fiction and what comes out of their mouths is a story.

That being said, and being a bit of a True Blood fan I found the comment to be consistent with Pam’s character. 

Pam Said “My god I look like a republicunt,” and she did. She looked like one of the trophy wives seen all too often in the theater of American politics.

She said this in private to Eric who is dying of a vampire disease. It was typical Pam, she tends to drift toward gallows humor.  Pam is plain spoken and tends to be a bit crude. She’s also vicious when pissed off, yet fiercely loyal to her family and friends.  Like all vampires she’s drifted over sexual lines and explored the unknown. I think this is simply a function of being old in the True Blood story line.

So I have to ask why the hell the Republicans and Conservatives are freaking out and taking offense  at what Pam said. I won’t even mention the insanity of the Conservatives only NOW commenting about the homoerotic overtones contained in True Blood. If they find this sort of thing offensive they probably should have stopped watching True Blood oh… four or five seasons ago.

Don’t they have something better to do?

More interesting is that instead of laughing it off, OR perhaps realizing that the show reflects the general view of Republican conservatives and addressing that image problem. These people are wringing their hands in the media. Really????

Apparently Sarah Palin was invited to do a cameo. She declined, so we’ll never know what that cameo would have looked like. I personally could see a scene where Mrs Palin pulled a big assed .357 out of her purse and started shooting the Yakuza that were hunting down another character. That would have been fun, and allowed Mrs Palin to squeeze off a couple of shots for the 2nd amendment.

Who knows, Pam might have liked Mrs Palin.

So Republicans & Conservatives… Stop embarrassing yourselves over a piece of fiction. 

More importantly, Stop embarrassing me!

This one I couldn’t let pass, it really pisses me off. NSFW


5 year old rape victim dies in Herat


I originally saw this on Breitbart but followed it back to the Afghanistan Times (the link above).

Frankly, my brain rebooted.

There are so many things going through my head I’m not sure I can cogently prioritize them all.

The doctors at the hospital covered the cause of death, describing it as choking, instead of butfucking a 5 year old child to death. The boys, (I sincerely question what is meant by “boys” in this context) have been arrested but will probably be found innocent of the rape charges.

It’s the other details that make me positive we should have nuked the entire area, carpet bomb style. Sterilize the whole country, make it visible from space as a glowing wasteland, but I get ahead of myself.


The hypocrisy of these people is overwhelming. At the same time a 15 year old girl can be beaten and tortured by her in-laws for refusing to become a prostitute, apparently the victims of rape are often considered criminals and immoral because they were forced to have sex prior to wedlock.

THE VICTIMS??? What about the owners of the DICKS that violated children?

While I was trying to find the article about this boy on the Afghanistan Times site, I found another article about a three year old girl being raped by an adult man. Again, it looked like he might be held responsible for murder.

Then I read in the Breitbart article that older men sometimes  take on pre-pubescent MALE lovers in some bullshit cultural thing called “bacha baazi.”

WHAT?!?!? I thought it was customary for islamic “high morality” cultures to mutilate and then kill any homosexual. In this way they prevent the sullying of their “Religion of Peace” and preserving the high moral standards we’ve all come to know and “appreciate” from the followers of Islam.  Yet, here we have a cultural institution wherein homosexual behavior is apparently acceptable as long as it’s an older man with a boy whose balls haven’t dropped.

SORRY… Putting your dick in a boy, is homosexual behavior regardless of the age of the boy or how many wives you have.


What are we supposed to believe here, that the man didn’t realize he was fucking a boy… IN THE ASS?

What happens if the boy happens to develop a preference for male sex when he becomes an adult?

Well, we know that answer.  Presumably after enduring years of shame and humiliation, he gets caught with another man and then endures being imprisoned, mutilated, then fucked by the prison guards before he’s taken out and beheaded, stoned, or hung. 


Were I twenty years younger I’d sign up for college, then become a physicist with but one goal in mind.

I’d find a way to create a singularity sphere like the ones in The Arrival.  Then I’d happily drop a dozen or so of those puppies all over Afghanistan.

If you don’t remember, these things were flat cool. They lift off, scan the area, then suck everything into a singularity. 

No fuss, no muss, probably nothing more than just a brief wink of X-ray radiation as the surrounding matter disappears into the singularity’s event horizon. 

Totally excellent devices for urban renewal or to dispose of a vermin problem.

Make no mistake, Religion/culture of peace and morality, MY ASS!

No more funding for these animals, Let them all wither and die in a shithole of their own making. These people seem to know nothing but curelty, hatred and violence.  Perhaps, since we have no singularities handy, could we at least drop a few big assed rocks on ‘em from orbit?

I used to apply the lesson learned when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Spare the innocent…

Now I’ve come to think that euthanasia in these shitholes might be a more merciful option. 

And to lighten things up. Here’s Andrew Klavan on political correctness.