Does anyone wonder why we don’t trust the president?

There was an article this morning in Brietbart pointing out that the President, after taking the credit for the Bergdahl release and all the negotiations is saying it was Chuck Hagel’s call.


So now that it’s obvious the American people are PISSED that you freed five people that have VOWED, and have really good reason to exact revenge on the United States… NOW you’re obviously trying to blame someone else?

Let’s not forget Mr President that you claimed LAST week that you were standing behind YOUR decision to make this deal with the Taliban.


What kind of person do we have in the White House?

I have no doubt that our allies and even those countries who only had a grudging respect for the United States all all doing major “facepalms” and trying to remove any photos from the web of President Obama and their leaders.

Vladimir Putin may be a bastard with desires to rebuilt the former Soviet Union, but at least that guy is fairly consistent.

I guess that President Obama is consistent too.

The President consistently misreads situations. He accepts responsibility only until he figures out that he’s going to have his feet held to the fire, then shifts the blame to his underlings. And finally, when things really go sideways he stomps his foot and describes just how angry he is about V, W, X, Y, & Z

This isn’t CHANGE.

We need change. Much as I am loathe to consider it, perhaps its time to start talking about impeachment and prosecution of entire the Obama Administration for criminal wrongdoing.

Stompy Foot Can’t catch a break

I’ve been watching with some amusement the blowback from the deal to release Sgt. Bergdahl.

While the jury isn’t in yet on if Bergdahl is a deserter, (It seems likely that he is, based on various published reports over the last few days) I can’t believe that ol’ Stompy engaged in a trade in the first place. 

I think it sets a bad precedent that the exchange rate is now established at 5 Taliban to one American. All that has to happen now is for a tour bus of Americans in Egypt to be hijacked and 200 Gitmo detainees are suddenly free.


Worse yet as was observed in an article this weekend at Real Clear Politics The President no longer enjoys the absolute tightlipped loyalty and respect from his military.  In times past, the President as Commander in Chief of the Armed forces enjoyed silence in the ranks.  Obama has managed to break even that long tradition and now has commanders speaking out about his policies.

It’s sad that President DIVIDER has alienated the troops as well as the citizens.

On the plus side, I suspect that if he were to give an illegal order to the troops today, that there’d be no infighting or discussion about refusing to comply. I’d bet the military would simply say “No”.

The blowback over Bergdahl will intensify to be sure. However I doubt that it will result in the impeachment of the President.  As I’ve commented before if Obama is impeached the country would rapidly devolve into a racially charged civil war of words if not deeds. 

This too is part of the Obama legacy. 

I think he’s going to be safe and will finish out his term in office. 

I’d love to see him given what the Japanese call a “Window Seat”. Essentially this is what happens to high ranking failures in Japanese companies who do not have the good graces to resign. They’re given a beautiful office with no responsibilities or power what so ever. He’d just be trotted out for official photos but the real power would be outside what is now thought of as a horribly corrupt administration.

The really sad thing is that Stompy could have done things so much differently.

Hoo boy! The Follies continue

I’ve been busy.

Sad Mac 400x400

Turns out my computer was dying a slow graceful death. I’ve seen this before with Apple Machines. I don’t know if it’s by design, or I’m just damn lucky, but I’ve had machines that developed serious problems continue to operate when by rights they should have folded.

My computer had been glitchy and getting glitchier but I figured it was something I’d done during one of my forays into writing code. I’m a terrible hack and it’s a wonder that my code doesn’t cause machines to burst into flame. 

(I’ve actually seen that; a machine bursting into flame, but it wasn’t due to my poor coding skills. Another story for another time.)

My computer told me it was having problems when the camera failed.  I probably wouldn’t have noticed for a long time except that I wanted to make a FaceTime call and couldn’t.  As I investigated I came to the conclusion that whatever the problem was, it was something that I couldn’t fix without help.

This led to the call to Apple. During that call, I discovered that the internal diagnostics were apparently corrupted and the Apple support person said I needed to return my baby to the Mother Ship.  The internal diagnostics are part of the firmware of the machine. If they’re not available, it suggests that something really bad has happened to the firmware which means it’s sort of amazing that the computer is still booting or running.

This unexpected turn of events led to a mad dash to backup everything, and finish then publish some things I’ve been working on riky-fuckin-tick.

Which explains my lack of posting. I’m writing this post on my iPad. My computer is expected back sometime next week.