Its Vegas Baby!

20140117-101803.jpg Before you get the wrong impression. It’s not been a trip of debauchery, not yet anyway!

Hanging with my Brother has been great.

Vegas is a strange place, it truly is configured as an adult playground.

Everything is designed to make all your common sense go out the window and make you more likely to spend money in one way or another.

Not that there is anything wrong with that, it’s just interesting to note.

Connectivity is hit and miss. I was thinking that was strange, but then again the last thing the hotels want is you looking at your iPad or computer. They want you wandering in the shopping areas, or casinos.

As I’ve wandered around I can’t help thinking this is a proof of concept for our future in space or a future on a hostile planet. It’s possible to go from hotel to hotel without ever seeing the light of day.

The movie Wall-e springs to mind.

Today’s picture is from the hotel room.

Those mountains look inviting.

The noise and hubbub of the city is something I don’t think I could put up with for very many days.

His journey to the dark side is complete!

My friend who’s a new iPhone, iPad user has in fact taken quite well to the conversion.


How do I know this?

A running conversation through airports across the nation. via iMessage; Messages sent at oh dark thirty (his time) from his iPhone. 

And the final proof!

A status email sent this morning that ended; “sent from my iPad”



Welcome to the dark side my friend.

You’ll enjoy the products and I’m sure that more Apple devices are in your future.

Your expression when I showed you what an iPad and Apple TV could do together, told me you’ll have a couple within the month. That didn’t even include my showing you how to manage porn.

I also suspect that you will replace your Windows computer with a Mac of some kind. It’s inevitable.

I love it when not only do I convert someone, I’m especially gratified when they take to the conversion like ducks to water!

Now if we can just get you over that pesky data cap fear.


Right! That’s IT!


I’ve long posed the question; 

“Where do my rights end, and yours begin?”

That question has been a guiding principal in my life. If I thought what I wanted to do was going to infringe on someone else’s rights then I typically wouldn’t do it.

I’d restrain myself, not because I was afraid of the person, or the law. I’d restrain myself because in a polite society it’s easier and more profitable to respect each other. And were I to put myself in the other guys place, I’d appreciate being treated with respect.


You’d be AMAZED how that simple philosophy is received when you’re traveling outside the United States! I take a great deal of pride in not being the asshole American who expects everyone to kowtow to my requests. Great food and awesome local drinks being the least of the rewards I’ve received for being a decent human being.

I’m over certain segments of our population demanding more than their fair share. I’m even more over the arbiters political correctness giving in, again and again.

Let me explain what led to this particular rant.

I was watching a YouTube video of the Airforce Orchestra performing in the Air & Space Museum over the holidays.

In the past, all the craziness in my mind would have silenced and my mind would have been focused on the absolute beauty of the music and the cool way that the orchestra made its entrance.

Picture a “Flash Mob” but with musical instruments.


It starts out with a guy playing single cello in a large open museum space, then the orchestra forms around that. 

It’s damn cool!

You can see more and more people who were touring the museum simply stopping and enjoying the music. The piece was Bach, jesu “Joy of mans desiring”.

Pretty soon it was standing room only and it is obvious people were enjoying the performance. I was too, the piece is beautifully done.

Anyway, where normally I’d have had absolute focus on the music and not been thinking of anything else, all sudden a thought goes through my head


I’m sure some atheist or muslim or satanist, is running for the phone to contact an ALCU attorney to file a complaint about having to endure hearing a piece of music at a nationally funded museum, which has become associated with the evil pagan holiday known to Christendom as Christmas.

My brain rebooted!

I couldn’t “unthink” that thought. I wondered if I was seeing the last public exhibition of this kind.

It dawned on me; the Atheists, Muslims, or Satanists have TAKEN something from me!

I’m completely content to live and let live. I’m not going to shove my beliefs down an atheists throat. I’m not going to try to save their soul. Why? Because I don’t give a damn. Their soul or beliefs are absolutely none of my concern.

I hope their dirt nap is long and pleasant. As long as I don’t have to hear them whining about the inequity of death for all of eternity, I’m going to be just pleased as punch.

BUT, I enjoy the holiday season, I enjoy the music, and I enjoy the nativity scenes. I like the decorations and the wonder of the little children as the they anticipate Santa’s yearly delivery.

That I can no longer enjoy these things, without thinking about stupid assed lawsuits has taken something from me. 

INewImaget’s taken my peace of mind.

Really, Mr. Atheist, Muslim, or Satanist? It hurts your eyes to see a cross in a park? It offends you to see a nativity scene on public property? Your world view is challenged by a decorated pine tree? Brightly colored packages with pretty bows and shining faces of children offends you? Really?

What about the fact that I personally respect and enjoy these traditions? Why are you taking my right to enjoy these things away?

My beliefs are not mainstream Christian. I wouldn’t, however demand that these things be stricken from my sight. I don’t participate in Kwanza, nor do I participate in Ramadan but I’m not going to demand the Kwanza parade to be disbanded. I’m not going to force feed muslims during Ramadan for their own good either. 

This is the same revisionist PC crap as forbidding confederate flags to decorate confederate graves, once a fucking year, because of the “racist” overtones.


Those men weren’t thinking about racism when they died, they were thinking about protecting their homes, families, fortunes, and livelihoods. Those men deserve to have their graves decorated with their flag, just as much as the union soldiers deserve to have their graves decorated with the union flag. 

Context is everything. Racism exists; however seeing racism everywhere or being offended about a cross, nativity, tree, or holiday is a matter of choice.

There’s a critical point here that many of the PC apologists have forgotten.

The concept of public spaces. 

That means everyone is free to use those spaces and that I OWN a fractional part of that space through my tax dollars.

If I, and 10,000 other people combine our fractional parts of the public space and decide to set up a nativity scene or hold a musical performance of Christmas carols it’s my, and 10,000 other folks right to do so.

If that offends one Atheist, TOUGH SHIT!


Welcome to the real world. (It’s not about you 24/7 you selfish prick.)

I’m personally offended when someone decides the ten commandments shouldn’t be on a court house wall. I’m more offended that the removal of the ten commandments forces un-necessary expenditure of taxpayer dollars to remove and retrofit the building. 

It’s fairly safe to say, the ten commandments form some part of the foundation of our society. Why anyone would have a problem acknowledging that is beyond me. 

Yes we’re supposed to have separation of church and state. I agree with that; however,  I don’t see that a depiction of the ten commandments violates that separation any more than having the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, of Magna Carta.

I personally think “THOU SHALT NOT LIE” is a great way for everyone in a court house to start their day.

Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, and citizens can all benefit from a reminder to be truthful. That’s probably why the architects of many of these building thought it appropriate to include the Ten Commandments in the buildings design, in the first place.

For years I’ve more or less been able to ignore this bullshit.

I’ve gone on with my life and simply filtered my intake. 


No, that’s not quite right. I’ve seen a Star of David, or Buddha, Cross, or Star & Crescent, or one of the countless other symbols of faith or political affiliations and I’ve respected their meaning.

I may not have any depth of knowledge about these symbols other than they are important to the group of people that erected them.

That is all I have to know. 

They’re important to the people who follow those beliefs and are therefore deserving of my respect.

I find myself now asking;

Am I the only dumbass on the planet that still thinks that way?

I’ve not preached coexistence, I’ve been living it. 

Now I’m demanding it!


Leave me, my traditions, and beliefs the hell alone.

It’s high time we all remembered to engage in a little mutual respect!

BTW, Next time I fly into Minneapolis, I’m going to be carrying a bottle of whiskey!

Taxi drivers beware!

My first conquest of the year!

Well it’s not exactly what you may be thinking.


I recently converted a friend to iPhone and iPad.

It’s his first smart phone.

His other half suggested that I’d managed to convert him from 18th century technology to 21st tech. 

It remains to be seen if the conversion will “take”.

I think it will eventually. But these first few days are no doubt fraught with frustration.

After all it does take some getting used to. Suddenly, your devices are really smart and it seems that they’re doing things without your telling them to.

It’s a paradigm shift that is really tough for us “A” type personality control freaks to deal with. 

Devices are supposed to do as they’re told, not anticipate our habits and needs.

I’m constantly intrigued by my iPhone’s ability to remind me of things, and keep my schedule straight.

Yes, I previously told the machine what I wanted. Yet, I find myself smiling when the phone reminds me of something based on my location.

Tomorrow, I’m going to finish my friends indoctrination. Conversion of data, and explanation of how cloud services work.

I’m not sure how I’m going to relate 21st century technology, to 18th century terms and examples. 


To prepare; I’ve watched both the Sherlock Holmes movies. I’m not sure they’ll help me as they’re set in the late 19th century, but I’m enjoying them anyway.

I’m hoping that my friend won’t end up bleeding from the eyes during our session tomorrow.

I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to transfer his existing data without too much of a hitch.

But that remains to be seen.

Happy New Year

I was working on a post yesterday. It turned out to be a post that I thought was a bit of a downer, so it went into the bit bucket about 9PM last night.

There’s enough negative stuff in the world and more than enough people recapping it, so why waste my new years eve doing the same.

I got one Christmas Miracle though.

Justin Bieber is retiring! This is a proof to me that there is a just and merciful god! Now if only all the other train wreck celebrities would take the hint, there might actually be peace on earth.

I can dream can’t I?

Today is a quiet day.

IMG 0148

I’m cooking the annual Spanish Bean Soup.

Unfortunately, I’m also cleaning the oven since it’s a nice enough day to have the house open. (That wasn’t planned but I apparently spilled something in the oven over the past week.)

We all know how much I hate hearing smoke alarms.

My downloads are almost complete. That’s a story in itself. I meant to buy the remainder of Season 7 of Dr Who, and also wanted to buy the 50th anniversary show.

WhatI instead bought was all the 50th anniversary mini series and celebration stuff but have been downloading this purchase for 3 days. I still haven’t seen the 50th anniversary show It’s of course, at the bottom of the list! LOL

Maybe I’ll get to watch it tonight.

The neighborhood is unusually quiet. I don’t know if that’s because people really tied one on, or if it’s because I’ve become so used to the sound of heavy construction equipment that now when the neighborhood is “normal” it seems strange.

The construction is complete, the wash looks like the surface of the moon. The county assures us that they’re going to be seeding and planting in the spring and fall. Looks like they’re planning wildflowers along the banks of the wash in spring and then next fall they’ll be planting trees and shrubs that are indigenous to the area.

Most likely, the planting will bring some wildlife back. We’ve been missing the quail and the rabbits for the past few months. Maybe by next Christmas somethings will be more normal.

I hope that everyone has a bright and Happy New Year.

Be Safe.