I was Marathon Man today!

Today, I spent about 2.5 hours in a dentist chair. A filling dropped out of my head last night and my crown came in, as an early Christmas present.


I had them do the work without anesthetic.


I guess I like pain!

After they’d been grinding on my teeth for awhile, I couldn’t feel anything clearly. This may have resulted in a slightly high spot on the crown.

I may be going back to have it worked on a bit, but I couldn’t really tell what was going on after a while so we called it good for the time being.

My whole jaw is aching right now. That’s obscuring my ability to really sense what’s going on.


I’m hoping a good nights sleep and letting the newness of the crown wearing off will allow everything to settle so I can get a good read on the whole mess.

My dental insurance isn’t really all that great and based on what they’ve paid for thus far I’d have been better off stashing the premium in a savings account.

The premiums I’ve paid would have paid for all the dentistry I’ve needed this year. As it is, I paid the premiums AND now I’ve had to pony up the cash for the filling and the entire crown. So I’ve essentially ended up paying double for the work.

I suspect that I’ll be looking at the same equation when my health insurance is cancelled. 

Even if some resolution comes with the health insurance debacle, I’m definitely going to cancel the dental portion of the policy.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve 

At least I’m going to be able to eat the Christmas goodies!

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