I sat down to write…

I had something in mind, then I read something else on a news site on the web.

Now I can’t remember what I was going to write about. The news piece I read wasn’t controversial or badly written, it was actually kind of blasé.

But I suppose what I was going to write about wasn’t completely developed and so… evaporated like rain on hot asphalt.

Now, after looking at a blank page for far too long, I’m hungry.

Sigh, OK I’ll go get food and then come back to seeing what I was wanting to write about.

And once again… 

My mind is as blank as this page. Just a little static, but nothing more.


The DOW has been a bit of a roller coaster the past week. Twitters IPO appears to have been successful. 

But that’s not what I was going to write about…

I noticed The President apologized to the people for their loss of healthcare coverage that they were happy with and could afford without government subsidies.

The bigger questions for me are if law was supposed to make it possible for all Americans to be covered, Why is anyone falling through the cracks?

Why are the extremely poor and elderly may finding that their coverage is significantly reduced or completely unaffordable even with subsidies?

How is it reasonable at all to cancel plans that people could afford and tell them that they need to go shopping for more coverage that they can’t afford? YES! I subscribe to the theory something is better than nothing.


My healthcare plan is very expensive for what it is. I’ve got a deductible that is really high and the plan only covers 80%.

I really feel for those folks receiving cancellation notices, I can’t afford to pay more than I’m paying. I sure as hell don’t have the stomach to go through all the insurance bullshit again in less than a year.

I’m also a bit put off that the so called “Good” plans have all kinds of coverage that for instance elderly folks don’t really need. A 65 year old couple isn’t likely to need pregnancy coverage for example. So why are they having their insurance plan cancelled because it doesn’t include that coverage? 

I’ve heard proponents of Obamacare calling the plans being cancelled “CRAP” plans.

I don’t see it that way. I see it as the ultimate in capitalism. People purchase the plans they can afford with the options that most closely match their anticipated needs.


After all, Obamacare made “Cadillac” health plans bad things too.

Hell if I had the money I’d purchase a “BMW” healthcare plan, you know something that included weekly massages (with happy endings) and guaranteed cloning & transfer of my consciousness  to a new body every 20 or 30 years. 

No doubt that would really piss off the folks striving for a more socialist “everyone is equal” health care system.

Being a single male, I don’t need a mammogram, pap smear, or pregnancy coverage. I notice however that coverage is a little light when it comes to my cock and balls.

The only “sanctioned” (covered) therapy for prostate cancer is surgery which leaves the patient incontinent, sterile, and impotent .

I’m thinking, if it ever came to it I’ll take the cancer and fuck my way across the globe. Or I’d pony up the cash for the minimally invasive therapies, completely bypassing my insurance and therefore not getting my moneys worth out of it.

That’s another entire discussion dealing with the pendulum swing caused by men’s mistreatment of women in our society that persisted until the mid 80s. We all know the equation, Men = evil, greedy, sexual predators. Women = Justice, valkyries of virtue and light.

I’ll remind you that my government mandated COBRA coverage was almost $700 a month. That’s more than I was paying for my car and within a couple hundred bucks of my mortgage. I can’t pay that kind of money for something that isn’t providing a tangible benefit every month.

Most young people can’t either.


A 20 year old working at McDonalds, but not working enough hours to have company paid health insurance faced with a choice between paying rent, buying groceries, and putting gas in their car, or paying for healthcare is going to say, “screw healthcare” every time.

If that same individual is paying for school you can be absolutely sure they’re not going to pay for healthcare. Particularly, if they’re squeaking by financially and not able to be a full time student. 

I remember making those choices… I always chose rent (having a place to get laid), gas, (cause going out meant getting laid), then food (drink enough coffee and you can do without food for 3 maybe 4 days.)

Today, I’m in better shape than many people. Getting my healthcare policy was a stressful, long process. Made more stressful because I didn’t want to run afoul of the new law dictating that I must have health insurance.

Yeah, for the most part I’m a legal beagle. I don’t want to give the obscenity our government has become any reason to come looking for me. I pay my taxes, obey the laws, and keep a low profile, all I ask in return is that the government leave me the hell alone.


They only caught Capone because he wasn’t paying taxes, and every hooker knows you always pay your taxes, the IRS pimps gotta have their taste.

Eventually, if the government keeps on it’s current course, it will have the power to observe every aspect of my daily life. My hope is that by the time they get there, I’ll be so old that they’re not going bother themselves with the likes of me.

Funny isn’t it? A year ago that statement would have been dismissed as the ravings of nut job wearing a tin foil hat. But in light of the revelations about the NSA, IRS, and god knows how many other government organizations it doesn’t sound quite so crazy.

Orwell was off by a hundred years… he should have called the book 2084.

Oh… I see this is one of my Randomized posts… Hummm, maybe I should be wearing the tinfoil hat!

But that isn’t what I was going to write about.

Since it’s not coming to me… I’m just going to go with what I’ve written.

As soon as I press “Publish” I’ll no doubt remember what it was.

But you’ll just have to be left wondering…

Ain’t senility a stone bitch?

Say no to the fearmongers.

I was watching the CBS news last night.


I know, not a good thing and certain to give you indigestion.

They caught my attention because they did this “shooting timeline

Essentially, they plotted all the “Major” ie “Newsworthy” shootings in 2012 & 2013 and concluded that these shootings typically happened about 6 weeks apart.

They ended of course with the LAX and Westfield Mall shootings. And a grim total of 84 dead.

I should point out that the Westfield mall shooting resulted in no shootings except the self inflicted fatal wound of the shooter himself.


What struck me was that CBS didn’t include police shootings which I would argue are far more terrifying because the police are supposed to protect us, not shoot us.

The most recent of these was in New York where officers shot at and missed a perpetrator but managed to wound innocent bystanders on the street.

They also said nothing about the 13 year old who was shot and killed on the street near his home by a police officer in Northern California less than 10 seconds after the encounter began. The 13 year old was carrying a bb gun…


CBS also completely ignored the incessant shootings in Chicago and Washington DC. I would argue that the daily violence in Chicago rivals or exceeds the violence we saw in the Nigeria mall shooting, which CBS included in their mass shooting timeline.


How many people per day have to be shot in Chicago’s “Gun Free zone” before the magnitude of this national tragedy and fallacy of “Gun Free Zones” is newsworthy?

Don’t misunderstand,mass shootings are horrible. They’re the product of a deranged mind or minds. Shootings during the commission of a crime are horrific.

Often these shootings are used as circumstantial evidence in support of stricter gun control.

This was evident in the CBS report as one to the CBS reporters was shown asking Harry Reid if he would push additional gun control legislation given the recent LAX and Mall shootings.

I find myself on the other side of the argument.


I can’t help but think if one or two citizens had been carrying concealed weapons, or if an off-duty police officer (who could shoot straight) was carrying a weapon that the mall shooting, or the Colorado theater shooting, or the LAX shooting, or Sandy Hook, would have ended very differently.

By differently, I mean with the deranged individual bleeding out on the floor and the innocent citizens either physically unscathed or far fewer number among the injured.


I’m not suggesting a wild west scenario, I’m suggesting, putting down an obvious and dangerous threat to the society.

We’d have no problem, and in fact in the past we didn’t have a problem shooting rabid animals in the streets when they posed a threat to the community.

These deranged criminals, regardless of their mental health, their medications, or lack thereof are demonstrably more dangerous to the community than any rabid animal.

I find myself believing more and more that community safety is better preserved by having random people in the community carrying concealed weapons, and knowing how to use them.

If a criminal has no idea and no way to anticipate what kind of resistance they’re likely to encounter then only very stupid or very desperate criminals will commit heinous acts of mass violence.


When I say carrying concealed weapons, It’s implied that these folks are properly trained, and know how to use their weapons appropriately.

Some people go through the training, and simulated crime situations only to discover they don’t have the temperament to carry a concealed weapon.

Most, if not all of those folks take that knowledge and don’t go any further. They don’t carry weapons, because they’ve learned that their temperaments or beliefs won’t let them harm another person.

Other people may discover that they’re a little too quick to draw and that too is valuable knowledge which may prevent those individuals from obtaining a concealed carry permit.

Obviously the rules and permitting requirements vary from state to state, but training is almost always at the core of any concealed carry permit process.

Either case, desperate or stupid, I believe a criminal is more likely to be stopped before doing serious damage in a society where NewImageconcealed carry (and appropriate training) is the norm.

The fearmongers would have you believe that guns are used only by criminals, or sick individuals, the deranged, or terrorists.

The fearmongers would present a case where we can only be safe if guns and gun ownership are reduced.


The fearmongers will sell you a belief that anyone who wants a gun is by definition; sick, twisted, insane, criminal, or a terrorist.

This is the worst kind of misrepresentation. It’s actually an example of conflation and to my mind it’s among the most despicable things of which the main stream media is guilty.

Last nights CBS broadcast was simply another in a long line of Anti “this” and Pro “that” rhetoric designed to manipulate our people, (For our own good, of course).

One need only compare and contrast the medias reporting styles from administration to administration to see manipulation time and again.

Recently I found myself finding this all too familiar.

It was as if I’d read it or seen it in an “reductio ad absurdum” form in a book or movie.

The propaganda of many governments and tyrannical regimes springs easily to mind. Those examples are paraded by all opponents of any government policy.

What was trying to surface from the dark recesses of my curdled brain was more extreme…

Then I was reminded of the movie Serenity.

In the movie, a Teacher is describing all the benefits of Alliance rule, and how it brought true civilization to many worlds.

One of the students asks why a rebel group would refuse all these benefits and fight against the Alliance.

Another student says, “People don’t like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don’t run, don’t walk. We’re in their homes and in their heads and we haven’t the right. We’re meddlesome.”

The teacher replies, We’re not telling them what to think, we’re telling them how.

Later, One of the heroes, after discovering that the Alliance has lied and carried out an experiment that was supposed to make people peaceful but which destroyed millions, an entire world and also created a group of very aggressive monsters says; “Sure as I know anything, I know this – they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, ten? They’ll swing back to the belief that they can make people… better.”

I think my brain latched onto the movie because it was ironic coming from Hollywood. Hollywood has been a staunch supporter of public policies designed to make us better.


No plastic bags.

No smoking… not in bars, not in cars, not on the beach, and recently not even in your own apartment.

No guns, more government control, less individual responsibility…

Entertainment has reflected these messages.

But these reflections are from a dark and elitist mirror.


Hollywood celebrities who run afoul of the law receive only the lightest of punishments. The average person committing the same crime, finds themselves being gang raped in prison.

Congress imposes laws, punitive taxes, and creates draconian bureaucracies, yet exempts themselves as a function of the same law. The bureaucracies consider our lawmakers exempt from their tender mercies as well.

All of it of course is  “in the public interest”, “for your own good”, “for the good of the children”.

Sometimes they’re even right. But even in being “right”…


They’re meddlesome.

Through it all, our media continues to repeat the accepted party line in a never ending sycophantic orgy, instead of asking questions, reporting facts and performing their duty.


Benjamin Franklins quote;

Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see

Rings truer today than ever before.

Give it some thought when you listening to the evening news.

Just sayin…