It’s one of those days.


I fired up my computer and started rooting around for a link to a web site I know I have saved somewhere.

I can’t find it

What I did find is one of the strangest assortments of websites I’ve ever seen… And they’re all sites I actually took the time to save.

What was I thinking?



I just fell down the rabbit hole. The OCD is running wild (I’m actually only OCD about my computer…) I’m deleting tons of web addresses and wondering why the hell I saved them in the first place.

I’ve completely forgotten what I was searching for.

At the same time I happened to notice that I had over 3000 tweets… I found out that you can’t select them all and delete them. You have to delete them one at a time #lame.

But I found a little web app that will go through and delete your tweets. 


I set it to automatically delete all my tweets older than 2 weeks.

Do I really need to leave online traces of my thoughts from a particular time? Nah…

Tweets are supposed to be ephemeral I think 2 weeks is long enough for a tweet to live.

I wish Twitter would allow us to set a “time to live” for our tweets. In fact, I just sent that request to twitter engineering.

OH! I remembered what I was looking for…. Oh crap! I forgot again. <– Damn senior moment! Squirrel!

I’m off to go be a grumpy old man…

“HEY… You kids! GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!”

I’m really going to go finish cleaning up my computer and try to get something constructive done today.

I hope you have a great day.

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