Well then, Here it is.


5 years ago an event which changed my life happened.

My house burnt down.

As life changing as that was, on this anniversary there was some question in my mind as to what the actual date was. I take that as a good sign, or perhaps as a sign that I’m getting Alzheimer’s. It’s said that often the 5th anniversary of a negative event hits hard. 

As I have my first cup of coffee this morning I’m in a pretty good space. 

I’m still reaching for tools and other things that aren’t there anymore. But it happens less & less frequently. This house no longer feels like something is “Off”.

Hindsight being 20/20 I wish I hadn’t rebuilt the house on the same floor plan as the original. Yes I made some changes but those changes only made the rebuild feel strange sometimes.

I’d have been better served going with a completely different floor plan. But those are choices I made then and I’m not going to second guess them now. 

We do the best we can and move on. Dwelling in the past, or  carrying anger or old hurts doesn’t do anything for you in the present and colors your future. 

I note this anniversary simply because I’ve noted the previous years. It’s a habit and seems to serve as a touchstone for where my head is at.

I’m OK. I could be a little richer, I could be a little poorer. But I’m still kicking which is always a good thing.

Jobs in my field are pretty much non-existent here. Contrary to the happy news that the media keeps floating about economic recovery.

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I’m looking into alternatives to my former work and hope that I can pull something together damn quick.

I’m actually somewhat optimistic and ready to go back to work. 

Remember carrying anger, and hurt?

I’m getting to the point that I think I’m beyond it at least regarding employment.

Problem is that at my age (And this was true when I got laid off)  Few firms want to hire me and fewer HR departments will even talk to me. Yes it’s agism, it’s illegal, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.  Moving On…

That’s another blog post for another time.

For Today I’m content to take it easy and see where the day takes me.