I was thinking about the slippery slope

I’m beginning to think that this concept isn’t taught anymore by parents or by our educational system. While it may be a somewhat fallacious argument, as a thought experiment The Slippery Slope can be a cautionary lesson too.

After all it does not necessarily follow that equal rights for everyone, will result in bestiality, paedophilia, and the end of civilization. Althought there are those who would construct that argument.

I personally believe that in the realm of ethics an exploration of the slippery slope is a worthwhile exercise.

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I guess it’s a tough concept to explain with a society that’s as fractured by special interests and the perception of special rights as ours is today.

Back at the dawn of time, I was taught about the slippery slope by my parents. My education on the subject was via philosophical discussions that my parents had or that happened during holiday get togethers.

Even in middle and high school we had discussions about slippery slopes using some of the morally ambiguous characters from literature.

My Granddad and Dad would sometime get into these discussions and it was only after many years and some information from my brother that I realized these discussions were perhaps more pragmatic than philosophical.

The Slippery Slope is at it’s core a description of how behavior becomes accepted and in the worst case even respectable due to repeated justification, excuses, and rhetoric.

Our politicians are pretty good examples. Influence peddling, favors for political contributions and the like. All of which are technically illegal, but which are often ignored because someone somewhere else is doing something 100 times worse.

You find yourself on “The Slope” when you justify an action you know to be wrong, using any variety of excuses.

Well, just this once.”, “It’s not going to hurt anybody“, “That sign only means if you’ve got bad tires.”, “They can afford it, they’re wealthy, or better off than me, or insured.

This is how you end up with a dozen people falling into a partially frozen lake.

This is how you have people believing that any imposition of law or order must obviously be racism.

This is how you end up with people more and more easily justifying that some criminal behavior is ok. 

My kids needed Christmas I only stole that Xbox for them”. ‘I wanted to watch the football game so I took the TV from that rich white fucks house, what does it matter? He’s insured.”

This is the slippery slope that so many of our leaders used to talk about.

Before you say “Yeah, well you’ve never had it rough”, trust me, I have.

I’ll tell you a story sometime if you’d like. 


My point is that we’re on a very slippery slope in our country right now.

We’ve seen the abuses from organizations like the IRS,TSA, DHS, State Department, & FBI.

We’ve seen what happens when government agencies believe they’re immune to prosecution and above the law. “Operation Fast & Furious”, Brutal & cruel screening procedures at airports, the release of Illegal immigrants from DHS holding as an attempt to scare Congress into avoiding the sequester.

Even the assault on the 2nd amendment has elements of the slippery slope. “We’re going to just take this one kind of gun.“, “We’re only going to require this, or that, or this other thing, for you to exercise your 2nd amendment right.

But the scope of the requirements and restrictions keeps evolving and growing.

NYC “We’re going to limit your drink sizes because you people can’t control yourselves and are too fat. You’ve become a health burden.”

Now we’re seeing the Mayor initiating legislation to hide cigarettes. Again this is billed as “For the good of the children, and the general health & wellbeing of the people

NYC is, no matter how you cut it, abridging the rights of the people to engage in their personal pursuit of happiness.

These slides lead us toward a destination that is radically different from the Democracy that our forefathers envisioned.

Unfortunately, like the icy hill, once you’re over the edge you can’t stop until you hit bottom.


We as Americans, need to think about how much we have to lose, and how far we have to fall. 

Call on your representatives to stop the abuses. Let Congress & The White House know that you The Citizens… (We The People) have had enough, and that Washington has your full and undivided attention.

Demand investigations, and that lawbreakers within our government be brought to justice No Matter Who the are.

If we don’t put a stop to it now, there may be no stopping it till we hit bottom.

Just a thought…

NSFW This is Officially the 666th blog post.

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So in honor of this auspicious occasion, I decided to throw something out here that is worthy of the number 666.

Here goes.

Like all men, I like to get my rocks off as often as I can.

I’m a master masturbator and I can absolutely say I’ve never had my hand fall asleep stroking my dick.

I have on occasion fallen asleep while stroking my dick but it wasn’t my hands fault…


Sex is one of those things that I don’t think I get enough of. I mean I could have sex… and presented with another opportunity 1/2 hour (or less) later I’m going to be interested.

Like most men I like having my dick sucked. I really like having my balls licked, kissed & sucked too. If someone is willing to do that on command then I’m totally into it.

Anyone who wants to suck my dick is welcome to do it. Just let me get comfortable, have a drink and you can crawl between my legs and stay there for as long or as many loads as you’d like.


I love standing above someone on their knees as they bury their noses in my pubes. I like the submission and at the same time knowing that they’re getting to do exactly what they want. My dick is their pleasure.

What I’d never acknowledged (even to myself) until very recently was that I like the power.

I totally get off on it.

Lick my balls! ” What a thrill it is to bark that order at someone and have them jump to it.

Suck my dick.” and have a willing supplicant allow me to hold their head and choke them sliding my dick in & out of their mouth and down their throat.


But shoving my dick down someones throat while I’m grunting and shooting my jiz into their waiting mouth and watching it back up spilling down their chin and dripping onto their body really gets my motor running.

Don’t get me wrong, I like to fuck too. Someone offering themselves to me begging me to penetrate them can be a real turn on.

I recently was in a situation where I got completely in the moment (so to speak) and something clicked in my head as I held a partners head and used their mouth & throat.

What clicked was This is fucking awesome I’m completely in control and they’re loving being taken. In fact the rougher I was the better we both seemed to like it.

In the end I was just face fucking them, bouncing my balls off their cheek and honest to god I was relishing their struggle to breathe.

When I blew my load they greedily sucked and swallowed. However when I got to a position that I could see their face, my cum was running down their face onto the pillow. I liked that they’d be smelling my jizz all night long.

I kept making ’em suck my dick even though I was softening, feeding the last of my load down that greedy throat.

Even now sitting here writing about it, I’ve got a semihard that’s dripping precum from the memory.

If you’re into it… I’m always looking for mouths open and waiting, the line forms to the right.

Let me put my bone in your throat.

It was a down home kind of day

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Yesterday after doing some of the usual chores. Poo patrol & other little things around the house, I went into town for a Fire & Disaster Awareness day sponsored by the local community.

As some of you may know fire is a big deal here in the Southern California mountains.

It’s an even bigger deal when there’s been as little rain as there has been this year.

For those of us who’ve watched our homes burn to the ground, well… lets just say it takes on a whole new level of importance. 

Moreover here in Southern California there are a number of possible disasters. 




PowDSC0347er outages due to the above, or possibly just really strong winds.

There was a community a few years back that was without power for well over 2 weeks. Their problems were caused by a wind storm that blew down trees all over the Los Angeles basin. when the trees fell over, they took power lines with them.

So the community puts on these events and admittedly this is the first one that I’ve attended. It’s high time too.

We’ve got a small store of food and supplies here at the house and we have 3 day packs we carry in our cars. But I know that it’s not enough. I’d like to have a full on bug out kit that could feed us for months if necessary. 

The problem is that such a supply is pricy and I worry about the expiration dates on the foodstuffs. Of course should those supplies ever be necessary I’ll be kicking myself for not making the investment.

This is not about being a “Survivalist” it’s about being prepared. 

Look around your home, it doesn’t matter where you are… 

How much food do you have on hand?

What would happen if you lost power? Can you cook without electricity?

All that food in the fridge isn’t going to stay edible for long and frozen for less time than you might think.

What about water? How much of your water is pumped electrically to you or water tanks. What is the capacity of those tanks? Do your neighbors know enough to skip their showers and conserve? If you’re completely dependent on electricity for your water, you might want to have a drinking reserve.

When was the last time you looked at the expiration dates on your first aid kit? A 10 year old antibiotic or chemical cold pack will probably not be as effective as a 1 year old version.

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How are you fixed for batteries? 

Do you have a radio to listen to, for evacuation areas, or emergency information? How is that radio powered?

Do you have a method of recharging your cell phone? Think about the people after hurricane Sandy. Remember them huddled around makeshift charging stations?

That’s not to say that the cell towers will even be up but if cell service is available and your phone is dead you’re still in trouble.

Do you have basic camping gear? That could provide you with shelter and you can stay warm in sleeping bags for quite a while.

This post isn’t about doom and gloom. I’m not suggesting the apocalypse is imminent.

I’m saying that if you’re prepared you’ll be able to weather the trials & tribulations of stuff that happens every day around our planet.

By the way, preparing for disaster isn’t about hearing that a storm is on the way and running to the Home Depot for generators & stripping the grocery store shelves bare.

Preparation is about NOT having to do either of those things.

It doesn’t take a lot, figure out what your vulnerable to. 

We have power outages in my town often in the Winter, so that’s one of my vulnerabilities.

I’ve got portable solar panels and power storage from Goal Zero that can recharge my phone, power or recharge some of the smaller A/C devices, my HAM rig,  and even my laptop if I need it. Although without internet my laptop would be more for my chronicling the event than for reading the local news.


 The fireplace works and there’s a stack of firewood outside.

I have a gas stove so I can cook, and in Winter ya just move the frozen foods from the fridge out to the deck. (I’ve done it. frozen is frozen). 

So if there’s a power outage, I’m warm, dry, well fed, and since our water is gravity fed from a water tank up the hill I’ve got water for at least 3 -5 days before I even think about hitting the backup.

In short it’s inconvenient but not life threatening

In Spring & Fall it’s mudslides. Mudslides can isolate my home for a few days, usually not more than 1 or 2, and it’s very rare that a mudslide here in my area would kill the power. If there was a mudslide that killed the power, the Winter plan works pretty well except for the refrigerated / frozen foods.  So I eat whats in the fridge that’s likely to go bad first.

In Summer / Fall, the threat is wildfire. The best plan is get the hell out of the way! You leave when the fire dept says it’s time to go, it’s just that simple!

Earthquake… You have to figure all bets are off. If your home is still standing and not dangerous you use your plans and resources until help arrives. If your home isn’t standing or is unsafe, you grab your camping gear, emergency supplies, and get close to nature and/or evacuate to less damaged areas if / when you can.

Each of these options has flaws, my plans may not work for you, but these plans (with the exception of the Major Earthquake) have all been tested by me.

When I’ve discovered a flaw, I’ve made do, learned from my omission or mistake and I’ve changed the plan accordingly for the next time. That’s really all you can do.

I strongly encourage everyone to just give it some thought. You don’t have to be a survivalist, you don’t have to spend $1000s of dollars on c-rations or build a bunker. Just take a look at your home, evaluate the potential threats then plan accordingly.

It goes without saying in these events that you check on the old, you make sure your neighbors are OK and have some provisions. 

Obviously if you find someone in need, you help them… That’s the Human thing to do.

Just add preparation as one of your spring chores and hope like heck that the preparation never has to be tested.



I broke my rule – I watched the Benghazi hearing

UnknownAll I can say is wow!

I don’t suppose it really qualifies as watching the news, I was watching the hearing on C-SPAN, online.

I did get some other work done while it was playing, thanks to my big computer monitor, not nearly as much as I should have gotten done.

The hearing was engrossing and I’d find myself stopping everything else just to listen and watch.

imagesElijah Cummings was an ass in his opening statements.

The Hicks testimony was unbelievably moving. Hearing him take note that Libyans died that night trying to help. I think he said “The Libyans shed blood for us that night“, was something I’ll remember for a long time.

When Mr Hicks described the heroism and the professionalism of the staff I thought he was amazing.

To have a Lt Col. Say “For the first time in my career a Diplomat has more balls than the Military” is telling. It describes just how frustrated the Lt. Col was, and notes the respect Mr Hicks earned by his decisions & actions.

I was really disturbed by how many Democrats were bailing out of the chambers during the hearing.

It was also shameful how many “News” agencies said absolutely nothing about any aspect of the hearing. I thought these people were supposed to keep us informed.

I don’t know if there’s a scandal here, or if the Administration lied, or if there’s anything that was unknown, per se.

I do think that enough questions were raised that further testimony is not unreasonable.

Questions like Who issued the order to the military not to go to Benghazi as re-enforcements?

Why was the compound not up to specification?

Why was the person in charge of security essentially made to feel like he had to stop complaining when he was doing his job in pointing out that security was in fact not what the State Department Rules called for?

Who above Nordstrom signed off on the security as it stood?

Why was the terrorist angle downplayed in favor of saying a dumb-ass video caused the attack. When the Libyan Government was telling our people that this was terrorists and named them?

More important than anything else, why is this political at all?

Truth is never political, it simply is.

I saw some younger Democrats asking reasonable questions, and I saw older Democrats glaring at them. Why?

The people asking well reasoned questions were doing their jobs. The jobs that their constituents sent them to Washington to do.

Unknown-1The Democrat from NY Maloney… Wow!

Ma’am you were so far out of line I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

Mr Thompson was not compelled to speak with you. That he chose not to speak with the Democratic Minority was well within his rights. It wasn’t at all partisan.

That you attempted to get away with such a blatant spin on the truth, trying to paint the Republicans as obstructionistic was embarrassing.

Ms Maloney, you’ve embarrassed yourself, your state, and your country.  I sincerely hope that your constituents vote you out of office in the next election cycle.

I’m hoping that the truth of all of this comes out, not because I want to see the administration blamed. But because I want to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again.

The only way to do that, is to fully understand what happened in the first place.

We do that by dropping the partisan bullshit and asking well reasoned questions.

What do you use Skype for?

Alright, I’m going to come clean… Well maybe not “Clean” but clean in the sense of confession.


I’ve never used Skype for anything other than tele-sex.

I’ve never had a conversation, video conference, or chat on Skype that didn’t involve images of my naked flesh being transmitted god knows where.

I’m not sure at this point if I heard the Skype ringing sound, that I wouldn’t start stripping due to Pavlovian conditioning.

I’ve set Skype up for people and helped them test it. So I’ve been involved in non-pornographic uses but I can’t say I’ve ever had a conversation with my Mom or family using Skype.

So is this what people use their computers, high speed data connections, and those high resolution web cams for all the time?


I’ve noticed that some Televisions have Skype like cameras and internet connectivity. I admire cutting out the middle man (the computer) and I suppose that arrangement would permit pole dancing as part of your virtual sexual escapades.

I’m amazed that complete strangers will say something like hey wanna skype? 

The next thing you know they’re showing you parts of their bodies they’ve never seen and you’re naked doing the same thing.

I can’t really fault it though… 

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It’s the ultimate in safe sex.

In some ways it’s better than real sex. You know that awkward moment after sex with strangers? The “What the hell do I do now?” moment when you’re not sure if your supposed to talk, or just leave?

Well with Skype, you just hang up. It’s a lot easier than telling someone their moneys on the nightstand and to lock the door when they leave.

Oh gotta run… Skype call coming in.