Does anyone think this was really about saving money?

It’s pretty clear that the DHS and Immigration officials were engaging in nothing more than political grandstanding in an attempt to punish and frighten American taxpayers.

The Immigration Depts release of thousands (Not Hundreds) of detainees can only be perceived as a blatant attempCt sc nw immigration releases jpg 20130314t to intimidate congress, more specifically the Republicans in Congress into a compromise with President Obama.

I suspect that the hope on the part of those who ordered this release was that outcry from angered citizens would force the acceptance of any agreement that would avert the sequester.

I was always taught that if you were a visitor to another country, specifically if you were seeking citizenship in that country that you had to keep your nose clean.

I’ve always believed that you needed to demonstrate that you were an upstanding person and that you were worthy of citizenship. I also believed that if you became involved in illicit activities you’d be immediately deported. All of this leads me to ask a couple of questions.

Why were these people being held in detention in the first place?

If they were to be released due to budgetary concerns why weren’t they simply put on a plane or a bus and returned to their countries of origin?

Since immigration knew that some of the offenders had not only already been convicted of prior felonies and were once again violating US immigration law why detain them at all?

Send these people home. No questions, no hearings. By virtue of the fact that these folks are here again without papers and have been involved in yet another crime, theres no need to hear their shit.

Congress is looking in the wrong direction into this obscenity.

Congress should be asking who gave the orders?

You know damn well that John Morton didn’t make this decision on his own. He’s simply being served up. He’s being a good soldier and taking the beating, for that I respect him.

But Mortons boss and I’d hazard a guess the chain of command all the way up to the President is where the order originated.


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