OUCH! (Maybe a better title is it hurts so Good!)


Had a massage yesterday.

The masseur does really deep tissue and I needed it.

But the day after I really don’t want to move.

I scream like a little girl while he’s working me over and keep thinking to myself, “I’m paying for this?”

The trick is to drink plenty of water before and after and try to relax.

The day after, I keep drinking tons of water and take a couple aspirin.

I knew that I was really tight, I’d been waking up hurting but hadn’t been able to get in to the massage guy. 

Well I paid for it yesterday.

You know you’re tight when your masseur is bearing down with his elbow in the middle of your shoulder and laughing.



I go to him because he works my whole body even all the small muscles in my hands and feet. It makes walking and typing a little tough the day after.

I spent years in chiropractic care and honestly get more out of a good massage than I did from chiropractors. 

The down side is I’m moving like a really old man…

The pups need to have a walk this afternoon, that will probably help me too. At the very least it will get blood flowing which will reduce the ache.

If you can find a decent massage, I’d recommend it. Look for a certified massage person. There’s nothing worse than a massage that all about a “Happy Ending” when you really wanted a real massage. 

Happy endings are really nice if that’s what you want… but you shouldn’t have to pay for one of those. Find a good friend, trade massages, give each other happy endings, shower together, then go have dinner. That way you get the emotional and physical fulfillment that we all need so much.

Beyonce? Really?


The media and a fair number of the people I follow on Twitter have been practically falling over themselves about Beyoncés performance at the SuperBowl.


The vocals were muddy, and unintelligible. The performance itself was boring. Is it me? Or is this a classic case of “The Emperor has no clothes“? 

A lot of my friends were asking if there were supposed to be poles on the stage during halftime. I must admit that I was expecting the show to end up with dollar bills stuffed in G-strings. I’ll grant you that if there had been poles on stage and G-strings, the half time show would have been far less boring.

 Beyoncés a pretty lady but she’s no Tina Turner. 

There has been some criticism of Alicia Keys rendition of the national anthem. I’d agree that she sang it a bit too much like a ballad, but I’d have preferred to hear Ms. Keyes do the halftime show.

The commercials weren’t all that interesting this year either. There were a couple of really cute ones but in general they were sort of forgettable.


By far the best part of the SuperBowl (Aside from the ravens winning) were the tweets about the power failure. Here’s a small sampling.

Ironic: this time around, it’s the rich people trapped in the Superdome.

Obama was right. This is what happens when we all set our thermostats to 72 degrees.

The power was out so long at the SuperBowl, Kaepernick had time to get another tattoo.

Obama said Bush administration to blame for power outage at SuperBowl.

Check out Twitter for the whole stream, if you need a good laugh.

Hope you all have a great week.

Super Bowl Sunday

The phone is turned off.


The TV is turned on.

My chips and dip have been set out a  puppy-proof height. I’ve got beer in the fridge and all is completely right with the world.

I’m kinda hoping the Ravens take it but I’m not overly invested in either team.

I hope everyone has a great day.

If you need me… Leave a voice mail, I’ll get back to you after the game


I lied! I was somewhat more invested in the Ravens than I let on.

Freakin Fantastic Ravens! I’m jazzed.