This is such a major WTF I can’t believe it.


I was reading about the Manhunt for Christopher Dorner.

This is the former LAPD officer that is supposedly is running around on some kind of vendetta. I personally think that there’s a lot more to the story than we will ever know.

What we do “know” right now is that in 2009 Dorner was fired from LAPD for making false statements.


Say What? LAPD makes false statements all the time usually when answering brutality charges made against them!

Yes Dorner has clearly lost it, but you have to ask did he lose his mind because he was pushed beyond a breaking point and saw no future or hope?

Nothing justifies Droners current course of action and god knows killing those young people in Irvine was wrong. I’m reminded of the old biblical injunction about the sins of the fathers…

Whatever you think about Dorner the “CURE” is perhaps worse than the disease.


Thus far we’ve had two women in Torrance shot by Police because the police saw them driving a pickup truck that looked like Dorners.

Later and again in Torrance we’ve had police open fire on a man who was driving a pickup truck that looked like Dorners. I’m avoiding Torrance for the time being and that would be doubly true if I was driving a pick-up truck of any kind.

There has been one LAPD officer wounded in Corona, and two Riverside officers shot, one of them died, the other is in critical condition.

Thus far the tally is 5-3 shootings 3-0 deaths. Dorner leads. It’s only a matter of time before the police shoot and kill an innocent civilian.

My tally doesn’t include the emotional trauma caused an elderly man in San Diego who was tied up when Dorner allegedly tried to steal his boat. The theft was aborted because Droner got the prop fouled with an errant rope. Remember that Dorner is an Ex-Navy reservist.

imagesReally? The guy couldn’t launch a small boat without screwing it up?

Now this guy is supposedly in the Southern California mountains. I have to ask how many more people are going to be shot or injured by mistake before this guy is caught?

Maybe we need some real police not the Keystone cops from LA looking for this man. Clearly, he’s well beyond the LAPDs skills.

It’s only a matter of time before gun control gets tied into this, I cringe at the prospect but know it’s going to happen.

Paraprosdokian Of the Week

A Friend sent me a list of these. I thought it would be fun to share them.

Paraprosdokians are phrases or sentences that lead us down the garden path to an unexpected ending.

A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it.

Ok, I’ve got nothing!

Nothing to say.

Still looking for insurance that I can afford.

THuhhe search isn’t going well.

On the one hand I’d like to be covered, on the other hand I have a fundamental problem paying another mortgage payment to have medical coverage.

The primary problem I have is this, with a mortgage I have something that’s tangible. With health insurance I’m pissing money away to provide for coverage that I may or may not use.

At the rate I’m paying right now for COBRA, if I paid that same rate for 10 years it would come to $72,000 not including interest.


When the  men in my family break at end of life we don’t typically last very long.

I’m actually fortunate in that as long as we stay active we live a long fairly trouble free life. Our sinuses are for shit but nothing is perfect.

When our time comes we tend to go out like Don Corleone in The Godfather. We’re playing with the grandkids or great grandkids in the garden then we drop dead.

If I’m going to pay the equivalent of another mortgage, I might as well take advantage of the lower mortgage rates and buy another piece of property. At least I could rent it out and have an income, with a potentially higher rate of return.

I was thinking about it and realized that were I to go to a bank to apply for a mortgage for another piece of property they’d tell me I can’t afford to make the payment. Yet our government says that not only must I afford the payment but that they will enforce it under the law.

It’s a lose, lose proposition. If I were still in my 20s I’d be applying for citizenship in other countries. Not because I hate America, I love this country, but because I wouldn’t be able to afford the cost of American citizenship as I got older.

Today if I could communicate with my younger self… I’d say go find a decent country with good people and a system that works. Move there, become a citizen and plan for a decent retirement.

I look at my parents and their retirement isn’t at all what they’d planned for because they trusted in a system that didn’t really protect them. Remember Enron? There were a lot of 401K investments that got wiped out due to them. Then just a few years later you have the housing implosion and the devaluation of their retirement savings has really cut into what they can do. I know they’re on Medicare and Social Security I know they’re paying for health care supplementary insurance I just don’t know how long they’re going to be able to afford it.

I’ve spoken to younger insurance agents who don’t have health insurance because they don’t have an extra 600 – 800 dollars a month in their budgets.

NewImageYet in 2014 we’re all supposed to be carrying insurance and we’ll be penalized for not having a policy in force.

I’m still OK,  yeah I’m using my savings to pay the bills but I can go for a while longer with careful spending. I keep wondering how the hell can people less fortunate than myself come close to affording health insurance?

It really messes with your head. You want to do the right thing, but you can’t afford to do the right thing.

Obviously if you didn’t bother to pay for your housing, and didn’t eat you could afford to pay for health insurance. Then you’d only have to worry about paying for health insurance for a few weeks.

This is seriously wrong. And yet the government is in a position to make us all face this choice.

I’ve said it before. Contrary to what President Obama would have us believe. The problem isn’t that American Citizens are irresponsible about medical coverage. The problem is that health insurance companies and to some extent the medical providers are raping the American People.

If our government was truly interested in taking action on health care they’d address the source of the problem not penalize the victims.

Humm, I guess I did have something to say after all.

OUCH! (Maybe a better title is it hurts so Good!)


Had a massage yesterday.

The masseur does really deep tissue and I needed it.

But the day after I really don’t want to move.

I scream like a little girl while he’s working me over and keep thinking to myself, “I’m paying for this?”

The trick is to drink plenty of water before and after and try to relax.

The day after, I keep drinking tons of water and take a couple aspirin.

I knew that I was really tight, I’d been waking up hurting but hadn’t been able to get in to the massage guy. 

Well I paid for it yesterday.

You know you’re tight when your masseur is bearing down with his elbow in the middle of your shoulder and laughing.



I go to him because he works my whole body even all the small muscles in my hands and feet. It makes walking and typing a little tough the day after.

I spent years in chiropractic care and honestly get more out of a good massage than I did from chiropractors. 

The down side is I’m moving like a really old man…

The pups need to have a walk this afternoon, that will probably help me too. At the very least it will get blood flowing which will reduce the ache.

If you can find a decent massage, I’d recommend it. Look for a certified massage person. There’s nothing worse than a massage that all about a “Happy Ending” when you really wanted a real massage. 

Happy endings are really nice if that’s what you want… but you shouldn’t have to pay for one of those. Find a good friend, trade massages, give each other happy endings, shower together, then go have dinner. That way you get the emotional and physical fulfillment that we all need so much.

Beyonce? Really?


The media and a fair number of the people I follow on Twitter have been practically falling over themselves about Beyoncés performance at the SuperBowl.


The vocals were muddy, and unintelligible. The performance itself was boring. Is it me? Or is this a classic case of “The Emperor has no clothes“? 

A lot of my friends were asking if there were supposed to be poles on the stage during halftime. I must admit that I was expecting the show to end up with dollar bills stuffed in G-strings. I’ll grant you that if there had been poles on stage and G-strings, the half time show would have been far less boring.

 Beyoncés a pretty lady but she’s no Tina Turner. 

There has been some criticism of Alicia Keys rendition of the national anthem. I’d agree that she sang it a bit too much like a ballad, but I’d have preferred to hear Ms. Keyes do the halftime show.

The commercials weren’t all that interesting this year either. There were a couple of really cute ones but in general they were sort of forgettable.


By far the best part of the SuperBowl (Aside from the ravens winning) were the tweets about the power failure. Here’s a small sampling.

Ironic: this time around, it’s the rich people trapped in the Superdome.

Obama was right. This is what happens when we all set our thermostats to 72 degrees.

The power was out so long at the SuperBowl, Kaepernick had time to get another tattoo.

Obama said Bush administration to blame for power outage at SuperBowl.

Check out Twitter for the whole stream, if you need a good laugh.

Hope you all have a great week.