Sick & tired of the News…

I’ve been enjoying the sound of the recent rain on the roof and haven’t paid attention to the news, or turned on much of anything that makes noise.


I’m suspecting that I may have had a light touch of the flu but I’m not sure. This morning I’m feeling better.

I did however, make the mistake of switching on the news. 

Nothing is different!

I swear it’s like the world paused the bullshit just so that I could be offended by it when I decided to pay attention again.

I wish that was the case… I know in reality that the bullshit keeps coming at a more or less constant pace. The news is like a soap opera… You can miss years and still know exactly what’s going on, because human nature is a constant as hydrogen fusion in stars.

Have you ever noticed that riots pretty much look the same? Really, check it out, tell Google you want to see only images then type riots.

Regardless of time or place, they all look the same, even the drawings of riots look the same.

The news is always the same… In broad strokes I think the news template is something like this;

Somewhere people are rioting and burning buildings because they’re unhappy about something.

Somewhere else someones military is shooting rebels, insurgents, dissidents, students, or another army.

A disaster or two have happened someplace else, hundreds or thousands of people are displaced, famine and disease looms in the not too distant future.


Politicians from group A are condemning politicians from group B for failing to act or disagreeing with their position.

Somewhere somebody’s children were in danger, are in danger, have been saved from danger.

There’s been another car chase that ended, with a crash, or with an arrest, or with a shooting, or with a tasering. Or jackpot… all of the above…

And now the weather…


Being a fan of TrueBlood, the scene where the vampire Russell Edgington rips a newscasters spine out, then tells the public that he’s the real face of vampires and describes in gruesome detail what vampires are going to do to humans is one of my favorite scenes for a number of reasons.

When he turns to another camera and in a lovely Southern accent and with a happy smile, says “Now time for the weather… Tiffany…”

I howl every time I see it. The whole scene is priceless and some damn good writing.


It’s also a very sad comment on our news cycle.

That scene lasts a minute or so, but it’s exactly what watching the news is like.

Think about it, the news is 30 to 60 minutes of real blood, violence, hatred, and despair, followed by the weather presented by some airhead blond with perfect tits and a million dollar smile telling you it’s going to be sunny and warm tomorrow. And somehow knowing it’s going to be sunny and warm makes the preceding horror just fine.


We all know that the weather is always at the end of a news segment. Did you ever wonder why? 

I’ve come to the conclusion that weather is all we really care about.  

It’s the most immediate thing that we have to deal with.

If the weather was first in any newscast I’d tune in for that, and turn the TV off once I knew if I was going to need my umbrella.

I can’t do shit about riots in another country. Nor can I control the earthquake, volcano, hurricane, or monsoonal flooding in another country. I’m sorry folks there are having problems but there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.


As far as car chases… I’m reminded of the old Keystone cops shorts.

Do I need to see 6 hours of live aerial coverage where 4 police cars are following one piece of shit 30 year old Toyota that can’t get above 50MPH? Or god forbid a white Bronco?


I swear on more than one occasion I’ve thought about Mad Maxing my truck and just T-Boning the hell out of the dumbass running from the cops.

I imagine that afterward, I’d drive home and get back to watching the football game that was interrupted for the car chase.


Or watch Tiffany’s perfect tits jiggle across my local weather map.

Maybe I need to go back to bed… I think I’m a little grumpier than I should be.

On the other hand… 

A few episodes of TrueBlood might just make me a happy camper.

An interesting thing


Honestly I’d never thought about this until recently.

I firmly, completely and totally believe that the 2nd amendment insures my personal right to have a gun.

I realize that there are those who would disagree. Fine, that demonstrates yet another freedom we have in this country. The freedom to think for ourselves, do what we believe to be right and hopefully pursue our own personal happiness.

Your choice not to have a gun is as personal to you as my belief in upholding the 2nd amendment is to me. I’m totally good with that because we’re both pursuing our respective forms of happiness.

When you’re looking for a job and thinking about relocation, you start considering all the factors that moving your stuff from one place to another entails. You start making a packing list. That list has the stuff that you’d need immediately and the stuff that you could leave in storage, or have shipped.

If one of those items happened to be a gun, now you have to consider your destination.


A responsible gun owner would be far more inclined to keep the gun or guns in a safe and would be hesitant to let that safe and it’s contents get too far out of their control. 

The gun owners I know don’t want to ever have the possibility of one of their weapons being stolen.

Problem is a gun safe is pretty damn obvious going onto a moving truck or coming off of one. It’s not like you’d be able to be subtle about a 900lb safe that’s labeled “American Guns Safe” .

This is especially true if you’re wheeling it into your new digs with the help of 20 day workers.

My luck would have me moving into a house between a cop and a liberal do gooder who felt it necessary to report to authorities that they’d seen GUNS!!! and ammunition being wheeled into the house… 

I’d never really thought about it too much…

Mainly because I’ve always assumed my business was well… my business. Since we didn’t live in Nazi Germany or the USSR I never worried about my neighbors tattling on me.

Well that is until now, thanks in part to the newspaper in New York publishing gun permit owners names & addresses. I was surprised that anyone sided with the paper thinking it was OK for the public at large to know what you had in your home.

Of course the excuse of “the Children” was trotted out  as a justification for invasion of privacy.

Personally I think,  “The Children” are at far more risk from sexual deviants than guns.

In the interest of protecting The Children, perhaps we should make everyone purchasing vibrators, leather restraints, or pornography register these materials then publish their names and addresses weekly. 

That is after all the conflation the Journal News was trying to make with their gun ownership map. They were drawing a parallel between gun ownership and sexual molesters.

Which brings me to the question.

If you were to be offered a position in New York for instance or Massachusetts or Illinois… what do you do with your guns?

Both New York and Massachusetts are insane about their regulation, permitting, registration, and god only knows what all else.

I’ve been told that these states also make a lot of additional money from anyone choosing to exercise their 2nd amendment right. Something on the order of hundreds if not thousands of dollars just to get the permit that allows you to exercise your constitutionally guaranteed right

This mountain of bureaucratic nonsense probably isn’t about protecting the public as much as it is about discouraging all but the hardiest or masochistic of individuals from obtaining or keeping weapons legally.

I could probably head to Harlem or some of the less savory neighborhoods in Boston and obtain a weapon in 30 minutes or less with the right amount of money. No papers, no background check, no reporting or waiting periods either.


And were you to land a job in Chicago (A safest place on Earth Gun Free Zone…) well I suppose you’d have to sell your guns…

A job transfer to Chicago would , I guess mean you’d have to go to one of those unsavory areas and sell your guns, associated ammo, and any accessories, the day you got there.

Again without background checks or any reports on to whom you sold the weapons.

Then you could go to your new apartment and lay your head down to sleep in peace knowing that you’d done the right thing and complied with the law.

Sarcasm aside, I realized that there are in fact places in this country where I absolutely will not even consider moving

I don’t want an arsenal, I don’t want mil spec weapons. But I damn sure do want the right to own guns, and I want the ability to go to the store put my money on the counter and buy a rifle, or ammunition 

So I’ve altered my job search / willingness to relocate parameters.

I’ve also responded “No” to an invitation to apply for a 6 month position in NY with the following:

Thank you for thinking of me.
However, I do not wish to move to a state like NY where I must for the most part forego my 2nd Amendment right to keep & bear arms, and where I also would be subject to the loss of personal privacy about the contents of my home.
All the best.


Perhaps fighting gun control isn’t all about fighting with law in the courts.

Perhaps it’s about fighting oppressive laws in the economic arena too.

After all if companies can’t get employees or lose business because their corporate offices are in gun control states they’ll move somewhere else.

All that has to happen is for their employees to be honest when they leave, and for their prospective employees to be honest about why they’re not interviewing for positions. 

It’s the long way around but it does make a statement.

Another rainy day (NSFW)

Yeah, it’s raining in Southern California. 

I’m not complaining at all. It could be snowing in which case I’d have a heck of a day ahead of me. 

It’s been raining since last night, I don’t even know how much snow I’d have been looking at having to clear if it had been cold enough to snow.

Fortunately, it’s been in the 40s here so not only do we get that nice sound of rain on the roof, but it’s also cleared most of the snow and ice that remained on the street.

I like snow, but I love rain. 

This has been an abnormal California rain too. It’s been real rain… not that stupid misty piss that we usually get.

This has been the kind of rain that would rinse the dust off your car instead of turning the dust to mud. Unfortunately my car is in the garage…

I’m noticing that some of my neighbors trees are greening. No leaves yet but the bark is taking on that green hue that heralds the coming of spring.

Seems a bit early but it’s the trees problem not mine if they bud early.

I just killed another social media account.

This one was a more male oriented site. I woke up this morning to a half a dozen “buddy” requests, and a “Free” 3 day trial.

I was a member but not a paying member. This was the first time in a long while that I’d been able to wander to all the areas of the site.

In my wandering I discovered a few things. 

My profile picture was not me. WTF?

The country and state associated with my profile wasn’t correct and after fixing it 3 times only to have it randomly change to some other country I gave up.

Then as I was looking at the buddy requests, I noticed that most of these “People” didn’t have completed profiles.

Then I noticed that they had “Buddies” that were the same as the “Buddies” I had and that in any cases the “Buddies” had the same pictures associated with 4 or 5 different profiles. 

The more I poked around, the more things just didn’t add up.

This site used to want something like $90 a year to be a member. Recently I’d noticed that they were only asking for $25 a year and that the “Buddy” notifications were coming in every day.


Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to get wild and nasty and I might even pay $25 a year to meet up with some similar minded individuals.

But I’m not going to pay any amount of money to be inundated with computer generated friend requests. From profiles that aren’t real.

Heck I can wander out to half a dozen free porn sites to enjoy computer synthesized stimulation.

Not that theres anything wrong with that… But if you’re looking for friends, and / or playmates you’d like to know that you’re not spilling your guts to a Turing test.


If someone is going to offer to wrap their lips around my dick… I’d like them to be real.

That’s not to say that cyber sex or electro sex can’t be an absolute blast.

I’ve done both and had a rocking good time. I’ll do both again too… yeah. it was that much fun.

However, feeling warm flesh yield to the needs of my dick is the best. Pumping a hot load into a sexy willing partner is awesome.

Given the choice between a sexy living human being touching me, and a cold machine… I’ll take the human anytime.


This of course doesn’t rule out androids.

Believe me if androids ever become a reality I’m going to be first in line to try one when they start making  sexbots!

So I’m a pig… what are you going to do start an android right group?

Oh well, another social media site bites the dust, at least in my book.

I do wonder why it’s so very difficult to meet someone that would like to be friends and perhaps a bit more.

I know it’s not my breath or lack of deodorant … Over a social media site neither of those are problematic. Do you think it could be my personality??? 


This is a good day to write, put on some  sensuous music, jerk off if I feel like it and just enjoy the day.

In looking for photos to add a little pizazz to this post… I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to take pictures the next time someone is blowing me… 

Then I’d have something to remember the event by, and would probably have better subject material. 

Hope your day is as interesting as mine.

Really? This is an issue?


Over the past several days, I’ve noticed the press slowly picking up and more breathlessly repeating the story that Prince Harry said that he has killed Taliban in Afghanistan.

Let me see,

He’s serving in his nations military — Check!

He’s in a gunship — Check!

He’s in a war zone — Check!

He’s being shot at — Check!

In my book…

It goes without saying that he’s killed some Taliban. The question shouldn’t have even been asked. It was probably asked by some asinine reporter looking for something sensationalist. Problem is this isn’t sensational it’s a grim reality of war.

People die. 

Prince Harry is doing his job, which is to take orders from his commanding officers, and to protect his crew if that means opening up with a 30mm chain gun on a pissant Taliban fuck so be it.

What answer would you expect?

Do you suppose the troops in war zones have been planting posies? That somehow RPG and AK-47 fire magically turns into rainbows and happy fairy sprinkles?


Prince Harry answered the question. Now he’s being criticized for answering the question.

Had he evaded answering the question he’d have been criticized for evasion.

The man was damned either way and like most men backed into a corner by slimy scum bags (in this case liberal reporters) he decided to answer 100% truthfully. After all with the truth, you don’t have to remember what lie you told which person.

I say good for Prince Harry. I’m glad he’s doing his job and not getting much in the way of “Special” treatment. In future, he may be more connected with the common man and will be in a position to suggest or represent the common mans interests back home.

Aside from his mother not being terribly happy about him being in the military, (name a Mom who is happy about her children being in harms way) I personally think that the young prince is a good man.

His mother shows through in all the best ways. In general, I imagine she’d be proud of both her boys.

I guess the article pissed me off because of the fucked up connections that the writer and then the Afghan and Taliban leaders made.

I suppose I can perhaps excuse Hamid Karzai and the Taliban leader Zabihullah Mujahid for not knowing what a PlayStation or Xbox is.

After all they still think fire is the magic of the gods.

You need to have electricity to use a PlayStation. Most of Afghanistan is barely into the stone-age just slightly above flinging their excrement at each other…

Prince Harry making the comparison to his childhood game controls is completely logical.

After all if you make a sophisticated high tech weapon system similar to a familiar game interface then you don’t have to waste a lot of time training your soldiers how to use the weapon. It save time, money, and minimizes practice time.

But that doesn’t mean that the Prince was referring to the war as “Fun”. Unfortunately that’s the spin Harry’s comment is being given.


Hamid Karzai is concerned about troop withdrawals. Others are concerned about the erosion of relations between the troops and locals…

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t this a problem in Afghanistan already?

Don’t we have the locals and our troops stationed in separate areas because of friendly fire incidents?

Isn’t this the place where “Friendlies”  walk in to cafeterias and blow themselves up or shoot men they’ve spent months or years training with, working with, and living with? 

I’d say that the relations are already well and truly fucked up. I’m all for getting our people the hell out of the place and letting the locals cannibalize each other if they wish.

We have the asshole Taliban guy Zabihullah Mujahid calling the Prince a NewImagecoward for “speaking when he was out of harms way… “

Uh yeah, dumbass. The interview was done while Harry was on duty in your shit hole country. Oh by the way, when was the last time you poked your head out of a cave?

Why the fuck do we even know what you think? I’d suspect that most of us couldn’t give a crap less.

Then there’s the Peacenik Lindsey German of the “Stop the war coalition” asking how the Prince knows the people he killed were Taliban.

Well Lindsey… the Prince probably had a fairly good idea when the people on the ground were shooting at his helicopter.

In my reality someone shooting at me is an enemy… I’m not going to take the time before I shoot back to ask for confirmation of their political or religious affiliation. You Lindsey are perfectly welcome to go talk to the people shooting at you if you’d like. 

Hey before you go… let me put this pretty vest on you. Uh no, Lindsey it’s not body armor It’s 30 lbs of C-4 explosive. Here, hold this button down while you’re talking to those very angry people waving the guns at you…


So that Lindsey, has some ability to sleep at night… Let me offer this logic to you.

You’re in a helicopter

You’re flying over Taliban occupied territory

People on the ground are shooting at you (Or flinging poo)


They are in all likelihood Taliban… in deed if not in actual political/religious affiliation.

Which means… It’s perfectly acceptable to squeeze the trigger on that shiny 30mm chain gun until the people on the ground stop shooting! 

It’s completely ridiculous to ask or publish a question asking how the Prince knew they were Taliban.

I’m all for leaving the Afghans and for that matter the whole stinking shithole known as the Middle East squarely in the middle of the stone-age.

Their belief structures are a threat. They are a prime example of religion retarding human development and their civilizations (such as they are) are examples of retrograde development.

Yeah, I have no pity, sympathy, or concern for those people. I’m for complete isolation of the area.

Quarantine it, let the infection of their religion of hate burn itself out.

Call the Middle East the Spanish Influenza of thought processes.

Quarantine the area and wait a 100 years or so for them to quit twitching. Maybe then you nuke ’em from orbit just to make sure…

We don’t have to be nice to our enemies.

Let’s stop deluding ourselves, no matter what we do in the Middle East we will never be liked.

The best we can hope for is that the people there understand death comes on swift wings if you screw with the west.