And in other insanity… Really, this one made my head hurt

I was attempting to locate a dermatologist. My plan was to find one local to where I live.


I found one, then made the call for a new patient appointment.

I’m assuming that no matter what kind of insurance I end up with there’s going to be a transitional period. I figured no problem, I’ll just tell them I’ll be paying cash… You know, greenbacks, the coin of the realm, money, American dollars.

When I say this… the young lady says I can’t be a patient, because it’s too expensive for the patient to be able to pay cash and the Doctor isn’t accepting any cash clients at this time.

I’ll admit it my brain rebooted!

I never thought about this as a possibility. I mean really? The Doctor isn’t accepting cash patients? WOW!!!!

Needless to say, I’m not going to go see this guy. I need someone with a can of liquid nitrogen and the ability to use it… $250 a 15 minute appointment and we’re done. Next!!!!

I guess my head is still reeling that cash, in some cases isn’t worth anything even today…

Well, cross that Doctor off my list.

Moving on….

Ran across these and enjoyed them

There are some readers of the blog who will no doubt be upset by my mentioning anything about The Constitution. 

Tough! Just like TV if you don’t like what you see… Don’t freakin look.

Now on with my thought…

I wasn’t going to write about guns for a while. Then I heard about the attendance at a gun show in Orange County.

People were standing in line for 5 hours just to get inside to purchase the gun or ammunition of their choice. Last I heard, something like 140 thousand people attended that show. Apparently I’m not the only one interested in the gun control discussion or where it may lead. (No, I didn’t attend the show.)

Ammunition is hard to come by right now and it’s expensive because it’s in short supply. This is pretty much like it was in 2008 after President Obama took office. This “run” on guns and ammo probably wouldn’t have happened were it not for the Sandy hook shootings and the subsequent call for more gun control.

I’ve been reading articles about the gun control debate and remain unconvinced that the new body of law will have much impact on preventing these tragedies. I am concerned about erosion of the 2nd amendment.

No, I’m not with the people who think the 2nd amendment is going to be abolished today, tomorrow, or next year.

I am concerned about what happens when more laws are enacted to prevent tragedies and those laws fail, leading to more and more laws, which I personally believe will fail. Does that represent a threat to the 2nd amendment? If so, how can that threat be mitigated?

This morning I ran across an original piece that caught my interest. It’s written by David Mamet.

I really enjoyed Mamets use of English, and his observation that what people refer to as assault weapons are more cosmetically akin to assault weapons than functionally similar. (Putting a Ferrari body on a1967 Datsun chassis doesn’t make the Datsun a Ferrari.)

This distinction is thought provoking in that to make the same weapon frame legal again requires nothing more than removal or repainting of largely decorative bits.

The rifle will no longer “Look” like an assault weapon, but the underlying frame could still be the same. I imagine that there are a ton of after market manufacturers tooling up at this moment to sell “customization kits” so that you can buy a legal rifle and then add the bits that make it look like an assault rifle. I guess it will be good for the economy. But the law itself is questionable in it’s effectiveness.

Later as I was scanning more news headlines I ran across this piece from CNN.  

The CNN article caught my attention because it addresses some of the concerns that Assault weapon bans don’t. Criminal behavior doesn’t by definition respect the law. More importantly, the article notes that handguns not assault rifles are responsible for more deaths in America per year.

I’m not against gun control per se. I am against theatrical, grandiose but largely ineffective laws.

I’d be completely supportive of taking the existing body of gun law and tossing out everything that is nonsensical. From there, I’d support consistent logical laws that stay within constitutional guidelines are recognized nationwide, and make the public safer too.

Years ago I actually approached a Police officer at a LEO recruiting booth during a state fair. I asked “Where could I go to get proper training with firearms?” I further explained that I was interested in purchasing a handgun but didn’t want to make a purchase without appropriate safety training. The officer looked at me as though I’d lost my mind. 

My logic was He was an officer, he worked with guns all the time, and I had nothing to hide.

His response was, just go to a gun store and buy a gun, then go to a shooting range and shoot it. Maybe I was putting him on the spot, or he felt he couldn’t make a recommendation about a particular school or training facility. I’ve always thought that the one place you should be able to go for information about gun training and safety should be the police.

I’d pay to attend gun training classes. Hell I’d pay for police instruction about how to deal with the police in the event I’d had a break in and had fired at or shot the intruder. The last thing I’d want to deal with is the police shooting me because they couldn’t tell I was a “good guy”.

I’d welcome the ability to demonstrate my proficiency with a gun to an NRA instructor or local Police instructor and wish that upon that demonstration the instructors would make recommendations that would not only improve my safety in handling a weapon but my shooting ability too.

I think that a lot of potential and current gun owners would stand up in support of laws that made sense. Sadly, the centrists from both sides of the discussion are being drowned in the hyperbole of the extremist reactionary fringes.

As an example, go back and listen to Ben Shapiros interview with Piers Morgan. Mr Shapiro, tries to engage Piers Morgan in a real discussion when he asks, citing the statistics,  why not hand guns? Why only assault rifles? Mr Shapiro raised a great question… One that apparently CNN is finally seeking to answer.

I’m going to try to paste both of the articles below for your convenience.

Please take a look at the site links. If the articles are updated you’ll get the update only by going to the sites.

Thanks to The Daily Beast, Newsweek, and CNN.  

From Newsweek, The Daily Beast

Gun Laws and the Fools of Chelm

Jan 29, 2013 12:00 AM EST


The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so. By David Mamet. Get the full issue of Newsweek today on your iPad and other editions.

Karl Marx summed up Communism as “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” This is a good, pithy saying, which, in practice, has succeeded in bringing, upon those under its sway, misery, poverty, rape, torture, slavery, and death.


‘In announcing his gun control proposals, President Obama said that he was not restricting Second Amendment rights, but allowing other constitutional rights to flourish.’

For the saying implies but does not name the effective agency of its supposed utopia. The agency is called “The State,” and the motto, fleshed out, for the benefit of the easily confused must read “The State will take from each according to his ability: the State will give to each according to his needs.” “Needs and abilities” are, of course, subjective. So the operative statement may be reduced to “the State shall take, the State shall give.”

All of us have had dealings with the State, and have found, to our chagrin, or, indeed, terror, that we were not dealing with well-meaning public servants or even with ideologues but with overworked, harried bureaucrats. These, as all bureaucrats, obtain and hold their jobs by complying with directions and suppressing the desire to employ initiative, compassion, or indeed, common sense. They are paid to follow orders.

Rule by bureaucrats and functionaries is an example of the first part of the Marxist equation: that the Government shall determine the individual’s abilities.

As rules by the Government are one-size-fits-all, any governmental determination of an individual’s abilities must be based on a bureaucratic assessment of the lowest possible denominator. The government, for example, has determined that black people (somehow) have fewer abilities than white people, and, so, must be given certain preferences. Anyone acquainted with both black and white people knows this assessment is not only absurd but monstrous. And yet it is the law.

President Obama, in his reelection campaign, referred frequently to the “needs” of himself and his opponent, alleging that each has more money than he “needs.”

But where in the Constitution is it written that the Government is in charge of determining “needs”? And note that the president did not say “I have more money than I need,” but “You and I have more than we need.” Who elected him to speak for another citizen?

It is not the constitutional prerogative of the Government to determine needs. One person may need (or want) more leisure, another more work; one more adventure, another more security, and so on. It is this diversity that makes a country, indeed a state, a city, a church, or a family, healthy. “One-size-fits-all,” and that size determined by the State has a name, and that name is “slavery.”

The Founding Fathers, far from being ideologues, were not even politicians. They were an assortment of businessmen, writers, teachers, planters; men, in short, who knew something of the world, which is to say, of Human Nature. Their struggle to draft a set of rules acceptable to each other was based on the assumption that we human beings, in the mass, are no damned good—that we are biddable, easily confused, and that we may easily be motivated by a Politician, which is to say, a huckster, mounting a soapbox and inflaming our passions.

The Constitution’s drafters did not require a wag to teach them that power corrupts: they had experienced it in the person of King George. The American secession was announced by reference to his abuses of power: “He has obstructed the administration of Justice … he has made Judges dependant on his will alone … He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws … He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass out people and to eat out their substance … imposed taxes upon us without our consent… [He has] fundamentally altered the forms of our government.”

Gun rights advocates rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Jan. 2013.

Who threatens American society most: law-abiding citizens or criminals? (Matt Rourke/AP)

This is a chillingly familiar set of grievances; and its recrudescence was foreseen by the Founders. They realized that King George was not an individual case, but the inevitable outcome of unfettered power; that any person or group with the power to tax, to form laws, and to enforce them by arms willdefault to dictatorship, absent the constant unflagging scrutiny of the governed, and their severe untempered insistence upon compliance with law.

The Founders recognized that Government is quite literally a necessary evil, that there must be opposition, between its various branches, and between political parties, for these are the only ways to temper the individual’s greed for power and the electorates’ desires for peace by submission to coercion or blandishment.

Healthy government, as that based upon our Constitution, is strife. It awakens anxiety, passion, fervor, and, indeed, hatred and chicanery, both in pursuit of private gain and of public good. Those who promise to relieve us of the burden through their personal or ideological excellence, those who claim to hold the Magic Beans, are simply confidence men. Their emergence is inevitable, and our individual opposition to and rejection of them, as they emerge, must be blunt and sure; if they are arrogant, willful, duplicitous, or simply wrong, they must be replaced, else they will consolidate power, and use the treasury to buy votes, and deprive us of our liberties. It was to guard us against this inevitable decay of government that the Constitution was written. Its purpose was and is not to enthrone a Government superior to an imperfect and confused electorate, but to protect us from such a government.

Many are opposed to private ownership of firearms, and their opposition comes under several heads. Their specific objections are answerable retail, but a wholesale response is that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms. On a lower level of abstraction, there are more than 2 million instances a year of the armed citizen deterring or stopping armed criminals; a number four times that of all crimes involving firearms.

The Left loves a phantom statistic that a firearm in the hands of a citizen is X times more likely to cause accidental damage than to be used in the prevention of crime, but what is there about criminals that ensures that their gun use is accident-free? If, indeed, a firearm were more dangerous to its possessors than to potential aggressors, would it not make sense for the government to arm all criminals, and let them accidentally shoot themselves? Is this absurd? Yes, and yet the government, of course, is arming criminals.

Violence by firearms is most prevalent in big cities with the strictest gun laws. In Chicago and Washington, D.C., for example, it is only the criminals who have guns, the law-abiding populace having been disarmed, and so crime runs riot.

Cities of similar size in Texas, Florida, Arizona, and elsewhere, which leave the citizen the right to keep and bear arms, guaranteed in the Constitution, typically are much safer. More legal guns equal less crime. What criminal would be foolish enough to rob a gun store? But the government alleges that the citizen does not need this or that gun, number of guns, or amount of ammunition.

But President Obama, it seems, does.

He has just passed a bill that extends to him and his family protection, around the clock and for life, by the Secret Service. He, evidently, feels that he is best qualified to determine his needs, and, of course, he is. As I am best qualified todetermine mine.

For it is, again, only the Marxists who assert that the government, which is to say the busy, corrupted, and hypocritical fools most elected officials are (have you ever had lunch with one?) should regulate gun ownership based on its assessment of needs.

Q. Who “needs” an assault rifle?

A. No one outside the military and the police. I concur.

An assault weapon is that which used to be called a “submachine gun.” That is, a handheld long gun that will fire continuously as long as the trigger is held down.

These have been illegal in private hands (barring those collectors who have passed the stringent scrutiny of the Federal Government) since 1934. Outside these few legal possessors, there are none in private hands. They may be found in the hands of criminals. But criminals, let us reflect, by definition, are those who will not abide by the laws. What purpose will passing more laws serve?

My grandmother came from Russian Poland, near the Polish city of Chelm. Chelm was celebrated, by the Ashkenazi Jews, as the place where the fools dwelt. And my grandmother loved to tell the traditional stories of Chelm.

Its residents, for example, once decided that there was no point in having the sun shine during the day, when it was light out—it would be better should it shine at night, when it was dark. Similarly, we modern Solons delight in passing gun laws that, in their entirety, amount to “making crime illegal.”

What possible purpose in declaring schools “gun-free zones”? Who bringing a gun, with evil intent, into a school would be deterred by the sign?

Ah, but perhaps one, legally carrying a gun, might bring it into the school.

Obama family attending Easter church service

If President Obama determines a need to defend his family, why can’t we defend our own? (Jonathan Ernst, Reuters/Landov)


We need more armed citizens in the schools.

Walk down Madison Avenue in New York. Many posh stores have, on view, or behind a two-way mirror, an armed guard. Walk into most any pawnshop, jewelry story, currency exchange, gold store in the country, and there will be an armed guard nearby. Why? As currency, jewelry, gold are precious. Who complains about the presence of these armed guards? And is this wealth more precious than our children?

Apparently it is: for the Left adduces arguments against armed presence in the school but not in the wristwatch stores. Q. How many accidental shootings occurred last year in jewelry stores, or on any premises with armed security guards?

Why not then, for the love of God, have an armed presence in the schools? It could be done at the cost of a pistol (several hundred dollars), and a few hours of training (that’s all the security guards get). Why not offer teachers, administrators, custodians, a small extra stipend for completing a firearms-safety course and carrying a concealed weapon to school? The arguments to the contrary escape me.


Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre rattles off a list of places protected by armed guards at an NRA press conference.

Why do I specify concealed carry? As if the weapons are concealed, any potential malefactor must assume that anyone on the premises he means to disrupt may be armed—a deterrent of even attempted violence.

Yes, but we should check all applicants for firearms for a criminal record?

Anyone applying to purchase a handgun has, since 1968, filled out a form certifying he is not a fugitive from justice, a convicted criminal, or mentally deficient. These forms, tens and tens of millions of them, rest, conceivably, somewhere in the vast repository. How are they checked? Are they checked? By what agency, with what monies? The country is broke. Do we actually want another agency staffed by bureaucrats for whom there is no funding?

The police do not exist to protect the individual. They exist to cordon off the crime scene and attempt to apprehend the criminal. We individuals are guaranteed by the Constitution the right to self-defense. This right is not the Government’s to “award” us. They have never been granted it.

The so-called assault weapons ban is a hoax. It is a political appeal to the ignorant. The guns it supposedly banned have been illegal (as above) for 78 years. Did the ban make them “more” illegal? The ban addresses only theappearance of weapons, not their operation.

Will increased cosmetic measures make anyone safer? They, like all efforts at disarmament, will put the citizenry more at risk. Disarmament rests on the assumption that all people are good, and, basically, want the same things.

But if all people were basically good, why would we, increasingly, pass more and more elaborate laws?

The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so: and his right to do so is guaranteed by the Constitution.

President Obama seems to understand the Constitution as a “set of suggestions.” I cannot endorse his performance in office, but he wins my respect for taking those steps he deems necessary to ensure the safety of his family. Why would he want to prohibit me from doing the same?

Funny, no matter how many times I re-read I always find a typo


I do re-read these posts.

In fact I usually re-read them several times. 


I’m simply not that good at re-reading stuff that I’ve written. This is especially true if I’m cranky.

So I offer my apologies to you, for poor punctuation, horrific sentence construction, spelling errors and all manner of linguistic gaffes that you have endured.

I promise I’ll do my best to hold the line against “text speak”

This apology was inspired by reading a comment on a New York Times article about “Preppers” in New York.

On the one side… the human mind is an amazing machine capable of gleaning meaning from all but the most unintelligible writing. On the other side in another 20 years we’ll all be speaking “City Speak” from Bladerunner.

Have a great day…

I’m going to get some stuff done and then go enjoy the sun on the snow.



Oh yeah, I’m the wrong color for that…

I’m a little pissed off.

I’m at the end of COBRA coverage which I maintained because I was once again trying to do the right thing.

That belief cost me $10, 872 and forced me to keep using a pharmacy provider called Express Scripts which is without doubt one of the worst organizations I’ve ever had the misfortune to deal with.

I’m an average person,  I pay my bills, don’t expect to be taken care of, pay my own way, try to stay off the government radar, and try like hell to live my life my way without having someone else’s hand in my fucking pocket or up my ass.

I’m still laboring under the illusion that doing the right thing is important… at least to me.

Because of that philosophy, I’d applied for a personal healthcare policy to the same fucking insurance company that currently has kept me insured under a group policy for the past 6 years. Not only couldn’t they simply look at the information they already have about me…


After due consideration… they declined to cover me on a personal policy.

Let me get this straight… You’ve been covering me, You’ve made almost 11K off me over the past 2 years, and now I’m too big a risk? Jesus, Mary, & Joseph!

It makes me believe even more strongly that all health insurance companies should be ruled illegal and their executives and most of their staff should be taken and whipped naked through the streets.

This places me in a situation that I’d anticipated anyway.

I can apparently qualify for HIPAA coverage which is obscenely expensive. I’ve been told it costs something like almost double what I’ve been paying under COBRA.


Sorry, I can’t afford that kind of money, seeing as I’m unemployed and all. 

This is one of the reasons that I was not a supporter of Obamacare and the obscene price tag that will cost.

If you look at the price of the HIPAA program you can’t come to any conclusion other than a national healthcare program will be horrifically expensive.

I suspect this is what the politicians concluded as well, hence the provision to make  anyone not paying for health insurance a criminal…

The Tea Party and Republicans are wrong about the Death panels… It’s much simpler than that.


All Obamacare has to do is price people on fixed income or who have no income out of the market. No boards or panels needed…

I was hoping for something better in healthcare reform. But Obamacare was shoved down our throats.

I thought a plan that forced the insurance companies to provide coverage for the people who had previously been covered by their employers, would be more efficient. A plan like that wouldn’t require implementation of yet another bureaucracy.

If you had a group policy with your employer and you got laid off you were still automatically covered… And that coverage would continue no matter what. The payments could have been based on a sliding scale.

If you couldn’t pay because your unemployment ran out or you took a part time job at substantially lower pay… It wouldn’t have mattered you were still covered.

There are people who’ll say yes but what about the poor? What about the young just coming into the workforce?

Simple… the poor pay like they always have (or not… depending on the culture they come from). The young, are automatically and without question covered on their parents policies until they get a job that provides insurance.

Using a plan like this, everyone is covered, the insurance companies aren’t able to weasel out of providing coverage that all of us have paid for many times over.

As an added benefit,  the Medical insurance / establishment has a real incentive to keep costs low and increase the efficiency of the system.

Why does it cost $25 for a fucking aspirin in a hospital? Because of all the bullshit it takes to get you that aspirin. Even though you could go to the hospital gift shop and buy a whole bottle yourself for $8.


Then when you think about the people who retire because they were in their 50s or 60s and got laid off.

Through no fault of their own, they get fucked again and again by a system that they’d been told all their lives was supposed to reward them for their years of contribution.

Instead they’re on unemployment, paying obscene amounts for COBRA, hitting their 401Ks and having to pay endless penalties. But then, to add insult to injury their COBRA runs out and they’re uninsured when they need coverage the most.

Poof, in just a matter of months their dreams of retirement are destroyed.

This kind of stuff is exactly why there are so very many angry disenfranchised people in this country. 

Honestly, it’s a wonder that there aren’t more people losing it. 

This is how people end up eating cat food. Or homeless pushing shopping carts down the sidewalks. 

It’s not just the medical establishment… it’s the entire system that’s broken in an unbelievable number of ways. Throwing trillions of dollars at it isn’t going to make it any better.

The solution is to fix the problem.

Then the rain turned to snow…


Last night as the sun was setting my driveway and decks were free of snow and ice.

I’d been running around in a t-shirt and sweats. 

I let the dogs out for the 90th time yesterday, and when I brought them back in they tracked snow all over the living room.


It was a spectacular blue sky sunny day yesterday. The operative word is “Was“.

I flipped on the lights at the rear of the house and it was snowing heavily. The deck was already covered over with an inch of snow.

By 9 last night, there was at least 2.5 inches piled on the driveway and street. 

I pulled on a pair of jeans, hat, boots and a jacket to go clear the drive. It was still snowing…

Gotta admit that my Northface component jacket was a very good purchase. Expensive as hell, but it’s still going strong after 5 years.

(For those that don’t know. Component jackets are outer shells, usually waterproof, that have zip in linings. I’ve got a zip in vest, a fleece, and a down insert. All of these can be worn by themselves but the addition of the waterproof shell greatly improves their insulation ability. )

Shoveling in a storm is not my idea of fun… on the other hand I couldn’t tell how long the storm was going to last and it really is easier to clear 2 – 3 inches of snow at a time than to wait until there’s a foot or more.

Trust me on this… I’ve done it both ways.

On the up side I was warm and dry so while it’s not fun, it could have been worse.


After a while I noticed the storm was breaking. Within a few more minutes the clouds parted and moonlight lit up the mountains. 

I see really well at night anyway, but throw moonlight on snow and it’s like I’m working in daylight. 

I was thankful for the additional light to work by. 

Moonlight on fresh snow also happens to be one of my favorite things. 

It was quiet, peaceful and beautiful.

The snow on the ground was sparkling as slight breezes blew wisps of flakes along.

A coyote padded by at the end of the street, it’s eyes glowing gold-green as it looked at me. It passed unhurriedly by, no doubt heading for the open fields and the rabbits that are usually there.

Then I was alone again, silence and beauty around me.

If I have to shovel snow… Nights like this aren’t bad at all.