The Current Plan

NewImagePhase one of the current plan begins on Monday. As with all plans it’s subject to change without notice…

Monday I start class to become a Bartender.

This isn’t a lightly chosen direction. I sure as heck won’t make the kind of money I was making. On the plus side I probably won’t have the kinds of headaches that I once had.

According to the technology industry and especially according  those little 25 year old fuckers just out of college my skills are 5 years out of date. Thank YOU aerospace!

After all, we no longer use Binary… oh yeah that’s right we still use binary.

Well we no longer use Hard drives… wait… yep we still use them.

Well there are no servers anymore it’s the cloud… oh wait…

Clearly we don’t use displays, or ethernet, or the conventional model for networking. We certainly don’t use IP addresses or HTML, XML, Windows, Microsoft office, or bug reporting software of whatever stripe.

Oh yes that’s right we DO still use all those things! 

Well automation software has radically changed… after all no-one uses QTP, Loadrunner, Quality Center, or any of the Mercury interactive tools anymore. True… They’re all HP tools now because HP purchased Mercury interactive.

Oh well nonetheless, My skills and abilities are out of date.  I’m hopelessly old and outdated. I’m clearly too old  to be able to catch up or refresh my skills.

Well you little fuckers… when the house of cards comes falling down around your heads… and it will… don’t call me or my friends to fix it for you.

You’re on your own… And one day… you’ll be right where I am and If I’m still around, I’m going to laugh my ass off.


Meanwhile MY plan calls for me to move into a career that lends itself to my pseudo-retirement.

Step one – immediate income

Step two – develop multiple streams of income. (This step involves writing, & photography. Perhaps it will involve becoming a life coach, and possibly a massage therapist. These options are still being fleshed out based on time required and costs.)

Step three – become a SCUBA instructor.

Step four – combine SCUBA, and one or more of the other streams of income into a nice retirement that involves me being on a warm sunny coast with a turquoise ocean and a regular flow of tourists. 


I’m thinking about an island life, with island time, and little if any of the rat race.

That’s the dream… well,  I suppose it’s the goal.

When I check out. I want to remember a beautiful sunset, the smell of the sea, and warm tropical breeze. Maybe a seagull cawing in the distance.

So while I’m still kinda pissed off about the way the technology industry has gone for me, I’m not nearly as pissed off as I was, with each step toward a future that I’m in control of I’m less angry. 

I’ve got a plan and If at some point I’m working for a resort and they choose to pay me for my knowledge of technology I’ll gladly whore myself out for a few thousand bucks.

Overall, I see my days being a lot more relaxed.

I see myself bar tending and people watching. Then I see myself using those observations to color and bring realism to my characters. I see my near future self leading a less stressful life where I’m not worried all the time about being laid off and what thats going to do to my retirement plan. 

I think I’ll be able to travel a little more easily, instead of hearing the bullshit line, “Well business needs have to take priority, I’m sorry but you can’t go on vacation this year.”

I’m looking at these changes as building a somewhat recession proof income.

After all even in crappy times People drink.

I’d considered the sex industry. I’m a little past my expiration date.

I may yet run a couple of solo videos up on Xtube just to test the market…

Unemployment has run out…

Today I filed for the last of my unemployment benefits.

I think I’m eligible for food stamps. Who knows, maybe I’ll give it a shot.

Still nothing much in the jobs arena.

I would like to thank President Obama for choosing to end U/E extended benefits just prior to Christmas… What a lovely gift!


Let’s make absolutely sure that you’re super stressed perhaps even desperate for the holidays when few companies are interviewing and even fewer still are actually hiring.

I do have a plan, that’s of course something that I can only initiate after navigating yet more government obstructions. Sixty days of waiting… Damn! The banking regulations are interfering at every turn in my life lately. 

Many of these regulations are about preventing money laundering but as usual are targeted at the little guy. It’s ashamed that our government doesn’t understand things like limits. You know… a situation where only after X amount of money is flowing through a bank account monthly, does the government stick their big fat noses in.

But if you’ve got a SUPERPAC you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars simply disappear. See the Colbert Report video and listen very carefully to the attorney talking about how to make the money go away.

Instead, they want to make everybody suck cock to open a simple checking account. Welcome to America…

Oh well, as my Mom used to tell me… “When you’re king you can make the rules, until then quit bitching and obey the rules.”

SO 60 days it is…

In the mean time I’m going to keep working on my alternative plans to deal with being out of the technology field.

Wish me luck.

The Holidays and Speaking of Climate Change…

I’ve begun the search for the Holiday Card photo.


The weather this year has not been co-operative and while we’ve had our first snow it wasn’t particularly memorable.

Today it’s 49F and breezy.

“Normally” (whatever Normal is) by this time of year it’s in the 30s and we’ve seen at least a good dusting of snow. 

I have a really bad feeling that this Winter is going to come all at once.

There are examples  of this in the recent past.

The first year I moved back into this house is an excellent example.

I snowed so much in two days that the accumulation shut down my furnace because the exhaust was covered, You’d think that was a major irritation and it was… until the power got knocked out for 30 hours… then the snow covered exhaust wasn’t so much of a concern.


In the picture, that’s my street sign and approximately 7 – 8 feet of snow piled up in the background behind it. 

During that storm we got 4 feet of snow.

It was the sticky wet heavy stuff and boy was it a pain in the butt to clear.

On the up side I got my cardio that year.

All of this leads to the problem of Holiday cards.

We’ve decided that we want to send unique Holiday cards that we produce In-House.

Last years card  was a pretty decent success even though the postal service was less than cooperative about delivering the cards & I ended up sending digital versions out in addition to the printed copies.

My Doctor was so blown away he actually kept his card in MY file for 6 months and made a point of telling me that he was impressed when he saw me for my annual exam.

This was high praise indeed from a guy that’s involved in the Laguna Pageant of the Masters.

Another Friend who’s an interior designer was also mightily impressed.

This year… well it’s been warm and sunny.

How the hell am I supposed to create a holiday card that evokes feelings of the season when it’s warm and sunny?

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I thought about using a photo from the Colorado trip… but somehow nothing works.

I can’t help but remember it was hotter than the surface of the sun!

Well, not really but it sure felt like it. I guess it was closer to the temps on Mercury.

We managed to keep the card religion neutral last year.

It’s a choice that I’d like to turn into a tradition. I like sending the same card to everyone on my holiday list. 

In years past we’ve had up to 4 different cards that we mailed. Christian, Jewish, Professional, and Personal.

It was maddening to try to keep every ones beliefs in mind and at the same time simply say “Hello, At this time of commercialism, frayed nerves, Political Correctness, and hyper sensitivity, we though of you and wanted to wish you and your family a safe… whatever the fuck you celebrate. We’re trying to reach out to you, but honestly are more afraid of offending you and ending up in court.

That conundrum led us to sending out no cards for many years.

Last years card was a photo that I took. It was simple, pretty and the message was exactly what we wanted to convey.

This year finding a photo is  proving to be a challenge. I’d honestly expected for us to have had some winter weather and I was planning to take pictures for this years card… Well, this year!

Damn Climate Change!!! 

I’ve thought about sending a picture of the Mayan Calendar and saying something like “Hey it’s been nice knowing you, don’t bother with the shopping we’ve only got until the 21st. ” (That is MY ORIGINAL IDEA, Any of you folks in other countries looking to make a fast buck by scanning my blog will owe me a percentage. I’ll see you in court!)

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Then I thought perhaps that was too much of a downer and some people might be driven to more suicidal tendencies than usual.

I’ve thought of just a snowy field with an interesting inspirational message, but I’m worried that the less imaginative in the crowd wouldn’t get it. After all there are a large number of people that really do need to have things drawn out and labeled for them.

Then there’s the Muslim people in our circle of acquaintances. What the Hell? What picture is even appropriate? Muhammed giving the Pope the finger is right out… Besides pictures of Muhammed have been done to death.

I mean you can’t actually enclose a personal note… What would you say?

Dear Achmed, I was pleased to hear about your nephews martyrdom, Perhaps your niece will have better luck next year, once she’s out of the hospital. I’m enclosing a Mexican made digital timer for her, Chinese quality isn’t what it should be. Not much is new here we’re just getting ready to engage in our infidel celebration of the birth of our god by chopping down perfectly good trees and engaging in an orgy of consumerism…

Yeah, really cheap shot but I typed it, laughed and figured I’d leave it. Sometimes my mind is a scary place.

I have a picture of a crescent moon. That would work for the Muslims, but photoshopping in Santa and his reindeer would probably be offensive.

Our Jewish friends might not appreciate the crescent moon or Santa.

So it all comes back to the weather…

I’m going to have to search through my archives of photos and see if I can find anything that would be pretty, non-religious, and inoffensive.

This is going to take a really long time, I’ve only got till the 21st!

Have a safe orgy of consumerism!