Over IT!

After spending the weekend in bed alternately coughing, hacking, choking and with nose bleeds producing enough blood to make several “B”-Movie  slasher films.


I’m finally on the down side of this cold thing.

I still have a slight ringing in my ears and suspect that there’s little obstruction in the right that could lead to a full blown ear infection.

Needless to say I haven’t been any fit company so if you tried to call or sent email I’m sorry you didn’t reach me, although you may be glad you didn’t. I’d turned the phone ringer off so that I could sleep.

On the plus side… I’ve been able to avoid decongestants for about 24 hours which means that my mind is clearing and my memory is working again. The reason that I avoid decongestants is that they really mess with my head and I don’t like that. I’d rather put up with using a box of kleenex an hour. 

Of course I’ll bitch and complain about it no matter what.

Hey, It’s my god-given right as a man to bitch and complain when I’m sick, and I expect special treatment too. Of course what I expect and what happens are two entirely different things.

Even the dogs rotate looking after me. When they change shifts they pause and you can almost hear one telling the other “GOOD LUCK… Maybe we should just kill him and eat him.”

The down side in all of this is that I’m way behind in a bunch of things I had planned. Not the least of which is memorization for the class I’m working my way through.

Then there’s the christmas cards and of course the decorations for the house. Essentially nothing got done this weekend.

I’m a scary scruffy sight too. I haven’t shaved in 4 days or done much in the way of grooming at all. I recall having a shower sometime yesterday but I may have missed a day prior to that.

So off to accomplish the things that I’ve let slide.

Memorization first then the other things.

There’s Snow in them mountains


Got about 1/2 inch of snow while I was away. 

It was snowing when I came home last night & it looks like it snowed off and on all night. I can’t see my tire tracks anymore…

I got in the door, was greeted by the dogs who told me how awful it was that I’d been gone and then demanded treats to atone for their suffering… Any excuse for treats is alright by them.

I started coughing and hacking yesterday morning. Indicating that this damn cold is moving into my chest and well, by time I got home I was feeling pretty poorly.


And why the FUCK does it always take 2 1/2 hours to get home from Orange County? What the hell?  There were no accident’s, or any other issues other than stupid people playing Indy 500 pace cars

If these morons would simply remember slower traffic to the right we’d all get to our destinations in a timely fashion. Yeah I was a little cranky. I left OC at 3:30 and didn’t get home until 6:00.

I was just in time for the Nightly News.

My goodness! 

All those poor folks in Connecticut…

At the risk of doing the same thing I’m about to accuse someone of…

The gun control advocates jumped right on the band wagon.

Pardon my bluntness but the shell casings aren’t even cold. You’d have thought that the gun control people would have at least waited a day or two before firing up their agenda and using this tragedy as a plank.


I have to point out, all it would have taken is one teacher, janitor, or administrator at the school who had a concealed carry permit, and the knowledge to properly use a weapon to have minimized this tragedy.

The perpetrator in this didn’t own the guns, his mother did. 

The only way gun control can ever work is if you literally take guns … ALL guns… away from every single person in this country. To do that you have to perform a house to house search, and then illegal search and seizure of NewImageproperty.

Even after this blatant violation of American rights, you’d still have a gun problem. Because our government won’t  be able to secure the borders and smuggling operations will start immediately.

Consider Chicago. They have some of the most stringent anti-gun laws in the country. You’re not allowed to have a gun in Chicago, to put it plainly.

Yet Chicago has one of the highest number of murder by gunshot rates in the country.  Clearly zero gun policies and insanely stringent laws don’t have the deterrent effect they’ve been touted as having.

Before we go nuts about implementing gun control in the wake of this tragedy. Let us take a moment to look at all sides. Let’s make an informed and well reasoned decision based in fact not the emotionally charged opinions of the moment.

Most of all, let’s let these families grieve and bury their children in peace, lets not use these people or their tragedy to increase ratings or push political agendas.

Stupid Stuff you hear at Starbucks


Two young obviously privileged Orange County girls AKA High Maintenance Orange County Women. 

Were sitting discussing the relative merits of reading.

One of them authoritatively said, “reading books makes you stupid.”

Aside from the fact that the girl in question could have been used as a flotation device in case of a water landing. I thought nothing more of it other than, “It Figures”!

My blood ran cold though when in the course of the conversation it became obvious that she was the mother of at least one child.

My brain rebooted.

We really should implement some kind of licensing to allow people to breed.

Otherwise we’re looking at a full blown idiocracy situation.

If you haven’t seen that movie give it a watch it will scare the hell out of you.

People that think like these two women scare me to death.

These are the kinds of people that would think burning books is a good idea. Or that everything they read on the internet is true.

Updated to Clean up the text. As I was moving the picture around I apparently screwed the hell out of the  placement. Sorry about that folks.