Happy New Years Eve

It’s a beautiful cold as heck day today.

I’m lounging around in my robe and slippers and thinking about what I want to do today.

The stock market is up a bit, as the theater in Washington DC enters the final act.

Yep, I’m pretty sure that there will be a “last minute agreement” between our lawmakers late today. It will represent a compromise and miraculously we’ll avoid the fiscal cliff.


So no Thema & Louise for the country. At least not yet but someone is going to have to find a way to pay the national debt.

As I’ve said before, I think we should take control of the natural resources of certain countries where we’ve had to have a military presence and take an appropriate amount of those resources to pay for our military services.

Tack on a nice 20% profit and call it even.

But then I’m a capitalist pig… you know one of those people that thinks profit is not by it’s nature an evil thing.

Yes, yes I know… I’ll be sitting at the right hand of Satan… Right there with all the Republicans.

So what? At least we’ll have lights, martinis, hookers, and air conditioning! Sounds like more fun than sitting on a cloud playing a harp for all eternity.

Just saw this news flash… President Obama has approved pay raises for congress.  Yep! you read that correctly. While hundreds of thousands of Americans are unemployed, and millions of Americans are looking down the barrel of a tax hike the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the end of WWII congress gets pay raises.

I can only ask WTF?

Rank & file members of congress will see their salaries go to 174,900, while the more elite members of congress will see their salaries top 250K.

I’m shaking my head… Jesus! I had to suck cock, lick cunt and plant my lips firmly to the ass of my boss to get a lousy 80K a year, with 30 years experience! The companies I worked for begrudged me that. Plus I had to pay for my own medical insurance, commute like a mother and if someone didn’t like the job I was doing I was shown the door.

Yet here we have a congress that has the lowest approval rating I’ve ever seen. This group of people have had a hand in  stalling the government, our economy, refuse to do anything constructive about it and they get a raise????


I’d suck Harry Reids and John Boehners dick for 174K a year. Hell, I’d sleep with Nancy Pelosi for that kind of money, and you know what??? I’d feel good about doing an honest 10 minutes work.

You know the old adage, “If you’re going to prostitute yourself, be well paid.” 

These people wonder why they get no respect… for christ sake, they make more money than 75% of the general populace, they’re in a position to fuck us all every day of the year, and they do!

It’s time to fire every single one of these fuckers and put some people with common sense in office. And I’d say bullshit on these salaries. 100K tops for every member of congress and they have to pay for their own fucking health care. Maybe then we’d have a government that was about being responsible with the trust, responsibility,  and the money, “We The People” elect them to manage.

Positive thoughts, gotta think positive thoughts…. Breathe…

Is it too early to start drinking?

I hope everyone has a very safe and happy New Years Eve…

If you’re drinking please don’t drive. I can’t afford to loose any readers.

If you’re going to have sex, make sure it’s safe or with your spouse. To my friends planning on giving their dungeons a workout…. Why the hell didn’t you invite me?

Be safe everyone, I look forward to hearing from you in the new year.

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