Stupid Stuff you hear at Starbucks


Two young obviously privileged Orange County girls AKA High Maintenance Orange County Women. 

Were sitting discussing the relative merits of reading.

One of them authoritatively said, “reading books makes you stupid.”

Aside from the fact that the girl in question could have been used as a flotation device in case of a water landing. I thought nothing more of it other than, “It Figures”!

My blood ran cold though when in the course of the conversation it became obvious that she was the mother of at least one child.

My brain rebooted.

We really should implement some kind of licensing to allow people to breed.

Otherwise we’re looking at a full blown idiocracy situation.

If you haven’t seen that movie give it a watch it will scare the hell out of you.

People that think like these two women scare me to death.

These are the kinds of people that would think burning books is a good idea. Or that everything they read on the internet is true.

Updated to Clean up the text. As I was moving the picture around I apparently screwed the hell out of the  placement. Sorry about that folks.

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