Unemployment has run out…

Today I filed for the last of my unemployment benefits.

I think I’m eligible for food stamps. Who knows, maybe I’ll give it a shot.

Still nothing much in the jobs arena.

I would like to thank President Obama for choosing to end U/E extended benefits just prior to Christmas… What a lovely gift!


Let’s make absolutely sure that you’re super stressed perhaps even desperate for the holidays when few companies are interviewing and even fewer still are actually hiring.

I do have a plan, that’s of course something that I can only initiate after navigating yet more government obstructions. Sixty days of waiting… Damn! The banking regulations are interfering at every turn in my life lately. 

Many of these regulations are about preventing money laundering but as usual are targeted at the little guy. It’s ashamed that our government doesn’t understand things like limits. You know… a situation where only after X amount of money is flowing through a bank account monthly, does the government stick their big fat noses in.

But if you’ve got a SUPERPAC you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars simply disappear. See the Colbert Report video and listen very carefully to the attorney talking about how to make the money go away.

Instead, they want to make everybody suck cock to open a simple checking account. Welcome to America…

Oh well, as my Mom used to tell me… “When you’re king you can make the rules, until then quit bitching and obey the rules.”

SO 60 days it is…

In the mean time I’m going to keep working on my alternative plans to deal with being out of the technology field.

Wish me luck.