Happy New Years Eve

It’s a beautiful cold as heck day today.

I’m lounging around in my robe and slippers and thinking about what I want to do today.

The stock market is up a bit, as the theater in Washington DC enters the final act.

Yep, I’m pretty sure that there will be a “last minute agreement” between our lawmakers late today. It will represent a compromise and miraculously we’ll avoid the fiscal cliff.


So no Thema & Louise for the country. At least not yet but someone is going to have to find a way to pay the national debt.

As I’ve said before, I think we should take control of the natural resources of certain countries where we’ve had to have a military presence and take an appropriate amount of those resources to pay for our military services.

Tack on a nice 20% profit and call it even.

But then I’m a capitalist pig… you know one of those people that thinks profit is not by it’s nature an evil thing.

Yes, yes I know… I’ll be sitting at the right hand of Satan… Right there with all the Republicans.

So what? At least we’ll have lights, martinis, hookers, and air conditioning! Sounds like more fun than sitting on a cloud playing a harp for all eternity.

Just saw this news flash… President Obama has approved pay raises for congress.  Yep! you read that correctly. While hundreds of thousands of Americans are unemployed, and millions of Americans are looking down the barrel of a tax hike the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the end of WWII congress gets pay raises.

I can only ask WTF?

Rank & file members of congress will see their salaries go to 174,900, while the more elite members of congress will see their salaries top 250K.

I’m shaking my head… Jesus! I had to suck cock, lick cunt and plant my lips firmly to the ass of my boss to get a lousy 80K a year, with 30 years experience! The companies I worked for begrudged me that. Plus I had to pay for my own medical insurance, commute like a mother and if someone didn’t like the job I was doing I was shown the door.

Yet here we have a congress that has the lowest approval rating I’ve ever seen. This group of people have had a hand in  stalling the government, our economy, refuse to do anything constructive about it and they get a raise????


I’d suck Harry Reids and John Boehners dick for 174K a year. Hell, I’d sleep with Nancy Pelosi for that kind of money, and you know what??? I’d feel good about doing an honest 10 minutes work.

You know the old adage, “If you’re going to prostitute yourself, be well paid.” 

These people wonder why they get no respect… for christ sake, they make more money than 75% of the general populace, they’re in a position to fuck us all every day of the year, and they do!

It’s time to fire every single one of these fuckers and put some people with common sense in office. And I’d say bullshit on these salaries. 100K tops for every member of congress and they have to pay for their own fucking health care. Maybe then we’d have a government that was about being responsible with the trust, responsibility,  and the money, “We The People” elect them to manage.

Positive thoughts, gotta think positive thoughts…. Breathe…

Is it too early to start drinking?

I hope everyone has a very safe and happy New Years Eve…

If you’re drinking please don’t drive. I can’t afford to loose any readers.

If you’re going to have sex, make sure it’s safe or with your spouse. To my friends planning on giving their dungeons a workout…. Why the hell didn’t you invite me?

Be safe everyone, I look forward to hearing from you in the new year.

Been trying to come up with a blog entry

I’ve looked at the news – nothing I could say is positive.


I want to make the last few blog entries of the year positive.  I’d like to go into 2013 with a positive outlook.

The problem is that with all the uncertainty about our government it’s difficult.

Really, can I as a citizen now in the lower portion of income brackets say,  I’m going to have a higher tax burden? YEAH!!!

I can’t pay my bills now,  much less having my taxes go up by 2 or 3 thousand dollars per year. And that’s not even considering what the idiots in Sacramento are likely to do to butt fuck us.

Tough to think positively with that kind of uncertainty.

Look at the stock market and you’ll see I’m not alone.

I saw an article from France where their court system had struck down some kind of super tax as unconstitutional. Peppered throughout the article was a percentage of 75% being purported as the tax rate.

I’ve not confirmed the information in the article and I believe less & less what American Journalists say.

However, if in fact the French tried to impose a 75% tax as the American news reported, I’m surprised there wasn’t a revolution.  Of course that kind of taxation would sure prevent anyone becoming wealthy so I guess burdensome taxation is in fact a great equalizer.


I should point out,  so is communism!

LIke I said, it’s tough to be positive.

I caught a youtube with Ted Nugent taking on Piers Morgan.

Now that was funny! I have attempted to watch Piers Morgan on more than one occasion.

In each instance I wasn’t able to watch more than a few minutes. I find Mr. Morgan not only on the opposite side of any subject from me but he’s with the rabid frothing at the mouth opposition.


In short I think he’s a pompous ass and I have no desire to waste my time listening to him interrupting his guests and preventing them from making their points if they don’t agree with him completely.

I would support sending him back to England… But the English are our allies and it would be just wrong to send a weapon of mass delusion to our friends.

NewImageThe Nugent piece was great though… Ted, managed to talk over Piers anti-gun rhetoric and make his point. I got a laugh out of it when Nugent told Piers to suck his machine gun.

One of my family called to ask if it was common to go swimming in a frozen lake here. I had no idea what they were talking about. Then I found the news piece showing a bunch of people falling into a lake near here.

Then I found a video on a town web site showing the whole sorry event. I guess it was a slow news day and the national medial used this video as a nice filler / fluff piece.

The video is appearing and disappearing on youtube hourly. The bit of video the media is showing is not the whole story.

No matter how the media may try to paint it as a “Tragedy avoided”

The tragedy isn’t that someone fell through the ice. The tragedy is that these people didn’t see a problem walking on the ice in the first place.

The Lake in question isn’t completely frozen over so you’d think someone would have realized “Gee, this ice must be thin”.

Nope… instead one person falls in and then like lemmings we have a dozen people in the water. Unlike lemmings they didn’t die.

The whole video is actually 10 minutes long and you can hear people with common sense telling these other people to get off the ice.

It’s when the first person falls in, that you suddenly realize everyone on the ice is Spanish speaking and apparently realllllllllyyyyyyy stupid.

The only thing missing from the longer video is Three Stooges Music or a sound track from Benny Hill.


After I saw the long (10 min) video, I called my family member back and told them that had I witnessed this insanity I’d have walked away.

Mind you these idiots were sledding down a short hill and out onto a partially frozen lake.

I’d have called it Darwinian selection and figured that the survivors from the group of idiots remaining on the shore might have learned a valuable lesson.

It’s a lesson that most of us don’t need to learn by watching a family member drown / freeze to death but some people are apparently slower than the rest of us.

This is akin to early hominids learning it wasn’t a good idea to poke a saber tooth with a stick.

Too bad about Ogg, I told him leave the saber cat alone but he wouldn’t listen, from here on out everyone in tribe avoid big cats with pointy teeth.

In that vein, I’ve seen an idiot on Catalina Island walk up to and try to pet a wild buffalo even when the people around them were saying “No, Stop, that’s a Wild Animal”

I was standing apart from the crowd with my camera ready. I was hoping to immortalize what happens to a genetically & mentally deficient human when they interact with wildlife, and miss the obvious signs of agitation and aggression in an animal that outweighs them by a thousand pounds.


Unfortunately, a park ranger stopped the moron before the buffalo got really pissed off.

I can’t get over the thought that some people really do need to be allowed to kill themselves due to their own stupidity. It would serve two purposes, 1) They’d remove themselves from the breeding stock and hopefully their defective genes too. 2) They’d be wonderful object lessons for others.

Again, it’s really hard to stay positive.

I’m hoping that some libation, masturbation, sex, porn, a good meal, and pretty fireworks, not necessarily in that order will make me feel more positive.

But I’m not holding my breath.

Paraprosdokian Of the Week

A Friend sent me a list of these. I thought it would be fun to share them.

Paraprosdokians are phrases or sentences that lead us down the garden path to an unexpected ending.

Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others whenever they go.

Day after Christmas


This morning I woke up to a nice decorative coating of snow.

On the one hand it’s pretty and all… On the other hand, It means that I’ll be outside shoveling snow.

I’d have posted a picture of the mountain but visibility is pretty bad right now.

The sky is starting to clear so It will probably be a bright pretty day a little later on.

I hope that you’re having a great day after Christmas. 

If you’re shopping… Take a deep breath and be patient. It looks like it’s a bit crazy out in the malls. 

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas

Greetings 2012 C2

Merry Christmas!

Mother nature has not been too co-operative this year so I’m using a photo from a year or two ago.

What can I say? You use what you’ve got.

I hope that all of you are snug in your fuzzy bunny slippers enjoying a nice quiet morning.

Hopefully you’re sipping a nice mellow cup of coffee contemplating your next move.

Me, I’ve ground up a batch of Hawaiian Peaberry coffee and I’m relaxing and savoring it. 30 Minutes from now i’ll be buzzing around like a maniac. Peaberry is smooth and tasty and it loaded with caffeine so if any of you got some in your christmas stocking, use with caution.

I swear you’ll fell like you’re on a speed high.

Have a happy holiday everyone…