Why we should leave the Middle East

I have yet to figure out why the rest of the religions of the world are supposed to take insults from Islam but it’s off limits to insult anything Islamic.

Lets see, The Taliban fired mortars at ancient reclining Buddhas carved into a mountain.

By the logic of the Taliban… The Pyramids of Egypt and all Egyptian artifacts should be destroyed because these artifacts represent a pagan infidel polytheistic belief system. (An affront to the Prophet and Allah!) 


(Of course you and I BOTH know the Taliban wouldn’t do that anymore than the devoutly Islamic Egyptians will… It’s called tourist revenue and having international standing.)

Bibles are commonly confiscated from tourists, and burned or in the case of Saudi Arabia shredded.  

And yet anything, anytime that’s even remotely offensive to Muslims results in rioting in the streets, death and destruction. 

Hey Islam GROW THE FUCK UP! Not everyone is going to agree with you.

Your 15th century values aren’t shared by everyone else on the planet. Be content that the evildoers will have their balls roasting in hell and stop trying to pass judgement that only God, Allah, Jehovah or whatever deity you choose to name is qualified to pass.

I’m really confused by the latest Palestinian / Israeli conflict.

Let me get this straight.

The Palestinians lob rockets into Israel and that’s good and “The Will of Allah”

But when the Israelis fire back… The Israelis are the bad guys?



Ya know I’m just a dumb ass backwoods hick but where I come from… If I walk up to a man and punch him in the face I fully expect for him to punch my stupid ass back!

There are those who say the Palestinians are justifiably upset and that Israel doesn’t have the right to exist because the area of land currently called Israel isn’t in the correct place. 

One could also make the case that the area known as Palestine was actually defined and named by the British during their possession of the area when it was their colony.

The Palestinians want Gaza. OK…

The Israelis made massive improvements to Gaza. So they should be compensated for those improvements to the property. OH? Wait… The Palestinians don’t want to pay for the improved property? Uh, Humm

That’s like me buying a shitbox house in Compton improving the hell out of it and being forced to give it to a family in “greater need” of a house than myself  leaving me homeless.

That doesn’t fly and I can tell you…

I’d burn the place down rather than give it away. If i’m going to be homeless because I’m forced to give my hard work to someone who didn’t work for it… Better that WE’RE BOTH homeless.

Hamas is today and has always been  a terrorist organization. That the MORONS in Palestine elected Hamas as their government does not legitimize Hamas or change their past.

Yeah, Yeah, It could be said that our country started out as a bunch of terrorists…Give Hamas 260 years where they’re not taking hostages or firing rockets into Israel NewImageand then we’ll talk.

Then you have people in this country protesting in favor of the Palestinian actions against Israel WTF?

That’s not too different from people protesting in favor of the Taliban or Al Qaeda. 

I’ve always found it ironic that the people protesting in FAVOR of oppressive regimes  in this country are protesting using rights and privileges that are not afforded them under those oppressive regimes.

All of which is why I believe we should get the hell out of the Middle East entirely.

We’re out of our depth, we don’t understand these people and we never will.  

No matter what agreements we make… or belie we’ve made we’re negotiating with peoples that are by our definition insane.

We wouldn’t enter into any binding agreement with someone who was obviously out of their mind here at home.

Why on earth do we attempt it with obviously crazy groups of people and Governments?

FBI Agent was joking… Duh, who couldn’t see that?

Come on PEOPLE!


This photo is FUNNY on it’s face!

This is not about indecent exposure, illicit sexual proposals, or sexual innuendo.


It’s also healthy that an FBI agent is unpretentious and has a sense of humor.

That ANY one chooses to see anything other than a guy who’s having a laugh is really sad.

You can read the entire article here and it’s worth reading

He sent this photo to a bunch of his friends with the caption “Which One’s FredFrom an email account he shares with his wife…. woooo he’s really trying to put something over on her

It just so happened that among his friends was someone that was connected with the Petraeus / Broadwell / Kelly / Allen insanity.

This guy is apparently a “Do Right” kind of guy. He pissed off some of the FBI hierarchy. Those assholes saw an opportunity to screw him… AND THEY DID!

He’s been investigated over this picture (Really?? Someone actually had to have an investigation? What a waste of money, time, and manpower.)

He’s been reprimanded because he jumped ranks and reported the glacially slow FBI investigation of the Kelly/Broadwell threatening emails to Rep. Dave Reichert.

So yet again… we have a guy who is a decent hard working person being punished for having a sense of humor and for taking his job seriously and demanding that others do the same.

Gotta love people being punished because they aren’t mediocre!

Special Agent Humphries, you’re awesome & Thank you for your continued service and efforts to insure our safety. 

Great photo man… I laughed the moment I saw it!

Paraprosdokian Of the Week

A Friend sent me a list of these. I thought it would be fun to share them.

Paraprosdokians are phrases or sentences that lead us down the garden path to an unexpected ending.

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars but check when you say the paint is wet?

The Hangman by Maurice Ogden

I was looking for the old quote attributed to pastor Martin Niemöller about the Nazi purges of the various groups perceived as threats to the Reich.


First they came for the communists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

While looking for this quote, I came across a poem that speaks to the same subject.

I like both for their cautionary tones.

I’m worried that we are losing our way, in that we too easily choose a group to blame or demand compensation from.

I find myself asking more often these days, what defines a minority? Your first thought might be to say a person of color. That could be true.

But a minority is more than that. Wikipedia, provides this definition.

Which leads me to why I was looking for Niemöllers quote in the first place.

We as a country have apparently come to the conclusion that wealth is bad. We’ve arbitrarily decided that the “Wealthy” can pay more taxes.

The definition of  “Wealthy” is also variable and apparently chosen based on the needs of the state.

California has defined household incomes greater than $250,000 as wealthy and therefore subject to increased state taxation.

You realize that $250,000 could well be the income for a young Physician and his Stock broker spouse. Both of whom are trying to pay off $150,000 each in student loans.

The arbitrariness of the definition of Wealth begs the question for me.

If the State doesn’t solve it’s budget crisis… Will the politicians decide $100,000 in household income is Wealthy? Where does that line of reasoning end? $50,000?

We have politicians in Washington DC making similar statements about the “Wealthy” being able to pay a little bit more…

I’m concerned that this kind of thinking is a very slippery slope.

Don’t get me wrong… the Wealthy people that have sold our country out from under us, and off shored jobs, who’ve raped, pillaged, plundered, and employed slash and burn techniques on the American economy that MADE them wealthy.

Oh, they richly deserve punishment!

BUT Their punishment shouldn’t come at the sacrifice equal taxation and representation. Let the wealthy peoples tax breaks expire but levying higher taxes on a minority group is certainly as unfair as the tax breaks this group enjoyed.

Presented for your consideration by a centrist Republican who is interested in equality and even social justice.

So long as those things happen… Justly.

The Hangman by Maurice Ogden


Into our town the hangman came, smelling of gold and blood and flame. He paced our bricks with a different air, and built his frame on the courthouse square. The scaffold stood by the courthouse side, only as wide as the door was wide with a frame as tall, or a little more, than the capping sill of the courthouse door.

And we wondered whenever we had the time, Who the criminal? What the crime? The hangman judged with the yellow twist of knotted hemp in his busy fist.

And innocent though we were with dread, we passed those eyes of buckshot lead. Till one cried, “Hangman, who is he, for whom you raised the gallows-tree?”

Then a twinkle grew in his buckshot eye and he gave a riddle instead of reply. “He who serves me best,” said he “Shall earn the rope on the gallows-tree.”

And he stepped down and laid his hand on a man who came from another land. And we breathed again, for anothers grief at the hangmans hand, was our relief.

And the gallows frame on the courthouse lawn by tomorrow’s sun would be struck and gone. So we gave him way and no one spoke out of respect for his hangmans cloak.

The next day’s sun looked mildly down on roof and street in our quiet town; and stark and black in the morning air the gallows-tree on the courthouse square.

And the hangman stood at his usual stand with the yellow hemp in his busy hand. With his buckshot eye and his jaw like a pike, and his air so knowing and business-like.

And we cried, “Hangman, have you not done, yesterday with the alien one?” Then we fell silent and stood amazed. “Oh, not for him was the gallows raised.”

He laughed a laugh as he looked at us, “Do you think I’ve gone to all this fuss, To hang one man? That’s the thing I do. To stretch the rope when the rope is new.”

Above our silence a voice cried “Shame!” and into our midst the hangman came; to that mans place, “Do you hold,” said he, “With him that was meat for the gallows-tree?”

He laid his hand on that one’s arm and we shrank back in quick alarm. We gave him way, and no one spoke, out of fear of the hangmans cloak.

That night we saw with dread surprise the hangmans scaffold had grown in size. Fed by the blood beneath the chute, the gallows-tree had taken root.

Now as wide, or a little more than the steps that led to the courthouse door. As tall as the writing, or nearly as tall, half way up on the courthouse wall.

The third he took, we had all heard tell, was a usurer…, an infidel. And “What” said the hangman, “Have you to do with the gallows-bound…, and he a Jew?”

And we cried out, “Is this one he who has served you well and faithfully?” The hangman smiled, “It’s a clever scheme to try the strength of the gallows beam.”

The fourth man’s dark accusing song had scratched our comfort hard and long. “And what concern,” he gave us back, “Have you … for the doomed and black?”

The fifth, the sixth, and we cried again, “Hangman, hangman, is this the man?” “It’s a trick”, said he, “that we hangman know for easing the trap when the trap springs slow.”

And so we ceased and asked no more as the hangman tallied his bloody score. And sun by sun, and night by night the gallows grew to monstrous height.

The wings of the scaffold opened wide until they covered the square from side to side. And the monster cross beam looking down, cast its shadow across the town.

Then through the town the hangman came and called through the empy streets…my name. I looked at the gallows soaring tall and thought … there’s no one left at all

for hanging … and so he called to me to help take down the gallows-tree. And I went out with right good hope to the hangmans tree and the hangmans rope.

He smiled at me as I came down to the courthouse square…through the silent town. Supple and stretched in his busy hand, was the yellow twist of hempen strand.

He whistled his tune as he tried the trap and it sprang down with a ready snap. Then with a smile of awful command, He laid his hand upon my hand.

“You tricked me Hangman.” I shouted then, “That your scaffold was built for other men, and I’m no henchman of yours.” I cried. “You lied to me Hangman, foully lied.”

Then a twinkle grew in his buckshot eye, “Lied to you…tricked you?” He said “Not I… for I answered straight and told you true. The scaffold was raised for none but you.”

“For who has served more faithfully? With your coward’s hope.” said He, “And where are the others that might have stood side by your side, in the common good?”

“Dead!” I answered, and amiably “Murdered,” the Hangman corrected me. “First the alien … then the Jew. I did no more than you let me do.”

Beneath the beam that blocked the sky none before stood so alone as I. The Hangman then strapped me…with no voice there to cry “Stay!” … for me in the empty square.

Secession? That’s not the biggest problem.

I’m not concerned about secession petitions appearing on a White House NewImagesponsored site. 

(These petitions have no weight of law, and the secession process is far more involved than signing a petition. I suspect it would require a civil war, the complete collapse of our government. Followed by armed camps staring each other down across a DMZ. None of which is likely.)

Of far more concern are the comments posted after articles reporting on the petitions. 

I have rarely read anything more hatefully venomous than the comments directed at Southern States.

That educated liberal people would actually take the time to spew that kind of vitriol astounds me. I’d have expected it from the rabid fundamentalist fringe but not from liberals.NewImage

I guess it goes to show that given enough time you become what you hate.

I’m deeply saddened that we have, despite all our connectedness lost the ability to discuss controversial issues with our fellow citizens.