Happy Thanksgiving

I don’t’ know about you, my inbox was full of black Friday deals and many of the stores were advertising that they were going to be open at obscene hours today. 


One business even touted that they’d be opening at 10 PM and closing at 2 AM!


I sure as hell have no plans to saddle up at 10 PM to go shopping until 2 AM. First of all it seems to me in this economy that is just stupid!

Talk about painting a target on your chest… Dark, mostly deserted shopping centers late at night.

A growing segment of the population who may have fallen off the unemployment roles but who are nonetheless still unemployed and becoming increasingly desperate.

I don’t know about you… but that starts to add up to trouble in my mind.

Not that I’m advocating living in fear, by the same token I don’t advocate anyone making themselves a target.

So my advice to everyone is this… Eat too much, have that second piece of pie. Watch a game or two, have maybe one glass of wine too many. Listen to uncle Bill or aunt Ellens stories about 1950 for the 100th time.

Watch a movie or several movies…

A good friend & I used to watch all the Alien movies on Thanksgiving day. We’d then watch Forbidden Planet and make the characters do the twist using the LaserDisc player.

Yeah… maybe childish… but we laughed and enjoyed each others company. It was our traditional Thanksgiving celebration and we looked forward to it every year.

We’d sometimes get up on Black Friday and shop other times we’d just say screw the crowds. We’d stay home eat, talk, laugh, and eat some more.

We were thankful for our families, our friends, and the time we had together. 

Is it too much to ask that a few days a year we take a deep breath and just be quiet?

According to retailers, apparently it is…

Try to take a little time to say to your loved ones, that you love and appreciate them.


Then if you must, go out and shop.

You might enjoy just keeping your big fuzzy bunny slippers on and watching Pirates of the Caribbean, or Harry Potter with the kids.

Just a thought.

However you choose to celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you’re safe and you enjoy yourself.  

Hummm… Sex before I have to get ready to go to the dinner party…. Oh Honey….

Signing off

Happy Thanksgiving from Service Employees International Union-USWW


On the busiest travel day of the year. This bunch of assholes is screwing up traffic in and around LAX.

Many of the people joining in the protest don’t even work at LAX or for the companies involved.

So in addition to arriving at the airport 2 hours early for your obligatory strip-search, anal cavity search with optional prostate exam & subsequent broadcast of your irradiated genitalia over the internet. 

NOW you also have to contend with an additional 1.5 hours in traffic just to get to the airport.

One of the passengers interviewed described this protest and it’s timing as “simply mean spirited”. I agree wholeheartedly!

I’m sure not interested in the unions point of view. 

If this is what they think is reasonable and appropriate then they’re delusional and deserve whatever ill befalls them.

Unions, all unions… your time is past!

Sales People!

Recently I was looking at extending my education as a means to enhance my NewImageemployment odds.

I ran across a number of online colleges and almost all of them feel like sleazy internet salesmen.

Why should I have to give you my email address, name, phone number etc JUST to look at your course offerings?

One college in particular has been blanketing the local airwaves here as a Technological college designed for people just like me…

You know, folks that have been in the game for a very long time and who might be considering a change in their career. 

This college is one of the worst. in terms of their web site. You navigate to their site using a standard computer and browser, you really can’t get any useful information about the classes offered without requesting that they contact you to discuss your future college career. (Unless you make alterations to your browser)

Accessing the site via an iPad however gives you access to all the information about the classes offered, tuition, and you can even download the course catalog. 

Since this college is trying to position itself as an online presence aimed at serving business people who wish to polish their skills or change careers, I’d recommend that the web site be a little less cagey.

Business people in general have little patience for games when they’re trying to NewImagedecide how they want to spend their money.

That’s why I buy cars from fleet managers. I’m really a simple guy when it comes to buying… well ANYTHING.

Tell me how much… I’ll decide if it’s worth it and if I can afford it… If the answer is yes, I’ll write the check. If it’s not then we’re done and I’m not going to waste your time.

Now if your sales force is really wanting to jack me off or suck my dick I’m down for that but it’s not going to change my mind about buying your product. Hell, I’ll even provide the tissue if needed.

You should know, I prefer swallowers…