
My web hosting folks are experiencing a problem at their end. By the time this actually gets posted the problem may have been resolved…

It seems the server that my sites are physically located on is losing data. (Story of my life)

This means that while my blog is up, my email from, and the ability to control the site is down.

They’re working on getting things back to normal and have been working on it since last night.

You’d think I’d be annoyed about it, but I’m not really. I think that the failure choice is pretty cool. 

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If you have to choose, better that the web site stays up and the back-end services are down rather than someone going to your web site and getting told it doesn’t exist. 

Just got an email from them, they understand now what the problem is, they didn’t last night when I reported the issue. And they’re working to resolve it.

That’s the problem with complex plumbing… it takes remarkably little to stop up the works…

Hope everyone has a great day…

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