Busy day today

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Dropping the car off to have the front end repainted AGAIN!

Then off to EDD to stand in line so that I can actually speak with a human being instead of playing in their  telephone system and never getting anywhere.

I still can’t believe that after 5 hours of dialing, the best I could get was into their automated system only far enough for them to say they couldn’t talk to my right now and then they hung up.

It’s an effective system if you don’t want to deal with the public.

I’m planning to have the laptop with me so If there’s any time I’ll be trying to write. that is as long as the hives keep clearing and I’m not being driven mad by the itching.

Yesterday, there was a “Come to Jesus” meeting with the godbrat. He’s been doing shit like starting a load of clothing then saying that he’s going on an errand, Only to be gone all night leaving wet clothes sitting in the washer. It’s gotten under the other halfs skin because it’s just plan rude. 

I don’t like the saying “I’m going on an errand” which leaves the expectation that he’ll be back in an hour or two only to have him show up the next day. To me that’s on the raggedy edge of lying. It’s not fair, not acceptable, and honestly… if he was doing stuff like this at home I totally get why his step-mom was getting pissed off about it.

I honestly don’t think it’s malicious, the kid has all the attention span of a gnat. I can see how it would piss someone off because it’s essentially a cock block situation.

SO we’ll see if the “Come to Jesus” meeting has any effect.

Frankly I didn’t feel up to having the talk… I was itchy and irritated. That would have been a bad combination especially since I already have trouble knowing when to stop.

Hope everyones day is a good one.

Off to the races…

It Sucks getting old…

The Doc decided to add a medication to my regimen.

I took the first dose Friday morning and have discovered something that I never knew about before.


Within 10 hours I’d broken out all over and I’m so itchy I’m loosing my mind. 

I will never ever tease my dog about having to wear the “Cone Of Shame” again.

All I want to do is scrub myself with steel wool, or just peel my skin off completely

My wrists, hands, feet were swollen and my hands hurt in a way I never knew was possible.

Forget water boarding give me one of these little pills and I’ll tell you ANYTHING.

The large welts on my arms are starting to go away but the itching on my legs is driving me crazy. I am frankly amazed that only little pill could cause this kind of annoyance for going on 3 days.

The itching has messed up my concentration so bad that I haven’t been able to read, write, or much of anything since Friday. I spent yesterday dozing with the assistance of Benadryl every 6 hours.

Problem is, there’s a lot of stuff I needed to get done this weekend.

So guys, before your Doc gives you some drug… as him if he’s ever taken it and what it did to him.


I know it sounds like I’m picking on the EDD but for fucks sake…

I Just got a bunch more paperwork from EDD. all of the paperwork has the same phone numbers on it.

The real crack-up is that one of the documents is a confirmation of PIN number request.

This one says “If you did not request a PIN Immediately call 1-800-300-5616 (English)”

This is the number that I’ve been dialing for the past 6 hours trying to get hold of a human being to find out what the hell is happening with my EDD claim and depending on those answers to potentially report fraud.

Of EVEN more amusement is that My Social Security number, phone number, and address are all over these EDD forms.

Which means that if one of these pieces of mail was to end up in someone else’s mailbox. It would be THE EDD that exposed me to complete identity theft.

I swear I can’t even believe the complete and utter incompetence I’m seeing. If someone was to call and use the automated system to change my mailing address they’d be able to take my unemployment payments and at the same time they’d be able to use my social security number at a hospital, or employer, or to buy a car or to open credit cards.

All of this thanks to the State of California.

Why the FUCK do we bother shredding every piece of paper, fighting to protect our privacy when BIG FUCKING BROTHER has no problem violating every rule in the book?

HIPPA regulations, which are enforced by the state PREVENT the exposure of this kind of personally identifiable information.

So why would the fucking Employment Development Department turn around and just publish this stuff on every single document they send out?

Another EDD #FAIL

Ok so I get this thing from EDD in the mail yesterday.

It said “Additional Instructions”

Please follow the instructions below. Failure to do so may result in denial of your benefits. Please include your name and Social Security number on any additional forms you mail to the EDD.

1) You are potentially eligible to file a new claim effective 07/01/12. We need your correct last employer informant and tast date worked before the claim can be filed and any payments can be issued. You may apply on-line at WWW.EDD.CA.GOV or cal the 1-800 telephone numbers above for assistance to complete the filing of your claim.

The problem is that I to the best of my knowledge ALREADY have an open claim which begs the question why does this look like a new claim is being filed?

I think whoa! what’s going on here?

I’ve just spent the last 4 hours continuously calling the EDD numbers that they reference. Mind you this is 4 hours I have not spent looking for a new job.

I can get to the EDD, I can get all the way to the point where they’re “Transferring my call” Then I get a message saying that due to the number of callers they cannot take my call at this time. CLICK! Then I get to dial all over again.

I’ve got a slight problem with these so-called instructions. Namely… THESE ARE NOT INSTRUCTIONS! There is NO and I repeat NO directive.

A directive would say something like;

1) Go to the EDD web site

2) navigate to xyz page

3) input the information we need.


1) navigate to the EDD web site and submit a new claim.

The problem is that I already have a claim that was as of last week being paid, so why suddenly do we have this form with nebulous “Instructions” on it?

This is why I really want to take to a human being. It looks like this confusion has already resulted in my unemployment transfer being stopped. 

Taking a break… then back to dialing! I have no fucking idea what I’m supposed to do.

Gotta love how well Kalifornia takes care of it’s citizens… 

Seems like the more you try to do the right thing… the more you get screwed

No More PayPal and No More Ebay

Tried to Kill the PayPal account online… still had to contact them via phone. That account was locked out because the review process was still posted.

Got a nice lady on the phone that closed the account but even then she had to put me on hold a couple of times because the systems was fighting her about it.

While I was on the phone with PayPal, I was online with E-Bay killing that account.

You know, it occurred to me a while ago that I had a lot of internet accounts. In the case of PayPal and Ebay I used them so infrequently that I invariably had to look up the passwords and logins.

I don’t think they’ll be missed. If I find myself needing their rather questionable services again I’ll simply create new accounts.

Of course it is Friday the 13th… I’m having technology problems like you wouldn’t believe.

There is a cool breeze and a light rain which I’m enjoying.