I’m Hooked!

I’m totally hooked on my new Domain host provider.

These folks rock!

There’s a steep learning curve to any new venture and so far I’m impressed with the way things are going. While I haven’t been living on their phones I can say that they’re there 24/7 and It’s really nice to know that.

For example, I’ve been bringing things online just by poking around in their menus. My new blog is an example of “Oh Yeah… I want that blog here…” Then installing the appropriate stuff.

I was thinking “OH Shit!… I really don’t want to have to transfer each item one by one” Then I noticed  simple little application that said it could grab my entire Blogger blog and move it.

I was dubious… But figured hat the hell? I have direct control over the files and If necessary I can blow em all away and recreate the new blog site.

Guess what? The little application worked just as advertised. These folks also handle moving your Apple web pages seamlessly and can take the data right from your existing iweb application.

So here’s my recommendation Click on the animated link below, It’ll take you to their site and they’ll get you started right away.

As I progress I’ll occasionally post updates about my experiences.

Thus far… I’m seriously impressed. If a moron like me can make heads or tails out of the way they set things up… ANYBODY CAN!

Bad Dreams

Usually, I sleep the sleep of the dead.

If I have dreams, they’re most often of a highly erotic nature or if I’ve been playing a little too much Xbox then my dreams are… shall we say all about the violence.

Sometimes the sex and violence combine into a disturbingly satisfying, purely visceral fantasy that satisfies my inner primitives blood lust.

These dreams can’t be considered by any stretch of the imagination to be bad. They’re my own private world and while some of the scenes and imagery may appear in the pages of a story or book that I may be writing… They’re not likely to ever become reality.

The dream last night… In fact the one that woke me at 5AM was of a completely different kind.

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In this nightmare I was being forced out of my home so that a Locust kind of person could move in. I was still going to have to pay the mortgage and I wasn’t being allowed to take any of my really good stuff.

This person and their family were standing at the door to the house with a cop and pointing at objects like my computer, watch, furniture, etc and keeping all the best stuff. But they and the cop were making me take other stuff. Many of the things I was being allowed to take weren’t even things that were in my house (Nor would they be).

All the items I could take were broken in some way.

The cop was pointing his gun at me the whole time.

In the dream I considered taking the gun from him and making he & these other people leave my home. But when I looked outside, there were police cars and police 100 deep on my lawn. There was no way to win, and I couldn’t see going out in a blaze of glory over stuff.

Toward the end of the dream the Locust was screaming at me in broken English that I couldn’t leave the broken stuff in the trash cans. I had to take it all with me or be arrested. Problem was that these people wouldn’t let me have my car, motorcycle or my truck. They grudgingly let me have my bicycle only after one really fat member of the Locust family sat on it, bending the frame and the front rim.

When I made it clear it was impossible for me to carry everything in one trip. All the police put their coffee down and aimed their guns at me.

That’s when I woke up…

That’s why I’ve been up since 5, and why you’re reading this insanity.

My Brother will no doubt have a field day with this one. He’d say something like this is a reflection of my thoughts on California (Kalifornia, the way he spells it). He may be correct. I think this may be a reflection of my thoughts on where this country as a whole is headed.

This nightmare may have been triggered by an article my Brother sent me.

In the article, a 13 year old boy and a 43 year old adult were arrested. Believe me, In Southern California this is nothing new. What was interesting is what they were arrested for…

The 13 year old was supposedly sitting on a roof with a rifle. As it turns out the “Rifle” was a BB gun. Other “Weapons” recovered were a replica 9mm pistol and an inert M136 AT4 “LAW” anti-tank weapon.

So lets step through this again.

A 13 year old with a BB gun

Living in a house where theres a REPLICA 9MM pistol

And an INERT anti-tank weapon.




1.reproductionmodelcopyimitationfacsimilecarbon copy (informal)It was a replica, for display only.



Nope… The definitions of these words hasn’t changed…. I figured I’d check god knows I miss memos all the time…

So what laws were broken? What justified the arrest of the 43 year old adult and sending the 13 year old to juvenile hall?

Hell, when I was growing up I had an INERT artillery shell from the ship my Father served on, I used it as a door stop…

I suppose that NOW I’d be arrested for having something that had no powder in it, no primer, and which I had NO capacity to fire since the gun that fired this shell was mounted on the deck of a ship.

The article says “suspicion of possession of a stolen weapon and possession of illegal weapons.” The BB gun isn’t illegal, nor is a replica 9mm.

Which leaves the inert anti-tank weapon and begs the following question;

If you have no ammunition, and no capacity to obtain ammunition for a weapon, is it still a weapon?



Drama Drama Drama!

I’ll tell you… This week has been exhausting in the drama category.

Drama Queen

And if you’re like me, Counting Saturday as the first day of a new week… That’s saying something!

Right now various things going on in my world make reality television preferable to real life.

If you combined Torch Song Trilogy, The Bird Cage,  and  General Hospital,  You might just come close!

Thankfully there’s only one small part that is actually MY Drama. The rest all belongs to other people, but I still hear about it and am apparently expected to make reassuring sounds.

This is one of those times when I feel like Dr. Sheldon Cooper on the Big Bang Theory.  About all I can muster is an awkward simulation of caring and the occasional and wholly inadequate “There, There”

However I have the house to myself, I was sitting in a Five Guys having a burger and realized that the minimal crowd was making me antsy. That’s usually a good sign that I’ve had enough PEOPLE and need to find a quiet place to put my feet up and put the rest of the world on ignore.

I’ve spent way more money this week than I should have.  It may ultimately  be for a good cause and result in income. But spending the cash was stressful. Additional stress is that I now have to do something constructive with the domains and webs sites I’ve purchased. To some extent I’m exhilarated by the challenge and at the same time I’m wondering if I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.

Time will tell… If I’ve fucked up OH well!

And to that little fucker in Bogota who snaked a domain name I was researching THE VERY DAY I checked to see if the domain name was available… 


I will not buy the domain from you.

I suspect you own a website listed in google searches. I further suspect that you use the queries about available domain names people enter to snake the web sites from them before they can register them. Then I’m guessing your scam is to offer to sell the domains at a significant profit. You may call that business… I call it being a fucker!

I refuse to play. Enjoy your ownership of that website for the year. I’m sure you’ll do all kinds of interesting things with it.


Dumbshit online Job placement agencies…

Searching for a job as I’ve chronicled isn’t easy. 


I’m finding that it’s being made all the more difficult because of shitty headhunters.

This too I’ve written about in the past.

A new twist, One that has me completely baffled is this…

I’ve received email from a company called CyberCoders. (I refer to them as CyberSpammers… lest I digress), recently they’ve started sending me emails full of links from OTHER headhunter sites.


So how does THAT work? If I apply to the position on the OTHER site does CyberSpammers try to horn in on the referral fee? Do both agencies fight over the fees and do I once again get left out in the cold?

Who the hell can tell?

 This simply reconfirms my opinion of head hunters and agencies. I’m going to do my level best to avoid them. 

I’m going to go back to the old fashioned method of job searching.

I’ll be buying a Newspaper, and using the referrals of friends thank you very much. 

I’m really looking for something that doesn’t require me to drive 70+ miles to and from work, if I’m doing that I might as well move.


A New Neighbor

Yes, I am getting new neighbors… They’re moving in a little at a time and seem to be very nice people. they’re a small family unit with a 3 year old boy. 

The little boy is surprisingly verbal and very well behaved.

I’m thinking that these people will be very much better than the previous folks.

Yesterday I spent most of the day puttering around in the yard. 

I had a long list of minor nuisance items to do.

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I planted two new blackberry bushes, tried a seed experiment with some grass in the front yard, weed whacked, and repaired the sprinkler system. 

The Sprinkler system was the long pole item. It was one of those situations where every time I got one problem corrected another problem popped up in the next valve down the line. After disassembling and reassembling 4 out of the 5 valves I managed to concentrate all the evil in one valve which thankfully is on a disused zone. 

At some point I will bring that zone online so I’ll have to replace the valve… but for now well I’m watering what needs watering and I’ve got some time to shop around for the best price.

While I was working on the valve assembly enjoying the “fun” of Spring chores. I suddenly had the hair on the back of my neck stand up. At first I couldn’t figure out what caused that rather primitive reaction and was ready to chalk it up to a chilly breeze then I heard the sound clearly.

What had set off the alert in the more primitive portion of my brain was the distinct sound of snake scales in dry brush. For those of you who may have heard this sound you know what I”m talking about. For those of you who’ve never heard it… the best way I can describe the sound is this;

Close your eyes and imagine the sound of dry leaves rustling on an Autumn day. Now imagine that sound as having just the faintest of rhythmic sound to it and now imagine that sound having a very definite directional quality to it. It’s either coming toward you or moving away from you.

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That should get you in the ball park, if the hair on the back of your neck stood up you’ve managed to activate your defense mechanism regarding snakes.

I’m pretty mellow about snakes. They’re a fact of life around here and as the Bushmen of the Kalahari say “You just have to watch out for the sharp end”

However in this case the snake was not clearly visible and I was thinking about the 3 year old boy that I’d heard playing next door. 

Having been raised in the South Eastern United States I grew up with four poisonous snakes in my environment: Rattlesnakes, Copperheads, Water Moccasins, and Coral Snakes.  

I have seen all varieties in my travels and only felt it absolutely necessary to kill one snake ever. That was a rattlesnake,  he & I couldn’t come to an arrangement about going our separate ways. I was sorry about it but I was the Apex Predator in town and he wasn’t respecting that fact.

Not being able to clearly see this snake I called over to the new neighbors and asked where the little boy was. Someone called back that he was inside and I called back not to panic but a snake was heading their way. 

At this point I was sincerely hoping that we didn’t have screaming panic. 

I was pleasantly surprised when the little boys mom called back in a calm voice “Where? Can you tell what kind?” I called back that I couldn’t clearly see it and where it was coming through the lilacs.

When I joined her on her side of the lilacs we both watched the snake make his appearance. She said, “Oh that looks a bit like a rattlesnake doesn’t it?” Again she’s calm and cool and I’m thinking,  “Great she’s my kind of people.”

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Then we see the snakes tail and there’s no rattle. We watch the snake as he goes about his business and I explain that I’ve seen a couple of kinds of snakes around our local area and that the previous owner of the house & I had a live and let live attitude, besides they help with the rodent population. The new neighbor smiled and said she was good with that approach.

Then she asked about the varieties I’d seen. I told her we have a California King and now our new friend. We also have two types of rattlesnakes here, one is the Pacific Rattlesnake and the other is the Mojave Green Rattlesnake. Both are pretty reclusive and given the opportunity to retreat… They will! Other than those two guys, I don’t think we have anything else dangerous. The Neighbor smiled and told me that things at this end of town are a lot more interesting than where they’d been living. She was looking forward to it.

Yeah, definitely my kind of people!

I managed to snap a few bad pictures of our new reptilian neighbor. I hope that he finds the hunting good in the neighborhood.

I think I managed to ID him. He’s a Pacific Gopher Snake.  I consider him a welcome addition to the neighborhood.

Lately, we’ve not had as many Coyotes or birds of prey around,  as a result we’re noticing a lot more rodents. Perhaps between our new Gopher Snake and the old California King Snake, we wont have to worry about poisoning to thin the rodent population we’ll just have fat snakes.

Spring rolls along the temps are mild and I frequently forget to put sunscreen on. Today is an inside day, I got a bit of a sunburn yesterday and I’m sporting a solid Red Neck. So much for my being incognito!