I was going Write something about Super Tuesday earlier

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Romney wins 60% of the states in the Super Tuesday election. Is there any doubt that he’s going to be nominated?

Unless something really bad happens between now and the nomination, Romney is going to be running against President Obama in the 2012 election.

By really bad… I mean Romney gets caught doing something just awful. Like he’d have to be caught in the act having kinky sex with an underage dude while his wife is tied naked to a chair with a dildo glued to her forehead. With Romney yelling “Make me your bitch honey”.

Even then… there would have to be video!

Since that scene is about as unlikely to happen as Mr. Romney walking across Lake Michigan, the primaries are fait accomplis. So why the hell are Santorum and Gingrich continuing to fight on?

They’re each interchangeable anyway.

Fundamentalist —- CHECK!

No Clear Foreign Policy —- CHECK!

No Clear Economic Plan —- CHECK!

Seemingly anti choice —- CHECK!

Out of Touch with the American People —- CHECK!

Like Obama, they’ve never made a choice between filling their gas tank and eating lunch for a week —- CHECK!

Santorum and Gingrich should step aside, spare the American people the static of the primaries and let us focus with laser like precision on just HOW the Republican candidate differs from the Democratic candidate.

Will that happen? HELL NO!


Because the longer the static, noise, and churn continue the less likely the American people will start asking the important questions.

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