And we wonder why we’re in the fix we’re in.

I admit, I’ve been interested in the Presidential campaign.

One of the saddest things that I’ve seen recently (Aside from the candidates) is the comment section below “News” articles.

These reader/viewer comments are often startling in their venom, illiteracy, and obvious incomprehension of the topic at hand.

I’m no English professor. I regularly screw up punctuation. Sometimes I even allow a misspelled word to end up in public view.

But when I read something like this:

“Mit romney half of you he can take you there because of his back ground as a business man… Ron paul on the other hand his convencing is believable”

I am startled.

When I see additional comments in the same article like those below I’m afraid.

we have all seen the prank with the walking whined up dentures you set them down and then they flip flop .. click clack and chatter all over the place both sounding and looking totality ridicious … well meet Willard … GOP Please … guys enough ….


yes Mitt You an outsider alright how many Americans can give their children one hundren million dollars. The only things that out with Mitt is He not wanting to pay his equal share of taxes. and not supporting His country by putting His money in off shore by dodgeing taxs Liar

These are comments supposedly from “average” citizens. Two of the three are from states where the average educational level of the population exceeds Baccalaureate. These are three of 7 comments from the same article about Mitt Romneys address to the CPAC.

The first one is striking because, aside from it’s incomprehensible message, the writer also misspelled Mitt. For goodness sakes, the mans name appears in print multiple times in the article and it’s in the freaking headline!

These people are voting… One wonders if they are voting based on what they READ and understand, or what the talking heads on the news channels are saying.

If these people are representative of American Voters… It’s no wonder we’ve got the mess in Washington that we do.

Truly, the internet is the great equalizer. It gives voice to all village idiots at once…


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