This is an Ooops… Not an international incident

I saw this on Joe my gods, blog. The outraged leftist comments on Joes blog prompted me to write this..

Marines have been videoed apparently urinating on dead Taliban 

I’ve got a couple of things to say about this.

Yeah, it was wrong.

Devil Dogs, I totally love you. Please, y’all need to remember that every moron has a camera up their ass these days. Be more careful in the future. What ain’t seen on TV… didn’t happen…

This doesn’t diminish that it’s kinda bad to disrespect the dead, if for no other reason than as Americans we’re supposed to have higher standards of behavior. Remember guys, Lead By Example.

On the other hand… I totally get it.

2 minutes before…. those Taliban fucks were spraying and praying. They were aiming AK-47s and whatever else they could at you and tying to kill you.

You guys put the fuckers down and did your job. You took it a little personal that those Taliban guys wanted your heads on their walls and you responded personally by pissing on ’em.

Here’s where I’m going to get into trouble with my liberal politically correct friends.


I’m so sick and tired of the liberal assholes in our country acting like our military is some kind of evil super criminal.

Lest we forget… 

(I’m not even going to mention the terrorist acts committed worldwide by
Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives. I’m not going to mention that the Taliban and Al Qaeda would happily rape a girl or young woman then Stone her to death for having been raped. Or that torture and slavery are completely fine with the Taliban and Al Qaeda… As long as they’re not on the receiving end… Nope won’t mention it at all.)

I will remind you all that these Taliban and Al Qaeda fucks have desecrated our dead repeatedly and in far more gruesome ways than pissing on the bodies. 

Our soldiers bodies have been dragged naked through the streets of (Insert name of Middle Eastern Shithole here.) decapitated and the separate body parts rigged to explode.  If the Taliban and Al Qaeda kill off American recovery teams by blowing up the bodies of fallen Americans it’s the joyous will of Allah. 

Good men and women have been defiled in any number of ways before and after, being killed by devout “peace loving” Taliban and Al Qaeda “Soldiers of God” 

Don’t forget the young man who Had His Head Sawed off… not chopped, SAWED off LIVE for the benefit of Al Jezeera video. “Slow Decapitation of a live American sent to help rebuild Iraq… Be sure to tune in at 6 and make sure the children are watching. Allah be praised.” (I know I won’t forget. After that, I had and will never have mercy for anyone in the Middle East.)  

How about a good solid reporter also beheaded because he wanted to make sure that the American Public had a first hand account of what our troops were doing at our behest. 

What about our soldiers burned and hanging from bridges in Baghdad 

FUCK the Taliban and Al Qaeda! Fuck those motherfuckers, anyone who supports them, and the camels they rode in on.

Those sons of bitches, should be thanking Allah every day that we haven’t given them nuclear power… Pointy end first that is.

My question is this…

Why does it seem that American Media invariable spins stories against our military?

Justice! Say what???

I had the pleasure of sitting in a Jury Selection room yesterday.

I used to actually believe that the system worked. I used to think that performing jury duty was a beneficial act of public service. I used to think that Justice was served and that it made a difference.

In the past few years I’ve become increasingly convinced that there is no Justice.

I guess it’s been a slow evolution. Thinking back, it started with the OJ Simpson and Rodney King trials. My thought that Justice is not only blind, deaf, dumb, and prejudiced, was cinched by Lindsay fucking Lohan and the lady who pepper sprayed the crowd in WalMart.

In the case of OJ we saw that money can indeed buy your innocence.

In the case of Rodney King we discovered that media coverage and public opinion was far more effective than actual facts. We also learned that the supposed protection of the “Double Jeopardy” clause wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on.

In the case of Lindsay… well that bitch need to find her ass in prison, and I’m really questioning the competency of the judge presiding over Ms Lohans train wreck.

In the case of the pepper spray woman. We learned that not only can you be above the law… But you can be below it.

We learned that if you plead or feign ignorance of the consequences of your actions you needn’t worry about being punished. I was raised with the concept that “Ignorance of the law wasn’t an excuse” WRONG! WHITEBOY! As long as you’re from a perceived ethnic minority you don’t have to be responsible for your actions.

So There I was sitting in the Jury Room wondering why it was that 98% of the people in the room with me were white. Especially when one considers the demographics of the local area from which the Jury pool is formed.

As I sat there I recalled a conversation that two former co-workers had regarding a Jury Summons.
“Just trow that paper away girl! They ain’t gots enuf police to come and get you. They put that shit about it being illegal to ignore the paper just  scare the white folks into wasting their day. How the court ever gonna know you got that paper in the first place??”

Ahhh… That explains why I found myself sitting in the Jury room with a mostly white crowd.

My darkening reverie was interrupted by an announcement that all of us were now invited… AKA forced to watch a short video. The video was well produced and extolled the virtues of performing jury services. The video portrayed the process as educational, fun, and perhaps a way to increase your circle of friends. Uhhhh Right!

I thought it was well done and somewhat informative, but the music was a bit over the top in my opinion. I also didn’t believe a single frame of it. I’m a cynic… so what.

After the video finished, there was another announcement. “We have posted your new panel and juror numbers on lists near the front and back doors. Please find your name, and note your panel and number. If you cannot find your name, please let us know so that we can include you.”

At this point the “airplane” mentality took over, 150 people jumped up and headed toward the lists. A nice gentleman sitting next to me commented on my remaining absolutely still and not leaping up to stand in a line.

I replied, “I heard the announcement… I have no desire to re-create the airplane debarkation drama. I’ll sit right here until the crowd thins then I’ll mosey up and get the information.”

The man chuckled,  “What? You’re not going to participate in the American pastime of being impatient and pushy?”

“Nope, I’m not. I’m having far too much fun feeling like Jane Goodall among the chimpanzees. Human crowd behavior confirms that we are indeed primates!”

He laughed out loud at that, and I’d spoken loud enough that I drew a scowl from several of the women standing in the line.

We chatted some more about politics, the state of the state, and the current crop of candidates. It was interesting to note that we were about the same age and had pretty much parallel ideas. He pointed out that even if someone was convicted they’d be out in no time, because the jails and prisons are overcrowded so really what is the point? The point he said, is that this justice and political systems is like the Circus Maximus in Rome. It’s a way to keep the masses entertained and occupied so that while our asses are being sold out we don’t notice.

I admit this is something that I’ve contemplated myself on more than one occasion. I don’t believe in the system anymore, I’d really like to, but at every turn I’m presented with yet more evidence that the system is broken, not repairable, and we need to start over.

Our conversation was interrupted by another announcement.

“Good News everyone…. Panel X has been dismissed because the parties have decided to settle”

Being part of Panel X I pulled a vanishing act that Houdini would have been proud of…

My jury service requirement is fulfilled until next year… or until the most inconvenient of times, whichever comes first.

Republican Primaries

In the strangeness that is this election season, it’s worth noting that after all the posturing and all the machinations Mit Romney still wins.

It’s also interesting to note that the rabidly anti-gay, profoundly conservative Christian Fundamentalists are sucking hind tit.
Romney, is as conservative as all the others. He’s made his beliefs very clear.

The fact that he is a Mormon, and that the Mormon Church has funded almost all of the attacks on gay marriage legislation should make it damn clear that he’s not going to be supportive of any same sex marriage legislation. But of all the candidates at least Romney has been talking more about the real issues of the country.

The Financial issues of course being near and dear to the Mormon church. Why? Because the Mormon church has significant financial holdings in, or, owns several of the largest banking/credit enterprises in America. Of Course Romney has no interest in that little detail… Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Romney won NH because he was closer to addressing the real concerns of Americans.

This election year  the American People are far less concerned about so called “Hot Button” moral issues than they are about keeping or FINDING new jobs,Not losing their homes in foreclosures, and figuring out how to pay for the 2 wars we’ve been fighting for a Decade!

The saddest part, or perhaps the most disturbing part is that the GOP is so utterly checked out of “Normal” Americans lives.

Most of the Republican candidates know a whole lot about protecting the interests of the wealthy.

What’s amazing is that  they are so disconnected from their base, that they actually think they can win based on platform of Bible thumping, and Fag bashing.

I’m a cynic… I have a darker theory about what this system has become.

The debates have sounded more like tent revivals than discussions of solutions to the problems our country faces.

Several of the “So Called” candidates when asked any questions of substance have actually sounded like the Revival Tent Preacher who gets asked about the failure rate of his Miracles..

“Uh well, faith is powerful, and lack of faith is powerful… uhhh and Satan drives people to sin and sinners are punished. Uhh God is great.. uhhh… Next question….” as two big thugs hustle the questioning infidel out of the tent.

I think that Romney will be the Republican Nominee.

I’ve come to believe all the rest of the so called Republican candidates are there just to create the illusion of choice, while providing great reality TV.

After all, this whole process looks a lot more like “Survivor” than an actual process governed by the will of the people.

In November the election will pit Obama v. Romney… and Romney will win.

This will again be to convince the people that the Political system works and they have a choice….

Then in January 2013 Romney will take office and it will be business as usual.

And we’ll still be deep in the shit just as we are today…